chabal tetlh
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- 1(+1/-0)summariseVerbto give a precise, condensed, or brief presentation or recapitulation of a story or idea
- 4(+4/-0)opalGeneral Nounsilica gemstone mineral, "Riker and Troi had their honeymoon on the Opal Sea on Betazed."
- 9(+9/-0)be sentient, be self-aware, be consciousVerbexhibiting recursive self-awareness and a human-like ability to reason, think, perceive, and self-regulate. EXAMPLE: 'Do Klingons consider sentient androids as having honor?'
- 13(+13/-0)cystBody Partpouch or sac without opening, usually membranous and containing morbid matter, which develops in one of the natural cavities or in the substance of an organ
- 15(+15/-0)A popular Klingon street foodGeneral NounThis could be the name of both the dish and the creature it is prepared from. It is a speciality of the veng wa'DIch region and enjoyed by (Klingon) visitors to the capital city year-round, but it is consumed in other regions also during festival times. The sole ingredient is an aggressive vermiform organism resembling a combination of several Terran phyla, with a mature length between 0.5 and 1 'uj. The preparation is straightforward: the vendor removes one creature from a storage container, and impales it artfully several times on a sharpened stick. The creature is then eaten from the stick while still living, with the head (which can deliver a nasty bite) always saved for last.
- 14(+14/-0)kiteGeneral Nounlightweight toy or other device, carried on the wind and tethered and controlled from the ground by one or more lines. "The child's kite was emblazoned with the heraldry of his family's house."
- 17(+16/-1)proboscisBody Partelongated oral or nasal appendage from the head of an animal. In invertebrates, usually tubular mouthparts. In vertebrates, an elongated nose or snout. Klingon has words for "tentacle", "claw", "hoof", "beak", etc so it would be consistent with known terminology
- 18(+17/-1)cilantroGeneral NounA leafy or garnishy vegetable of the family Apiaceae (on Earth, used in Chinese, Thai, Mexican and foodie cuisines), or the Kronos equivalent
- 17(+16/-1)aardvark; anteaterAnimalA creature from Kronos that resembles both an aardvark (order Tubulidentata) and an anteater (order Xenarthra, family Myrmecophagidae) through convergent evolution
- 17(+17/-0)key [music]General Noungroup of pitches, or scale, that forms the basis of a musical composition
- 21(+21/-0)rehearseVerbpractise by recitation or repetition in private for experiment and improvement prior to a public presentation; used especially in the performing arts such as music or theatre. "The rehearsal process of a Klingon opera can take weeks or months."
- 22(+22/-0)session, shiftGeneral Nounperiod of time dedicated to a particular activity, such as instruction, gameplay, exercise, professional work, or group performance. "The High Council is now in session."
- 22(+21/-1)be startledVerbbe surprised and slightly frightened by a momentary encounter with some stimulus. The transitive "startle" could be expressed with {-moH}. "The sudden noise of the birds outside the window startled the prisoner."
- 20(+20/-0)inertia [physics]General Nounthe tendency of an object in motion to stay in motion, and of an object at rest to stay at rest
- 21(+20/-1)paradoxGeneral Nounlogically self-contradictory statement or situation that seems to be only true if it is false, and false if it is true. "We have assembled a scientific task force to address the paradoxes of time travel."
- 20(+19/-1)oilGeneral Nounnonpolar substance, organic in origin, composed primarily of hydrocarbons, which does not mix with water but mixes with other oils. Usually flammable. Used for food, fuel, medicine, lubrication, and manufacturing. "This recipe requires both {nutye' vIychorgh} and {nutye'} oil.
- 23(+8/-15)burn (noun, injury)General NounA physical injury caused by heat, cold, electricity, radiation or caustic chemicals. (Wiktionary)
- 23(+23/-0)wakeGeneral Nounturbulent impression of a path left behind a vessel or object as it moves through fluid such as water or air. "She could see the crisscrossing wakes of the barges on the river Skral."
- 23(+23/-0)cork, phellemGeneral Noundead protective tissue between the bark and the cambium in woody plants. "They lined the warrior's coffin with cork so it could float down the river." {qorghwI'mey} are often made of this (on Earth at least).
- 24(+24/-0)thread, threadingGeneral NounThe thread on this screw is damaged. The screw no longer functions.
- 24(+23/-1)synesthesiaGeneral Nounperceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway
- 24(+24/-0)imagery, image [textual]General Nounrecurring abstract motif in textual art, such as a song, story, or speech. Distinct from {HaSreH}, which refers to a replicable visual pattern. "Note how Kla'vek uses the imagery of fire in the paq'batlh."
- 24(+5/-19)Ainu language, AinuicGeneral NounA language, a small language family, spoken by the Ainu people of northern Japan and neighboring island. It is an endangered indigenous language.
- 25(+25/-0)crane (machine)General Nounmoves materials both vertically and horizontally, using a boom, hoist, wire ropes or chains, and sheaves for lifting and relocating heavy objects. often used in construction
- 24(+24/-0)umbilical cordBody Partlong connecting mass between the developing embryo or fetus and the placenta: 'Do Klingon newborns cry when their umbilical cords are cut?'
- 24(+24/-0)hemGeneral Nounborder of an article of clothing doubled back and stitched together to finish the edge and prevent it from fraying. "They stitched the hems of their tunics with red thread."
- 24(+24/-0)placentaBody Partorgan in most mammals -- supplies food and oxygen to the foetus and passes back waste during gestation -- attached to the wall of the uterus and linked to the foetus through the umbilical cord -- expelled after birth
- 24(+24/-0)market [economics]General Nouna composition of systems, institutions, procedures, social relations or infrastructures whereby parties engage in exchange. "The dilithium market is hampered by too many regulations."
- 25(+25/-0)exoskeletonBody Parthard outer structure that provides both structure and protection to creatures such as insects and crustaceans (and perhaps exotic alien life). May also refer to artificial structures with a similar function
- 27(+25/-2)scandiumGeneral NounThe 21st element of the periodic table. A silvery metal that is often categorized as a rare earth metal because it exhibits similar characteristics to the lanthanides, although it belongs to the transition metals. It is primarily used by humans in high-performance lightweight aluminum alloys, for example in the aerospace, automotive, weapons, and sporting goods industries.
- 29(+28/-1)argonGeneral NounThe 18th element of the periodic table. a noble gas that makes up about 1% of Earth's atmosphere. Since it is the most abundant noble gas on Earth, it is used by humans for a variety of industrial and scientific processes that require a chemically and thermally inert gas. It is used in both incandescent lights and some gas-discharge lamps. Dr. Phlox once used an argon lamp to help the creature Sluggo survive away from his native argon-rich atmosphere. The shuttlecraft Galileo was stranded twice on terrestrial bodies with trace amounts of argon in their atmospheres, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
- 28(+25/-3)molybdenumGeneral NounThe 42nd element of the periodic table. It must be significant if it shares its atomic number with the answer to life, the universe and everything.
- 31(+23/-8)poster/placardGeneral NounA flat sheet of material with a written or printed announcement on one side for display in a public place
- 33(+28/-5)mannerismGeneral NounAn often unconscious habitual behavior peculiar to an individual
- 30(+29/-1)seamGeneral NounA suture or stitching that joins any two pieces of material
- 29(+29/-0)contextGeneral NounSurroundings, environment, circumstances, background or settings that determine, specify, or clarify the meaning of an event or utterance
- 30(+26/-4)socializeVerbInteract with others
- 30(+29/-1)electrodeGeneral NounBetween parts of an electric circuit
- 32(+26/-6)lecternGeneral NounA stand with a slanted top used to support a text used by a lecturer
- 32(+27/-5)be paranoidVerbExhibit excessive fear, suspicion, or distrust
- 33(+27/-6)birthmarkGeneral NounA mark on the skin formed before birth
- 33(+29/-4)canalGeneral NounAn artificial waterway or artificially improved river used for travel, shipping, or irrigation
- 32(+32/-0)coalGeneral NounA flammable, carbon-rich mineral formed by the fossilization of plant matter under heat and pressure. Used as fuel by humans since ancient times, and on a massive scale since the Industrial Revolution. The largest source of human CO2 emissions.
- 39(+37/-2)chlorineGeneral NounThe 17th element of the periodic table. Chlorine is found in many important chemicals, such as table salt, bleach, and hydrochloric acid. It is often used by humans for sanitation and disinfection purposes. In its pure form, it is a highly toxic gas that has been used as a chemical weapon.
- 37(+35/-2)advertisementGeneral Nounsolicitation designed to sell some commodity or service, or else promote some political position, organization, or person
- 42(+41/-1)vision, visionary experienceGeneral Nounreligious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance, distinct from {'ergh} 'hallucinate', {jal} 'imagine', and {jorchan} 'view, scenery, landscape'
- 44(+41/-3)cosmetics/makeupGeneral Nounpreparations applied externally to change or enhance the beauty of skin, hair, nails, lips, and eyes, sometimes in the context of a dramatic performance (such as Klingon opera).
- 47(+43/-4)asymptote [mathematics]General NounA line (or sometimes a curve) that continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it at any infinite distance.
- 46(+44/-2)neonGeneral NounThe 10th element of the periodic table. A noble gas that is almost completely inert. Most famously used in neon signs, but also in the lasers used to etch microchips.
- 46(+42/-4)ember, hot coalGeneral NounA glowing piece of coal or wood or any other burning material that constitutes fuel for a fire.
- 47(+41/-6)bonfireGeneral NounA large controlled outdoor fire lit to celebrate something, as a signal, or to burn unwanted items.
- 43(+42/-1)motto, sloganGeneral NounA distinctive phrase of a person or a group of people such as an element in heraldry or for a movement, a political party, a business, or a university.
- 42(+42/-0)idiom, idiomatic expressionGeneral NounAn established phrasal expression whose meaning may not be deducible from the literal meanings of its component words.
- 44(+42/-2)dragonflyAnimala type of (terran) insect, they have a stick-like long body, large wings, knd large eyes. In Japan, dragonflies were especially appreciated by samurai warriors as a good-luck charm and as a symbol of the spirit of "never turn and retreat", since they only move forward and never retreat.
- 45(+43/-2)boronGeneral NounThe fifth element of the periodic table. In its pure form, boron is a very hard, brittle metalloid with a high melting point. Used in detergent (borax), Pyrex, Silly Putty, fiberglass, and neodymium magnets, to name a few. In the Star Trek universe, boron seems to exist as a gas at low temperatures.
- 44(+44/-0)inflation [economics]General NounA general increase of the prices of goods and services in an economy.
- 48(+44/-4)classicGeneral NounA work of timeless quality and excellence exemplary of a particular style, genre, or era. This is distinct from the concept of a masterpiece {vI'ba'om}; a masterpiece being the best work or accomplishment of a person.
- 44(+42/-2)berylliumGeneral NounThe fourth element of the periodic table. A strong, lightweight metal. Found in gemstones, including emeralds. Used by 21st century humans for aircraft and spacecraft parts, nuclear bombs, X-ray lenses, and various alloys. In Star Trek, Federation communicators include beryllium, and beryllium crystals are a valuable currency in some parts of the Delta Quadrant.
- 50(+43/-7)term with the morpheme {-HeS}GrammarThe morpheme {-HeS} is added to the word {qIb} "galaxy" to mean "galactic rim" {qIbHeS}. This request is for at least one additional word with {-HeS}, referring to the fringe or periphery of something.
- 50(+43/-7)term with the morpheme {-roH}GrammarThe morpheme {-roH} is added to the word {yIn} "life" to mean "life signs" {yInroH}. This request is for at least one additional word with {-roH}, referring to signs or evidence of something.
- 47(+43/-4)infantryLanguage UserSoldiers who fight on foot as opposed to cavalry and other mounted units regardless of external transportation.
- 44(+44/-0)react [chemically]VerbTo act upon each other to exercise a reciprocal effect as two or more chemical agents.
- 42(+41/-1)gymnastics/acrobaticsGeneral NounA sport or artistic performance consisting of sequences of movements requiring physical strength, flexibility, and kinesthetic awareness.
- 47(+47/-0)advantageGeneral NounAny condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to chance or success or to any desired end.
- 43(+43/-0)clauseGeneral NounA verb and its modifiers such as subjects, objects, and other arguments; may be independent or dependent on other clauses.
- 47(+47/-0)ladderGeneral NounA vertical or inclined row of rungs for climbing up and down, usually set between two long side pieces. Often portable. Usually distinguished from stairs by steepness and style of construction, though the concepts overlap.
- 40(+39/-1)carousel/turntableGeneral NounA revolving platform usually round or a device incorporating a revolving platform.
- 44(+44/-0)chord [music]General NounA harmonic set of multiple notes that is heard as if sounding simultaneously.
- 42(+42/-0)graftVerbTo implant so as to form an organic union.
- 46(+43/-3)stem cellGeneral NounA primal undifferentiated cell from which a variety of other cells can be generated through a process of cellular differentiation.
- 50(+45/-5)be sacrosanctVerbto possess near-immeasurable intrinsic value; to be deemed unchangeable and beyond criticism; to be inviolate. This concept frequently but not always carries a religious or philosophical undertone. For example: the relationship between teacher and student is sacrosanct.
- 49(+47/-2)lithiumGeneral NounThe third element on the periodic table, a soft reactive metal in its pure form. Used by 21st century humans for rechargeable batteries and psychiatric medicine, among other uses. Since the Klingon for dilithium is «cha'puj», lithium may be «puj», but this has not been confirmed.
- 24(+2/-22)electromagnetism, electromagnetic forceGeneral NounOne of the four fundamental forces; responsible for electricity, magnets, and electromagnetic radiation AKA light. "photons are a manifestation of the electromagnetic force."
- 47(+47/-0)compensate, make up for (v)Verb"Her great ideas compensate for her lack of stamina.""The durability of this weapon makes up for its poor accuracy.""The Federation compensated the farmers for the damage caused by the military maneuvers.""This successful mission makes up for all the ones that failed."
- 47(+46/-1)heirloomVerbAn item possessed by a family, or other group, that is passed down through the generations of that group. This could be a noun, as in, "This batleth is an heirloom of House Mogh". Or this could be a "be verb", as in "be an heirloom", a state that a specific object could be in: "I see the House Mogh heirloom batleth". "The batleth is an heirloom".
- 44(+44/-0)carbohydrateGeneral Nouna macronutrient essential to nutrition, the building block of organic matter, and a dietary component humans often discuss
- 21(+0/-21)throwVerbpropel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand
- 50(+50/-0)vitamin/deficiencyGeneral NounHumans need vitamins ie. molecules that are obtained through digesting food or supplements. They suffer from deficiencies if their diet is one sided. Do Klingons have these things in general and what would they call them? "Potato is a good source of vitamin C", "Due to deficiency of vitamin C the human caught the scurvy"
- 48(+15/-33)be steepVerbA sharpness in the slope of an object or pathway. It could also apply to a course through water, air, or space. Examples: "The rocks rolled rapidly down the steep mountain." "To prevent accumulation of snow, the house's roof was very steep." "The steep route was hard to climb." "To evade the rockets, the chopper flew a steep course towards the canyon."
- 50(+49/-1)vine, vine-like plantGeneral NounA type of plant characterized by long flexible stems which do not support themselves. They can grow horizontally along the ground and/or climb available plants or structures. Examples: grape vine, Virginia creeper, ivy, wisteria, honeysuckle, hops
- 52(+52/-0)be crackedVerbbe broken without separation of parts; be fractured but not into pieces. Many materials can be cracked without being broken: glass, ceramic, crystal, hard plastic, rock, carbon fiber, and others. For example: The bone was cracked, but it was not completely broken. The window is cracked because of the hail. The captain used a cracked teacup.
- 50(+50/-0)hoverVerbStaying aloft in one spot or general area in the air, using some active means. This is different from float, fly, or orbit. Things that hover: hummingbirds, helicopters, dragonflies, ships with thrusters or anti-gravity technology. (Possibly a wizard casting a spell could cause something to hover, but that's not my focus.)
- 48(+48/-0)be blisteredVerbbe wounded/damaged in a way that results in one or more raised bumps, bubbles, or blisters. This damage is usually caused by heat from burning, radiation, or intense friction. It could be the result of a chemical process. Examples: "Due to the radiation, his skin was blistered." "After the fire, the walls were blistered."
- 44(+44/-0)densityGeneral NounThe density is the mass divided by the volume of an object. The density is a few particles per cubic centimeter.
- 45(+43/-2)(kilo, mega, giga, etc.) ElectronvoltGeneral NounElectronvolt is a unit of measure often used to discuss high energy particles.
- 45(+43/-2)Baryons / BaryonicGeneral NounThe baryonic matter of the Universe is everything we can see and measure.
- 42(+42/-0)Shock / Shock front / Bow shockGeneral Nouneg. Bow shock in front of a boat; The galaxy cluster merger released energy in the form of shocks and turbulence throughout the intracluster medium.
- 20(+1/-19)infallingAdverbeg. The infalling system eventually merged with the other. The infalling particle to the blackhole.
- 44(+42/-2)Intracluster MediumGeneral NounThe Intracluster Medium is the very hot (several millions of degrees), low-density, diffuse plasma (gas) in between galaxies inside a galaxy cluster.
- 46(+46/-0)entropy / enthalpyGeneral Nouneg. The entropy traces the gas history of the system. The internal enthalpy causes the bubbles to buoyantly rise.
- 43(+43/-0)gradientGeneral NounIt forms a gradient to the closest minimum.
- 45(+43/-2)redshiftGeneral NounThe redshift of the galaxy cluster is quite high.
- 48(+48/-0)backgroundGeneral Nouneg. The background galaxies, instrumental background, astrophysical background, background signal
- 45(+43/-2)Thermodynamics / ThermodynamicGeneral NounWe can explore the thermodynamical maps of the system.
- 45(+43/-2)Dark MatterGeneral NounThe gas traces the dark matter separation from the galaxy.
- 45(+43/-2)Spectroscopy / SpectraGeneral NounWe look at emission spectra from the object. We work with high-resolution spectroscopy
- 8(+1/-7)Emission / EmissivityVerbeg. Because of the emissivity of the bright source. A line emission from the electron moving shells
- 44(+42/-2)ClusterGeneral Nouneg. Galaxy cluster, a cluster of galaxies
- 40(+35/-5)antennaGeneral Nounorgans found in pairs on the heads of common Terran insects, used for feeling, sensing.
- 48(+42/-6)cicadaGeneral Nounan insect with transparent wings, the male singing in summer, is feature of the season in Earth.
- 44(+44/-0)nebulaGeneral NounLuminescent parts of the interstellar medium often consisting of ionized hydrogen and cosmic dust, which serve as star-forming regions. Perhaps something like a {logh 'eng}. {"nebula"vetlhDaq qa'vIn tu'lu'.}
- 51(+48/-3)lutefiskGeneral NounLutefisk is a Nordic gelatinaous fermentation of aged dried whitefish. My Norwegian friend says Klingons just might this foul dish.
- 44(+20/-24)amateurLanguage Userone who cultivates any study, interest, taste, or attachment without engaging in it professionally
- 50(+50/-0)retinaBody Partthe innermost, light-sensitive layer of tissue of the eye of most vertebrates and some molluscs
- 51(+51/-0)bismuthGeneral Nounchemical element with atomic number 83; a brittle silvery-white metal
- 54(+51/-3)mustardGeneral Nounplant whose seeds are rendered into a powder or paste to produce a condiment or spice
- 48(+24/-24)fluorineGeneral Nounchemical element with atomic number 9, the lightest halogen, existing at standard conditions as a highly toxic, pale yellow diatomic gas
- 60(+54/-6)pepper (spice)General Nounplant yielding peppercorns commonly used as spices
- 54(+54/-0)canvasGeneral Nounextremely durable plain-woven fabric used for making sails, tents, marquees, backpacks, shelters, as a support for oil painting and for other items for which sturdiness is required
- 59(+53/-6)pensionGeneral Nounfund into which a sum of money is added during an employee's employment years and from which payments are drawn to support the person's retirement from work in the form of periodic payments
- 57(+54/-3)silkGeneral Nounfine fiber excreted by the silkworm or other arthropod
- 42(+38/-4)bat-and-ball gameGeneral Nounfield game played by two opposing teams involving a bat and ball - can refer to either cricket or baseball
- 60(+54/-6)sea urchinGeneral Nounspiny marine echinoderm commonly found in shallow water, having a complex chewing structure
- 52(+52/-0)anvilGeneral Nounheavy iron block used in the blacksmithing trade as a surface upon which metal can be struck and shaped
- 51(+51/-0)be diaphanous / see-throughVerbbe transparent or translucent; allowing light to pass through; capable of being seen through, distinct from {Dem} which also means "colorless"
- 49(+19/-30)EthiopiaGeneral Nouncountry and historical region in eastern Africa
- 60(+58/-2)palm (or Klingon equivalent)General NounTaxon of tree-like flowering plants on Kronos with leaves on fronds
- 66(+60/-6)feierabendGeneral NounAs soon as we are off work, we can feel the sense of feierabend. Maybe we'll party. *Suggested by a German Klingon enthusiast friend.
- 57(+21/-36)candyGeneral Nounsweets, or something made of sugar but smaller than a chab
- 20(+2/-18)cuddle, snuggleVerbHold close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection. This is non-sexual activity (though it often happen in conjunction with sex). It can happen between person and pet, parent and child, or between lovers. It may involve comforting somebody who's crying, or sleeping together in the same bed.
- 58(+57/-1)be flirty (to flirt)VerbI'm looking for a way to express flirtyness or sexual/romantic playfullness. I wanted to say «Are you flirting with me?» I wound up saying {loQ parmaqlIj cho'ang'a'?} but I think there is probably a better way to phrase this. How is flirtyness, flirty behavior and displays of romantic interest described in Klingon? Would {reH} "to play" be used here?
- 59(+59/-0)TrafficGeneral Nounthe collection of vehicles (public and private) that transport people and/or goods.
- 53(+15/-38)Upstairs/DownstairsGeneral NounLocative. Can you come upstairs? It's downstairs in the lobby!
- 35(+9/-26)bee, waspAnimalAny of thousands of stinging species in the order Hymenoptera, usually yellow/orange with black stripes
- 58(+24/-34)moment, instantGeneral Nounvery short period of time. "a critical moment", "She paused for only an instant".
- 55(+14/-41)monochromeGeneral NounPictures/photos/images having only one color, or black and white. Antonym of qalmuS.
- 64(+59/-5)BajorGeneral NounThe main planet in the Bajoran star system, inhabited by the Bajorans. Pronounced varyingly as "BAY-jore" and as "be-ZHORE" in DS9.
- 42(+6/-36)signify / meanVerbFor use is phrases such as: "What does that mean?", "What does this word mean?", "Does that mean that the sky is blue?", "This symbol signifies peace."
- 57(+35/-22)be abstract / be concreteVerbExpressing the difference between abstract and concrete. E.g. how do I describe an idea as abstract (e.g. philosophical concepts) as opposed concrete (e.g. building instructions).
- 60(+58/-2)yeastGeneral NounThe microorganism yeast. There is {lerup} for bacteria and {javtIm} for virus, but yeast is neither.
- 62(+29/-33)sense, sensation, emotion, feeling, reaction to a stimulusGeneral NounWhen he saw his friend lying wounded on the battlefield, his emotion was one of revenge.
- 62(+57/-5)auraGeneral NounShe could clearly see his aura while noone else could.
- 68(+68/-0)be addictedVerbto be physically and/or mentally dependent on a certain substance and/or stimulus, e.g. alcohol, drugs, smoking; different from being "dependent on medicine" that keeps one's health from deteriorating
- 56(+15/-41)skipperLanguage Usermaster of a ship, particularly for recreational purposes, who doesn't hold a military title and for whom the word "captain" might therefore be inappropriate
- 59(+21/-38)sailorLanguage UserA person who sails a sail boats
- 3(+0/-3)crack, fissure, aperture, breach, cleftGeneral NounAfter the earthquake, a huge fissure appeared in the landscape.
- 4(+0/-4)freight, load, cargo, packGeneral NounThe freighter is carrying a cargo of weapons for the Klingon Empire. (We have tongDuj = freighter, i.e. the ship itself)
- 21(+0/-21)ready, prepared for useVerbThe brew is ready to be drunk at the wedding ceremony. It has been prepared for use. (stative verb/adjective)
- 69(+61/-8)plural term for "beings" with the morpheme {-Do'}Question{HoSDo'} means "energy beings", from {HoS} "energy". This request is for at least one additional noun with {-Do'}
- 64(+58/-6)pavilion, gazeboGeneral Nounshelter or building constructed in a park, garden, or other picturesque outdoor space, offering an open view of the surrounding area
- 63(+59/-4)careerGeneral Nounlong-term commitment or occupation, usually within a single profession, undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress
- 39(+15/-24)sauceGeneral NounWe lack a generic term for "sauce", though we have quite a few specific names for sauces: {ghevI'}, {gha'poq}, {qettlhup}, {quD}, {'uSu'}
- 63(+63/-0)fragile / delicateVerbThis stick is so fragile that even a Ferengi child can snap it in two. (stative verb)
- 65(+65/-0)frictionGeneral NounFriction causes a slowdown in motion of plates rubbing against each other.
- 66(+62/-4)gyroscopeGeneral Noundevice used for maintaining orientation or angular velocity, consisting of a wheel or disc whose axis of rotation is free to assume any orientation by itself
- 68(+60/-8)paresthesia, "pins and needles"General Nounabnormal sensation of the skin (pricking, tingling, chilling, burning, numbness) with no apparent physical cause
- 69(+65/-4)sperm(atozoon)Body Partoften motile gamete which fertilizes the egg in sexual reproduction
- 64(+59/-5)entwineVerbHe twisted a rope around the handle of his sword, entwining it to give it a better grip.
- 66(+29/-37)biologyGeneral NounScientific study of the physical life of animals and plants.
- 70(+66/-4)demonLanguage Usera class of usually malevolent supernatural entities
- 71(+71/-0)needleGeneral Nouna long thin, sharp implement usually for piercing, as in sowing, embroidery, acupuncture, tattooing, body-piercing, medical injections, sutras, etc.
- 66(+61/-5)shamanLanguage Usertraditional prescientific faith healer, or member of certain tribal societies who acts as a spiritual and/or religious medium between the concrete and spiritual worlds
- 63(+59/-4)surplusGeneral Nounan economic situation in which supply exceeds demand
- 69(+64/-5)be holy, be sacredVerbbe revered or dedicated to a religious purpose or to a deity
- 68(+68/-0)pedalVerboperate a pedal attached to a wheel in a continuous circular motion
- 68(+64/-4)complex / imaginary numberGeneral Nouna number incorporating the square root of negative one
- 68(+64/-4)function [mathematics]General Nouna relation in which each element of the domain is associated with exactly one element of the codomain
- 67(+62/-5)tasselGeneral Nouna bundle of loosely hanging threads, cords, or other material knotted at one end and attached for decoration to home furnishings, clothing, or other items
- 64(+59/-5)tuft, tussockGeneral Nouna bunch or collection of threads, grass, hair, etc. held or growing together at the base
- 69(+25/-44)distinguish, discriminate, discernVerbto make a conceptual distinction between two things
- 63(+21/-42)FromeTransliterationAn historic town in Somerset with links back to before time itself !!!
- 63(+38/-25)distributionGeneral NounAs in statistics/probability calculus
- 66(+34/-32)rub, rub off, abrade, polishVerbThe warrior uses an abrasive file to rub of the image stamped onto his arm by the tattoo artist.
- 12(+0/-12)roll up, furlVerbThe priest rolled up the scroll.
- 14(+4/-10)balanceVerbThe iron bar balances on the wooden beam.
- 12(+0/-12)pull, drag, lug alongVerbThe Sargh can pull four carts at the same time. (push could be pull+Ha' or vice-versa)
- 67(+46/-21)migrate, immigrate, emigrateVerbTo depart one's native land and take up residence in another land
- 73(+54/-19)step/rungGeneral Nounsingle flat horizontal surface of a staircase or rung of a ladder that you step on to ascend or descend.
- 74(+25/-49)copyVerbto duplicate/make a duplicate of, reproduce or replicate something.
- 64(+44/-20)UkraineGeneral NounEuropean country where Ukrainian is predominately spoken: pop. 44 million
- 64(+39/-25)PakistanGeneral NounSouth Asian country where Urdu is spoken: pop. 226 million
- 72(+44/-28)TaiwanGeneral NounAsian country where Taiwanese is spoken: pop. 23 million
- 73(+64/-9)peanutGeneral NounA leguminous nut (Arachis hypogaea) that grows underground and can be made into peanut butter; most cultivars have two nuts to a shell. A favorite of carnival goers, barflies, and circus elephants and monkeys.
- 74(+51/-23)stepGeneral NounAct of stepping once, distance covered by doing this action. Pedometers count these. "I walked 12,000 steps today.", "50 steps and 100 steps"(Japanese idiom)
- 70(+63/-7)giraffeAnimalA long-necked mammal of the order Artiodactyla with a spotted coat and ossicones on its head, or the Kronos equivalent
- 63(+39/-24)PalestineGeneral NounCountry in the Levant, not recognized by the UN, who disputes the territory of Israel; a useful word in discussing the Israeli-Palestinian confict
- 63(+38/-25)LebanonGeneral NounCountry in the Levant whose capital is Beirut
- 73(+64/-9)almondGeneral NounA brown and white drupe of the species Prunus amygdalus with an oval shape, eaten as a nut
- 57(+29/-28)limeGeneral NounA green citrus fruit
- 76(+69/-7)political/governmental term with the morpheme {-tuy}General Nounat least one additional {-tuy} noun, cf. {HI'tuy} "dictatorship", from {HI'} "dictator"
- 74(+74/-0)infiltrateVerbgain gradual surreptitious access, esp. in order to acquire secret information
- 67(+67/-0)cholesterolBody Partlipid biomolecule synthesized by all animal cells; an essential component of animal cell membranes
- 65(+65/-0)methaneGeneral Nounchemical compound, formula CH4, the main constituent of natural gas
- 71(+68/-3)ammoniaGeneral Nounnaturally common and widely used but pungent-smelling, caustic and hazardous colorless gas, formula NH3
- 70(+69/-1)splinter, shardGeneral Nounlong and/or sharp fragment of material, e.g. wood, glass or pottery
- 65(+44/-21)dough, batterGeneral Noungrain-, nut-, or bean-based paste or liquid mixture used to prepare {tIr ngogh}, {chab}, or {bIQyIn}
- 75(+69/-6)partnership/companionship term with the morpheme {-qay}Language UserAt least one additional {-qay} noun, cf. {parmaqqay}
- 72(+65/-7)terracottaGeneral Nounclay-based earthenware ceramic material, the fired body of which is porous
- 68(+65/-3)kelpGeneral Nounlarge heterokontic brown algae seaweed
- 71(+69/-2)fernGeneral Noungroup of vascular plants lacking seeds and flowers and reproducing via spores
- 64(+64/-0)hyphaGeneral Nounlong branching filamentous structure of fungi and other organisms; the main mode of fungal vegetative growth
- 64(+64/-0)andesiteGeneral Nounextrusive volcanic rock composed of mostly plagioclase plus pyroxene or hornblende
- 64(+64/-0)dioriteGeneral Nounintrusive igneous rock formed by slow cooling of magma, with a moderate content of silica and low content of alkali metals
- 68(+64/-4)lapis lazuliGeneral Noundeep-blue metamorphic rock used as a semi-precious stone
- 68(+63/-5)hayGeneral Noungrass or other leafy vegetable matter cut and dried and used and used as animal fodder
- 68(+65/-3)compostGeneral Noundecayed remains of organic matter, rotted into natural fertilizer
- 65(+45/-20)pistonGeneral Nountube-fitted disk or cylinder that moves up and down against a fluid, deriving or imparting motion in an engine or pump
- 74(+71/-3)assumeVerbsurmise or suppose to be true
- 69(+69/-0)smeltVerbextract metal from its ore via heating and melting
- 20(+2/-18)againAdverban adverbial indicating that something has occurred previously (as in "Are you here again?")
- 52(+48/-4)anusBody Partthe opening of the GI tract where solid waste is expelled
- 20(+0/-20)ArabLanguage UserMember of a Semitic ethnic group, found in many nations across the Middle East, that speaks the Arabic language; Arabic could be *{Arab} Hol*
- 74(+39/-35)pottery, earthenware, chinaGeneral NounA generic term for ceramic vessels. pots, etc.
- 73(+66/-7)Acid PunkGeneral NounMusic relating to the Klingon Acid Punk described in Star Trek: Lower Decks
- 66(+44/-22)fancy, have a crushVerbTo have romantic/sexual feelings for someone, to find someone attractive
- 74(+43/-31)feeling, emotionGeneral NounThere are several words for specific feelings (Quch, 'IQ, muS, pIl, Sey, ghal, etc.), but no word to generally refer to human emotions. If this word is provided, could it also be clarified what verb is used for "having/feeling" feelings/emotions?
- 65(+63/-2)peaGeneral NounVegetable of the species Pisum sativum; spherical green legumes in a pod. {moQ qurgh} does not work since that could also be a chickpea (different genus), and {moQ qurgh SuD} does not distinguish the two either because {SuD} means both green and yellow, peas being green and chickpeas being yellow.
- 64(+39/-25)IndonesiaGeneral NounCountry in Southeast Asia where the Indonesian language is spoken; capital is Djakarta
- 71(+49/-22)musical note/toneGeneral NounA general word for a musical note. "she strummed a few notes on the guitar."
- 65(+64/-1)xylophoneGeneral NounA percussion instrument consisting of wooden bars of varying lengths struck by a mallet; the longer the bar, the deeper the sound
- 20(+0/-20)a way to distinguish between "bricks" and other kinds of "blocks"General NounThe only word we currently have for both is "ngogh". It would be very helpful to have more vocabulary available, for example in the Minecraft translation project, since there are many "blocks", some of which are made of "bricks", which gets cumbersome very fast.
- 64(+42/-22)tonsilBody Partone of a set of lymphoid organs facing into the aerodigestive tract, which play an important role in the immune system
- 64(+42/-22)cliché, trope, stereotypeGeneral Nounartistic element, phrase, or generalized idea commonly employed as a rhetorical device or heuristic, often to the point of overuse - "The idea that Klingons make bad scientists is a stereotype."
- 75(+41/-34)transgenderLanguage UserA transgender person, to be transgender, etc. Describes someone whose gender differs from their assigned sex. Could be translated as a noun or an adjective.
- 62(+39/-23)IraqGeneral NounA nation in the Middle East, capital Baghdad: The protests against the 2003 invasion of Iraq brought traffic to a halt.
- 62(+39/-23)Iran, PersiaGeneral NounA nation in the Middle East, capital Tehran: The Shahnameh is a hero epic from ancient Persia.
- 63(+43/-20)tarGeneral Nounblack oily viscous substance consisting mainly of hydrocarbons derived from organic materials like wood, peat, or coal
- 70(+70/-0)droop, slouch, be limpVerb"As time went on he began to slouch in his chair" "The fronds drooped in the heat"
- 29(+12/-17)hoard, cache, troveGeneral Nounsupply or collection of valuable items, often hidden "We suspect the Romulans maintain a cache of weapons there"
- 67(+64/-3)scaldVerbinjure or damage with hot liquid "The steam from the engine scalded the mechanic's hand"
- 65(+42/-23)railing, guardrail, banisterGeneral Nounfence or barrier used for support or to prevent falls "The metal handrail rusted away"
- 62(+42/-20)hygieneGeneral Nounregular personal practices that promote health and attractiveness "Klingons follow a different regime of hygiene"
- 72(+69/-3)file, dossier, portfolioGeneral NounCollection of textual and/or visual materials organized together
- 64(+42/-22)masterpieceGeneral Nounpiece of work of outstanding creativity, skill or workmanship, often given much critical praise, and especially one that is considered the greatest work of a person's career
- 65(+44/-21)parody, caricatureGeneral Nounwork or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony, or a pictorial representation of in which distinguishing features are exaggerated for comic effect
- 62(+40/-22)asthmaGeneral Nounlong-term respiratory condition, in which the airways may unexpectedly and suddenly narrow, often in response to an allergen, cold air, exercise, or emotional stress. Symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing
- 68(+67/-1)stutter, stammerVerbspeak with a spasmodic repetition of vocal sounds
- 63(+43/-20)gravelGeneral Nounsmall fragments of rock, usually differentiated by mineral type, size range, or other characteristics, used for laying on the beds of roads and railways, and as ballast
- 70(+67/-3)latchGeneral Nounfastening for a door that has a bar that fits into a notch or slot, and is lifted by a lever or string from either side
- 62(+42/-20)lymphBody Partcolourless, watery, coagulable bodily fluid which bathes the tissues and is carried by the lymphatic system into the bloodstream; it resembles blood plasma in containing white blood cells and especially lymphocytes but normally few red blood cells and no platelets
- 71(+63/-8)sequin, spangleGeneral Nounsmall flat piece of sparkling metallic or metal-like material with a hole which is sewn onto a garment etc. for decoration
- 63(+43/-20)confiscateVerbuse one's authority to lay claim to and separate a possession from its holder
- 66(+41/-25)probationGeneral Nountype of sentence where convicted criminals are allowed to continue living in the community but will automatically be sent to jail if they violate certain conditions, or any period of time when a person occupies a position only conditionally and may easily be removed for poor performance
- 67(+61/-6)rinseVerbwash with clean water to remove soap, detergent, dirt, or impurities
- 63(+43/-20)exclamationGeneral Noungrammatical category including invectives and words such as {toH}, {ghobe'}, and {maj}
- 70(+52/-18)magnesiumGeneral Nounchemical element, alkaline earth metal with the symbol Mg and atomic number 12
- 68(+65/-3)capacitorGeneral Nounelectronic component capable of storing electrical energy in an electric field; especially one consisting of two conductors separated by a dielectric
- 62(+42/-20)pulsarGeneral Nounhighly magnetized rotating compact star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation from its magnetic poles
- 61(+33/-28)beaverAnimalA flat-tailed rodent that cuts down trees and builds natural dams to live in, or the Klingon equivalent
- 70(+31/-39)badgerAnimalAny of several species of digging omnivorous carnivorans with white and black striping, or the Klingon equivalent
- 72(+65/-7)diodeGeneral Nountwo-terminal electronic component that conducts current primarily in one direction; it has low (ideally zero) resistance in one direction, and high (ideally infinite) resistance in the other
- 69(+69/-0)fuse [electronics]General Noundevice to prevent the overloading of an electrical circuit, containing a component that melts and interrupts the current when too high a load is passed through it
- 71(+71/-0)transistorGeneral Nounsolid-state semiconductor device with at least three terminals which can be used for amplification, switching, voltage stabilization, signal modulation, and many other functions
- 63(+60/-3)micaGeneral Nounhydrous aluminosilicate mineral group characterized by highly perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very thin leaves, more or less elastic
- 62(+42/-20)kettleGeneral Nounvessel for boiling a liquid or cooking food, usually metal and equipped with a lid
- 73(+70/-3)potassiumGeneral Nounsoft, waxy, silvery reactive metal that is never found unbound in nature; an element (symbol K) with an atomic number of 19
- 73(+64/-9)olive-like treeGeneral Nountree cultivated for its small oval fruit and the oil obtained from it
- 57(+15/-42)cocoon, chrysalisGeneral Nounsilky protective case spun by the larvae of some insects in which they metamorphose, the pupa
- 75(+75/-0)fractalGeneral Noungeometric figure that is self-similar at all scales, or any object, system, or idea that exhibits this property
- 70(+47/-23)purr, trillVerbverb describing the purr of a {vIghro'}, and also the vibration of the tongue when producing the trilled Klingon {r}
- 64(+61/-3)teaching, precept (singular)General Noun{paQDI'norgh} is the plural "teachings". This request is for a singular "teaching".
- 67(+62/-5)isthmusGeneral Nounnarrow strip of land, bordered on both sides by water, and connecting two larger landmasses
- 72(+68/-4)isotopeGeneral Nounany of two or more forms of a chemical element where the atoms have the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons within their nuclei
- 72(+68/-4)cosineGeneral Noun(trigonometry) in a right triangle, the ratio of the length of the side adjacent to an acute angle to the length of the hypotenuse
- 68(+64/-4)aurora (borealis/australis)General Nounatmospheric phenomenon created by charged particles from the sun striking the upper atmosphere, creating coloured lights in the sky
- 69(+61/-8)angelGeneral Nouna spiritual being presumably residing inSuto'vo'qor
- 75(+39/-36)qualityGeneral NounAlternatively verbs "be of high quality"/"be of low quality". Quality describes how well something is done or made compared to similar things. It is not always same as "good", as even things of high quality may be bad/useless for someone/some purpose, and things of low quality can be good for something/someone.
- 66(+21/-45)gestaltGeneral NounA value which is more than the sum of its parts
- 68(+45/-23)conceptual word, concrete wordClarificationSome nouns in Klingon have a difference between conceptual and concrete words(as I call them). I would like to know the classification of these by Klingon linguists. (Or, two verbs: conceptual / concrete)
- 65(+27/-38)for example, eg.AdverbA word or idiom to use when giving examples. "Being the leader of the Empire is dangerous. Gorkon, for example, was assassinated."
- 66(+45/-21)charcoalGeneral NounImpure carbon obtained by destructive distillation of wood or other organic matter, heating it in the absence of oxygen. Used as fuel, as a filtering material and for drawing.
- 54(+12/-42)to anointVerbto apply oil or ointment, to apply oil for a religious ceremony
- 20(+0/-20)civilian, non-military, ordinary, non-ceremonial (stative verb, adjective) SeQHa' may work for non-formal, but may not work for civilian.VerbHe was wearing civilian clothes and an ordinary hat.
- 63(+11/-52)civilian, non-military, ordinary, non-ceremonial (stative verb, adjective)VerbHe was wearing civilian clothes and an ordinary hat.
- 20(+0/-20)sporting discipline. tlhIngan Hol mu' "pIqcho'" neH tu'lu'.General NounmughmeH 'aDI DaSler lut tlhIngan Hol mu' "sporting discipline" vIpoQ
- 69(+49/-20)herbGeneral Nounthe leafy green or flowering parts of a plant (either fresh or dried) used for flavoring food
- 53(+30/-23)spiceGeneral Nouna seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance primarily used for flavoring or coloring food
- 71(+25/-46)to have time, to make itVerbA general word for having time to do something. Could be used for example like: {DuSaqDaq jI(--)be'} I didn't make it to school.
- 75(+40/-35)ring, make musical soundVerbA verb with a positive or neutral connotation to be used with musical instruments, music players and other things that are currently making sound. 'ey is not enough as it doesn't imply that the device currently makes sound. chuS is not appropriate as "noisy" has a negative connotation. wab chenmoH seems like a too technical way to describe beautiful things like music.
- 84(+46/-38)tlhoyHa'AdverbSince tlhoy is an adverbial meaning "overly, to an excessive degree, excessively, too much," does tlhoyHa' work for something like "insufficiently, inadequately, too little"?Wish list Editor: While tlhoyHa' may not mean the suggested meaning, if you want to know the canonical meaning for this word consider upvoting it so it can be passed onto Dr. Okrand.
- 69(+31/-38)loQHa'AdverbSince loQ is an adverbial for "slightly, a little bit," does loQHa' work for something like "largely, mostly, considerably, a lot?"Wish list Editor: While loQHa' may not mean the suggested meaning, if you want to know the canonical meaning for this word consider upvoting it so it can be passed onto Dr. Okrand.
- 79(+54/-25)civilianLanguage UserA person who is not on active duty. In the Klingon society, this could refer to Klingon monks, servants, children, people who have not undergone the Age of Ascension and other non-military personnel. This could also be used to refer non-military ships like merchant wessels, passenger transport ships, and so on.
- 63(+13/-50)Is there a difference between DungluQ and pemjep?QuestionTheir English definitions are "noon" and "midday", which are synonyms of each other. Is there a difference between the Klingon words?
- 82(+62/-20)Hellanian lynxGeneral NounA feline creature that slinks like a Klingon woman who desires to mate.
- 20(+0/-20)PacifierGeneral NounA Toy That an Infant Puts In Their Mouth to Enable Self-Soothing
- 73(+51/-22)DiaperGeneral NounCovering Used for an Infant Until They Are Toilet-Trained
- 21(+0/-21)Bottle (Baby)General NounBottle or Container Used to Feed an Infant
- 71(+30/-41)Formula (Baby)General NounPowdered Iron-Enriched Milk Substitute Used to Feed Infants
- 70(+48/-22)A hardy, long-lived tree with twisted braches and needle-like leavesGeneral NounIs there a tree on Qo'noS or other Klingon worlds analogous to a Terran pine?
- 74(+66/-8)barnacleAnimalmarine crustacean that attaches itself to submerged surfaces
- 21(+0/-21)scrambled, be scrambled, be mixed upVerbJigsaw puzzles pieces are scrambled in the box. Alternatively, a declaration that {mIS} "be confused, be mixed up" carries this meaning.
- 77(+39/-38)corps, team, divisionGeneral NounHe is in the medical corps. I am part of the drill team. How many divisions are in the military.
- 71(+47/-24)dopamineBody Partneurotransmitter that plays several important roles in the brain and body, involved in motor control, hormone release, and perceived desirability or aversiveness of behaviors
- 69(+44/-25)serotoninBody Parta monoamine neurotransmitter with a complex function, modulating mood, cognition, reward, learning, memory, and numerous physiological processes such as vomiting and vasoconstriction
- 80(+40/-40)be curiousVerbeager to know or learn something. "I began to be curious about the whereabouts of the bride and groom"
- 31(+3/-28)be surprisedVerba state of a person who has a reaction to an unexpected situation; can be negative or positive. Surely not as strong as being shocked. More like "She looked surprised to hear that he was a Vulcan", "I am very surprised to meet you here", "She will be surprised to find the chocolate in her bag"
- 52(+14/-38)trial, court caseGeneral Nouna formal examination of evidence before a judge, and typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings. "the newspaper accounts of the trial"
- 80(+43/-37)judgeLanguage Usera public official appointed to decide cases in a court of law.
- 58(+18/-40)juryGeneral Nouna body of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court. "the jury returned unanimous guilty verdicts"
- 53(+22/-31)sighVerbemit a long, deep, audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or a similar feeling. "Harry sank into a chair and sighed with relief."
- 75(+54/-21)fellow X, co-XQuestionUsed to describe other crewmembers, coworkers, students, etc. who belong to the same group as oneself; this could be a stative verb or another noun.
- 66(+28/-38)be radioactiveVerbTo emit ionizing radiation that can destroy organic cells or alter DNA; a property of many elements.
- 89(+60/-29)be busy, be occupiedVerbTo be doing something and having no capacity for dealing with other things at a given moment (not necessarily because of work).
- 86(+45/-41)gender, sexGeneral NounThe category of classification that distinguishes {be'} and {loD} and potentially others; perhaps several terms, depending on what criteria the distinction is based on.
- 84(+41/-43)microphoneGeneral NounA device that records sound waves and transforms them into (electrical) signals for further processing; a {wab qonwI'} might refer to a more complex device, e.g. a sound recorder.
- 78(+58/-20)compareVerbTo analyze commonalities and differences between two or more objects, people or ideas.
- 90(+70/-20)automaticallyAdverbTo be performed by a machine without needed interaction of a person. Could also be a verb
- 86(+74/-12)yogurtTransliterationA Middle Eastern/South Asian food made by fermenting milk with lactobacillus and streptococcus bacteria
- 77(+48/-29)yogaTransliterationA system of exercises based on the asanas that cultivate spiritual health; originated in India
- 84(+37/-47)to be unique, the only oneVerbThis means "only" in the sense of a sole member of a class (e.g. "the only cadet"), as opposed to the word {neH} (e.g. "only a/the cadet").
- 23(+2/-21)rotateVerbThe officer rotates the flat metal plate 45 degrees to the left. (I think jIrmoH does not work for this concept.)
- 20(+0/-20)fingers or toes as a collectiveBody PartHis toes suffered a severe injury.
- 79(+54/-25)victimLanguage UserA person who has been a target of a crime, or a casualty of an accident
- 73(+29/-44)GrasshopperAnimalAn insect with hind legs adapted for leaping
- 87(+39/-48)backpfeifengesichtGeneral Nounan insult for an individual you want to punch in the face. (German - a face badly in need of punching)
- 75(+25/-50)fadeVerbThe colors of the petals fade at the same time the sun's light fades from the sky.
- 72(+13/-59)witherVerbThe flower withers due to drought.
- 50(+39/-11)sine (curve)General NounThe sine curve of a wave crest can be calculated mathematically.
- 78(+50/-28)poppyGeneral Nouna papaveraceous flower, cultivated as an ornamental, for opioid drugs and for its edible seeds
- 46(+38/-8)electrolyteGeneral NounAny substance that produces an electrically conducting solution when dissolved in a solvent.
- 69(+11/-58)uprootVerbThe farmer uproots the cabbages. i.e. to pull something out. I do not like QIq for this.
- 52(+40/-12)politicianLanguage UserA person who is professionally involved in the politics. Also a derogatory term for a person who manipulates or pleases others just to gain own advantage. For example Gowron is described as a politician in DS9
- 82(+54/-28)wipeVerbto rub against (or with) something, perhaps to remove or spread a substance. "In order to remove his blood, I wiped my blade on his uniform."
- 22(+0/-22)commemoration for Jesus christGeneral Nounit's a celebreation from the bible
- 47(+38/-9)RomaniaGeneral NounpuH 'ewropDaq
- 5(+1/-4)Moon and Solar EclipseGeneral NounEclipse
- 81(+52/-29)Cerebral palsyBody PartCerebral palsy (CP) is a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood
- 89(+58/-31)kangarooAnimalAn upright herbivorous marsupial that moves by jumping, or the Klingon equivalent
- 80(+51/-29)social term with the morpheme {-no'}Grammar{lop} 'celebrate' + {-no'} = {lopno'} 'celebration, party'. This request for at least one other noun with {-no'}
- 75(+30/-45)shrimpAnimaldecapod crustaceans with elongated bodies and a primarily swimming mode of locomotion
- 46(+36/-10)harnessGeneral Nounrestraint or support, especially one consisting of a loop or network of rope or straps. "A defective harness is a safety risk."
- 74(+47/-27)tether, leashGeneral Nounrope, cable etc. that holds something in place whilst allowing some movement. "The astronaut made sure she her tether was secure before the spacewalk."
- 48(+39/-9)beepVerbmake a short usually high-pitched sound (as from a horn or an electronic device) that serves as a signal or warning. "At the end of the countdown, the timer will beep."
- 48(+38/-10)strapGeneral Nounlong, narrow, pliable strip of leather, cloth, or the like, used to secure clothing, cargo et. al. "They tightened the straps of the harness."
- 51(+43/-8)propagandaGeneral Nounconcerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people
- 76(+50/-26)nugget, chunk, clumpGeneral Nounsmall compact mass. "The miners processed the nuggets of ore."
- 47(+38/-9)hermit, recluseLanguage Usersomeone who lives alone and shuns human companionship. "Some of the devotees of the monastery on Boreth became hermits."
- 47(+38/-9)beadGeneral Nounsmall, round object with a hole to allow it to be threaded on a cord or wire. "The beads came off the necklace and scattered everywhere."
- 72(+15/-57)xenophobiaGeneral Nounprejudice or discrimination against foreigners
- 50(+41/-9)X-rayGeneral Nounwavelength of ray capable of passing through soft matter and photographing the inside of a person, animal, etc.
- 53(+41/-12)interestGeneral Nounmoney either charged by a lender for a loan, or accrued on an account or investment
- 77(+33/-44)profitGeneral Nounmonetary gain, advantage, or benefit
- 50(+39/-11)ant(s), formicidaeGeneral Nounsmall insect, proverbial for industry, that lives in highly organized societies. They are known as the rulers of the Earth.
- 75(+36/-39)face maskGeneral Nouna covering for the mouth and nose that is worn especially to reduce the spread of infectious agents (such as viruses or bacteria)
- 49(+38/-11)bastardGeneral Nounan illegitimate child, a child born out of wedlock
- 77(+30/-47)nuclear, be nuclearVerbTo describe nuclear power or weapons
- 76(+54/-22)geodeGeneral Nounhollow, vaguely spherical rocks, in which masses of mineral matter (which may include crystals) are secluded
- 73(+49/-24)comaGeneral Noundeep state of prolonged unconsciousness in which a person cannot be awakened, fails to respond normally to painful stimuli, light, or sound, lacks a normal wake-sleep cycle; and does not initiate voluntary actions
- 85(+76/-9)oatGeneral Nounspecies of cereal grain grown for its seed
- 47(+37/-10)pidgin, creole, contact languageGeneral Nounstable natural language that develops from the simplifying and mixing of different languages into a new one within a fairly brief period of time
- 79(+53/-26)socio-historical term with the morpheme {-qeq}General NounThe verb {tay} 'be civilized' is nominalized with the morpheme {-qeq} to form {tayqeq} 'civilization'. This request is for at least one additional noun with {-qeq}, preferably a sociological or historical term
- 76(+31/-45)instinct (singular)General Noun{Duj} means 'instincts' in the plural. This request is for a singular 'instinct'.
- 78(+48/-30)bowling, ninepins, tenpinsGeneral Noungame played by rolling a ball down an alley and trying to knock over a group of upright standing pins
- 78(+50/-28)golfGeneral Nouncompetitive game whose players propel an object into each of a series of goal-zones in the minimum number of strokes
- 81(+51/-30)vanillaGeneral Nounplant yielding an extract used in flavoring food or in perfumes
- 50(+40/-10)gingerGeneral Nounpungent aromatic rhizome of an herb, used as a spice
- 46(+37/-9)read lipsVerbto understand what people are saying by watching the movement of their lips
- 19(+19/-0)pimple, acne, zits, gorchBody PartBreakout on the skin that occurs among human HojnIypu' or during jaktahla on Klingons
- 79(+51/-28)bill, actGeneral NounA piece of legislation: Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act.
- 39(+10/-29)bribeGeneral Nounmoney or a gift given for the purpose of corrupting the recipient's behavior
- 82(+55/-27)criminal term with the morpheme {-mang}Grammarthe verb {'ur} 'commit treason' is nominalized with {-mang} to form the noun {'urmang} 'treason'. This request is for at least one other {-mang} noun, preferably another term for a classification of crime.
- 84(+56/-28)tulipGeneral NounA flower of the genus Tulipa, said to resemble a turban, associated with the Netherlands and with Tulipmania
- 82(+53/-29)sunflowerGeneral NounA flower of the genus Helianthus, with a disk of edible seeds and yellow petals, state flower of Kansas, has a sunny, rural, nature boy/girl vibe
- 20(+0/-20)thousandthNumberThere are few words for describing quantities smaller than 1, including {bID} "half" and {vatlhvI'} "percent". Are there words for smaller decimal subdivisions than a hundredth, such as "thousandth" (or by extension "tenth", "ten-thousandth", &c)? "Fifty-eight 'ujmey are about one thousandth of a kellicam."
- 21(+1/-20)thirdNumberThere are few words for describing quantities smaller than 1, including {bID} "half" and {vatlhvI'} "percent". Given that there was formerly a base-3 counting system, are there words for subdivisions 3, such as "third" (or by extension "ninth" or "twenty-seventh")? "Three chebmey are a third of a cheb'a'."
- 77(+32/-45)fission (nuclear), the act of splitting the atomGeneral Noun"a nuclear reaction or a radioactive decay process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into two or more smaller, lighter nuclei". Can this word (and {boq} "fusion") be used for other processes as well, or just nuclear ones?
- 47(+38/-9)animation, cartoonGeneral Nounartistic medium featuring the illusion of moving figures created by a procession of still images. "Animation can be hand-drawn, computer-generated, stop-motion, or a combination of all three."
- 52(+44/-8)ovaryBody Partorgan of the reproductive system that produces ova and hormones
- 21(+0/-21)concentration camps so as at Sachenhausen and Dachau and other vernichtungslager in PolandLanguage Userabout the prisoners must work hard or they must die cause jay'
- 76(+54/-22)sulk, mope, poutVerbexpress ill humor or offense by remaining sullenly silent, withdrawn, or lackadaisically depressed
- 85(+54/-31)name of constellationGeneral Nounname of at least one constellation visible in the sky of Kronos, apart from {ghochwI'} "The Tracker", and its importance to Klingon culture/mythology
- 50(+39/-11)scratchVerbrub or mark a surface with a sharp object "A pipius in captivity scratches at its enclosure"
- 89(+70/-19)wear one's heart on one's sleeveQuestionidiom expressing when a person openly displays their thoughts, feelings, or opinions instead of keeping them hidden
- 49(+40/-9)ThailandGeneral Nounkingdom in southeast Asia, capital Bangkok
- 49(+40/-9)VietnamGeneral NounA nation in Southeast Asia, capital Hanoi: Larry was drafted to fight in Vietnam in 1968.
- 49(+41/-8)KoreaGeneral NounOne of two nations (North Korea, capital Pyongyang and South Korea, capital Seoul) in East Asia: Korea puts out lots of K-pop.
- 52(+44/-8)eclipseGeneral Nounalignment of astronomical objects whereby one object comes between the observer (or notional observer) and another object, thus obscuring the latter
- 78(+50/-28)anteater, sloth, armadilloAnimalxenarthroid creature encountered by Klingons
- 43(+11/-32)ovulateVerbto undergo ovulation, the discharge of a mature ovum from the ovary
- 43(+11/-32)menstruateVerbto experience menstruation, a cyclical discharging of blood, secretions, and tissue debris from the uterus that recurs in nonpregnant breeding-age primate females at approximately monthly intervals and that is considered to represent a readjustment of the uterus to the nonpregnant state following proliferative changes accompanying the preceding ovulation
- 21(+2/-19)Transliterations of proper names and adhering to Klingon syllable structureQuestionMost official transliterations of non-Klingon names adhere to the usual Klingon syllable structure, with limited consonant clusters. Michael Dorn's last name was transliterated {Do'rIn} as opposed to *{Dorn}, Germany is {DoyIchlan} instead of *{DoychlanD}, Quark (the Ferengi) is {quwargh} instead of {qwarq}, etc. But a small number of official Klingon transliterations of proper names appear to violate Klingon syllable structure (in parentheses): {je(mS) qI(rq)}, {pIqa(rD)}, {ma(rq) 'oqra(nD)}, {Sar(br)uqen}. What, if anything, determines whether or not an alien name gets to keep its non-Klingon consonant clusters?
- 30(+3/-27)medicine (the field of study)General NounMedicine, as in "the study of the cause, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease or illness" (Wiktionary). The TNG episode "Ethics" mentions a "Klingon Medical Division", so presumably Klingons have some concept of medicine as a field. {Hergh}, based on its canon uses, appears to refer to "medicine" but in the sense of the substances given as a treatment for an illness, not as a field of study.
- 88(+55/-33)name of Hur'q-era Klingon historical figureLanguage UserKlingon historical person, perhaps a freedom fighter, from the era of the Hur'q occupation of Kronos
- 92(+58/-34)name of pre-Kahless mythic heroLanguage Usersomeone Klingons tell stories about, born before Kahless
- 52(+40/-12)invest (in), capitalizeVerbdevote money or resources to, with the expectation of a return on the venture "Quark invested in a diverse array of bushnesses"
- 75(+14/-61)a unit of measurement for "everyday" speedsGeneral NounThat is, a unit of measurement on the scale of mph or km/h, perhaps kellicams per hour or 'ujes per second, along with examples of how to use it in a sentence such as "The wind has a speed of 10 <whatevers>."
- 75(+55/-20)bountyGeneral Nounreward offered at-large for the completion of an often challenging task, usually by an individual or group whose resources are limited "Capture the kidnapper alive and claim the bounty"
- 74(+51/-23)stunt, featGeneral NounDaring or dangerous act, usually requiring physical courage and performed for spectators. "A daredevil performs stunts"
- 47(+38/-9)whimGeneral Nouncapricious, eccentric, and often sudden idea or fancy
- 46(+38/-8)be brittleVerbbe easy to break or shatter in pieces
- 30(+3/-27)stare at, glare at, gaze atVerbSomeone exposes hostility and looking at adversary fiercely, sharply. "Gawron gazed at the traitor"
- 56(+48/-8)electrical outletGeneral NounWhat does an 'ul rarwI' plug into?
- 77(+48/-29)will-o'-the-wispGeneral Nounphosphorescent light seen hovering or floating at night over marshy ground. "Will-o'-the-wisp figures in many local legends"
- 73(+49/-24)sootGeneral Nounfine black or dull brown particles of amorphous carbon and tar, produced by the incomplete combustion of coal, oil etc. "The lamps are covered in soot"
- 82(+64/-18)hoseGeneral Nounflexible, often portable tubular conduit for the transfer of fluids
- 92(+73/-19)like a fish out of waterQuestionidiom expressing when a person or thing is awkwardly out of place
- 91(+57/-34)name of Klingon deityLanguage UserName of at least one ancient Klingon god, apart from wa'jo''a' from the era before all the gods were slain
- 51(+43/-8)pattern, design pattern, markings, motifGeneral Nouna generic term for a picture or shape that is used as a decoration. also the pattern on the surface of things(clothes, wallpaper, birds, etc.)
- 86(+74/-12)ambrosiaGeneral NounFood or drink from Klingon myth, May grant special power, may be used to describe exceptionally good food
- 50(+40/-10)Whale/Dolphin/PorpoiseAnimalA mammal that lives in seawater 'see the dolphins jumping'
- 47(+38/-9)Knead/MassageVerbApplying pressure repeatedly from different angles 'massage muscles or bread dough'
- 81(+54/-27)stool (furniture)General Nounitem of furniture used as a seat for one person without an armrest or back, or as a footrest
- 50(+41/-9)nomadLanguage Usermember of a community without fixed habitation which regularly moves to and from the same areas. "Nomad life is adapted to infertile regions"
- 83(+56/-27)buffoon, laughingstockLanguage Userunintentionally ludicrous person subjected to or inviting general mockery or ridicule
- 43(+16/-27)bat (animal)Animalmammal capable of flight on membranous wings
- 50(+41/-9)be/move (counter)clockwiseVerbexhibit direction or movement like the hands of most Terran analog clocks, or the opposite direction, one of the two expressed with {-Ha'}
- 52(+44/-8)censorVerbremove or alter sensitive or objectionable content, often for political reasons - "The Viceroy censored all holonovels in which he appeared as a character."
- 48(+37/-11)pomegranateGeneral NounA mediterranean fruit of the species Punica granatum, round and burgundy, full of seeds
- 50(+39/-11)watermelonGeneral NounA giant fruit of the species Citrullus lanatus, with a green husk and soft, watery red flesh, full of seeds
- 87(+58/-29)animismGeneral Nounreligious attribution of souls or spirits to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena - "Traditional animism remains popular among certain populations of the planet."
- 52(+42/-10)martyrGeneral NounIn seems odd for a martial culture that glorifies death in battle not to have a specific word for a warrior who nobly sacrifices themself. The word for sacrifice, 'anmoH, which might be used for this purpose, seems freighted with negative connotations ("to waste")..
- 78(+34/-44)sit-upGeneral Nounthe act of transitioning between a supine position, with knees bent up and feet optionally anchored, to a sitting position, especiallly as done repeatedly as a form of physical conditioning. If it's not a noun, is there a means of clarifying that {qaStaHvIS wa' tup loSmaH vaghlogh ba'nISchoH mang} means that the soldier mmust perform forty-five sit-ups and not get in and out of her quS forty-five times? What has Maltz done to keep himself in shape during his long confinement, and what terminology does he have for these exercises?
- 84(+53/-31)pull upGeneral Nouna body movement where a humanoid grips something overhead, with the backs of their hands facing them, then raises their body through muscular effort until their head above their hands. It may be done repeatedly as physical training, or once in order to e.g. climb over a wall. The equivalent movement with the palms facing the warrior is called a chin up, and if Klingons distinguish between the two I would be interested in that terminology. I don't know if it's a noun {Soch XXXmey neH vIta'laH} or a verb {tlhoy' vItoSmeH jIXXX} or perhaps the wall is the object and {tlhoy' vIXXX 'e' vInID}. I am interested in any bodyweight exercises Klingons name, and also interested if Maltz says he's familiar with the exercise but there's no name for it, so it's just {tlhoy'Daq pep'egh, DeSDu' lo'taHvIS}.
- 78(+34/-44)push upVerbPerform a bodyweight exercise, where the hands are placed under or in a lateral line with the shoulders, the legs extended and the spine kept straight while the body is raised by muscular effort. If Klingons don't do this, then I don't expect a word for it. It may be a verb: {wejmaHlogh peXXX!} or perhaps it is a noun {wejmaH XXX tIta'!}. I am interested in the individual exercises performed, {mI'DI' tlhIngan}.
- 20(+2/-18)stretchVerbThis might be the transitive thing that an athlete does to muscles, or that a chef does to pizza dough; or it might be the intransitive thing that the muscle or dough does in response to being ????moHed. e.g. {qeqchoHpa' pIqcho', SomrawDu'Daj ????} or {qeqchoHpa' pIqcho' ????} - whichever way the verb works.
- 52(+42/-10)the PhilippinesGeneral Nounname of the Earth country
- 81(+43/-38)real estate, real propertyGeneral Nouna building or buildings or a a section thereof, often including the ground they are built on, considered as an item of economic exchange
- 48(+39/-9)siegeGeneral Nounprolonged military assault or blockade of a city or fortress with the intent of conquering by force or attrition
- 51(+43/-8)honeyGeneral Nounviscous, sweet fluid produced from plant nectar
- 47(+38/-9)nectarGeneral Nounsweet liquid secreted by flowers to attract pollinating insects and birds
- 47(+38/-9)grenadeGeneral Nounexplosive weapon typically thrown by hand
- 83(+63/-20)In formationVerbAs in to march, fly or otherwise move in formation. This more than be parallel to e.g.. in a particular order or pattern
- 51(+42/-9)embryoGeneral Nounearly stage of development of a multicellular organism
- 49(+40/-9)yolkGeneral Nounportion of the egg which nourishes the embryo
- 75(+34/-41)bundleGeneral Nounset of objects wrapped or tied together
- 45(+45/-0)splatVerbhit a hard or flat surface and deform into an irregular shape, or produce a sound similar to such a collision
- 47(+38/-9)moan, groanVerbutter a low, perhaps guttural cry of pain, sorrow or pleasure
- 51(+43/-8)clickVerbproduce a slight, sharp sound
- 73(+51/-22)spoutGeneral Nountube or lip through which liquid or steam is poured or discharged
- 53(+42/-11)uvulaBody Partconic projection from the back edge of the middle of the soft palate; place of articulation of {q} and {Q}
- 75(+54/-21)catalyst, enzymeGeneral Nounsubstance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process
- 52(+42/-10)larynxBody Partsmall organ in the top of the neck involved in breathing, swallowing, and talking, AKA the voice box
- 83(+61/-22)be iridescentVerbdescribes surfaces that appear to gradually change color as the angle of view or illumination changes, e.g. soap bubbles or opals
- 60(+46/-14)be unique, be unprecedentedVerbbe unlike anything else, or have a property nothing or no one else has
- 80(+57/-23)be showy, be ostentatious, be garishVerbdescribes something intended, and perhaps failing, to impress
- 50(+42/-8)biasGeneral Noundisproportionate weight in favor of or against something
- 48(+40/-8)shortageGeneral Nounexcess demand, an economic situation where demand exceeds supply
- 49(+41/-8)focusVerbTo make the visibility of an image less blurry. And can you say "[focus]meH chuq [lens]" for "zoom lens"?
- 58(+50/-8)zoomVerbEither to zoom in/magnify (make part of an image appear larger) or to zoom out (make every part of an image appear smaller and see more of the whole image)
- 48(+39/-9)textureGeneral Nounthe feel or shape of a surface or substance
- 53(+40/-13)rodentAnimalcreature familiar to Klingons, resembling a mouse, rat, hamster etc. What a {vIghro'} would chase after
- 45(+37/-8)renaissance, revivalGeneral Nounresurgence or rediscovery of cultural or technological forms following a period of quiescence
- 72(+49/-23)feldsparGeneral Noungroup of very common aluminum silicate minerals
- 76(+36/-40)tinkerVerbfiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend, or improve it, especially in an experimental or unskilled manner
- 47(+37/-10)quartzGeneral Nounvery common, often transparent or translucent mineral
- 78(+49/-29)casseroleGeneral Noundish baked uncovered in a large deep pan, such as lasagna
- 73(+51/-22)skimVerbglide along in an even, smooth course along or intermittently brushing the surface of something
- 100(+83/-17)BuddhismGeneral Nounreligion associated with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, focused on an end to suffering and the cycle of death and rebirth
- 89(+77/-12)JewLanguage UserMember of a Semitic ethnic group that originated in the ancient Middle East and has a diaspora all over Earth
- 104(+78/-26)ChristianityGeneral Nounreligion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth
- 86(+55/-31)starfishAnimalAn echinoderm with a star-shaped body, able to evert its stomach, usually has five arms/legs
- 82(+34/-48)crabAnimalA decapod crustacean with pincers and a stub for a tail
- 71(+48/-23)flapGeneral Nounbroad flexible loose-hanging mass attached at one end
- 53(+41/-12)cabbage, lettuceGeneral Nounany plant cultivated for its leafy head
- 78(+51/-27)mascotGeneral Nounsymbol of an organization, event, or identity, often an anthropomorphized animal or object
- 78(+54/-24)rustleVerbmake soft muffled sound like that produced by the friction of thin flat material such as cloth, paper, or leaves
- 55(+41/-14)pepper (capsicum)General Nounplant cultivated for its edible, varicolored, and sometimes spicy berries
- 79(+52/-27)cervinoidAnimaldeerlike or mooselike animal
- 72(+49/-23)bracket, corbelGeneral Nounarchitectural or engineering component, often weight-bearing and sometimes decorative, that fixes two other components to each other
- 92(+77/-15)high school, secondary educationGeneral Nounthe secondary phase of education in many Terran school systems, or the latter phase thereof, typically preceding university study or more technical training
- 79(+55/-24)scapulaBody Partshoulder blade; bone connecting the humerus and the clavicle
- 54(+42/-12)chromosomeBody PartOne of the bundles of DNA of which every organism gets the same number from their mother and from their father. Also the words for X chromosome and Y chromosome -- or W chromosome and Z chromosome, if that's what Klingons have.
- 48(+40/-8)Singular "tactic"General Nounto' has the gloss of "tactics" but there doesn't appear to be a word for a singular tactic, which is of course different than strategy in scale.
- 0(+0/-0)lay flat the womanLanguage Userhe brags that he has already laid many women flat
- 102(+81/-21)Islaam, IslamGeneral Noun"submittance (to the will of God Almighty (Allaah))" eg. More than a quarter of the population of Earth choose Islaam as their way of life.
- 30(+3/-27)MuslimGeneral Noun"one who submits"; a person who chooses Islaam as their way of life
- 52(+42/-10)be inside-outVerbwhen what is normally something's inside surface is oriented outward
- 85(+54/-31)thingamajigGeneral Nounnonsense word to refer to a thing you can't remember the name of; a watchamacallit or a whozywhatsit
- 82(+33/-49)EsperantoGeneral Nounname of the Terran language
- 32(+6/-26)Toki PonaGeneral Nounthe name of the Terran language
- 51(+39/-12)Maquis (Resistance)General NounThe infamous organization founded in 2370, operating in the the Federation/Cardassian/demilitarized space.
- 48(+27/-21)pivotVerbswivel or turn on a fixed point
- 79(+51/-28)unit of measurement for radioactive decayGeneral Nouncomparable to the Terran units the curie, the rutherford, and the becquerel
- 52(+44/-8)pixelGeneral Nountiny dot that makes up the representation of an image in a computer's memory
- 77(+51/-26)commandoLanguage Usertrooper of a small fighting force specially trained for speedy offensives against enemy-held areas
- 47(+37/-10)alcoveGeneral Nounsmall recessed area set off from a larger room or chamber
- 48(+40/-8)impaleVerbpierce and transfix with a long, usually pointed object
- 60(+48/-12)be mystical, be esoteric, be occultVerbbe endowed with transcendently complex, obscure, or prescientific meaning; can be used to distinguish 'chemistry' from 'alchemy' or 'astronomy' from 'astrology'
- 51(+41/-10)terrorismGeneral Nounirregular warfare or violence with primarily mass-psychological aims, usually carried out by non-state or para-state agents
- 56(+33/-23)hood, cowlGeneral Nouncovering for the head attached to a larger garment such as a jacket or cloak
- 45(+37/-8)batchGeneral Nouna quantity of anything produced at one iteration of an operation
- 47(+38/-9)straddleVerbA Maori legend states that Paikea straddled a whale to arrive at New Zealand.
- 20(+2/-18)stimulateVerbThe smell of ghak wafting across the room stimulates my taste buds.
- 51(+41/-10)anaemiaGeneral NounAnaemia is a blood condition.
- 54(+43/-11)clavicleBody PartThe clavical is also known as the collarbone.
- 82(+52/-30)rhinoceros, rhinoAnimalAny of a family of pachyderms of the order Perissodactyla with at least one horn on their nose, or the Kronos equivalent
- 58(+44/-14)hippopotamus, hippoAnimalAn aggressive pachyderm of the order Artiodactyla that lives in rivers, or the Kronos equivalent
- 20(+0/-20)DeckGeneral NounA set of cards is called a deck.
- 70(+62/-8)infinityNumberA boundless or endless quantity, a quantity too large to be quantifiable with real numbers. A crucial concept in the development of calculus and various other mathematical fields.
- 77(+57/-20)momentumGeneral NounThe momentum of the ball caused it to roll three feet farther than expected.
- 77(+53/-24)thump, thudExclamationSound of a muffled collision between two solid objects (e.g. the sound of two Klingon foreheads colliding, the sound of a falling tree hitting the ground) or a sound with similar auditory qualities (e.g. the sound of a heart valve in a stethoscope).
- 59(+48/-11)splashExclamationSound of an object hitting and dispersing an amount of liquid.
- 61(+52/-9)shellfish (clam, oyster, mussel, scallop, brachiopod...)AnimalA soft-bodied, usually filter-feeding marine organism with hinged hard protective shells. Evolved multiple times on various planets (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I", "Melora") and often used as food.
- 56(+45/-11)compound (chemical)General NounA homogeneous substance comprising identical molecules (or molecular entities) made up of chemically bonded atoms of two or more elements. In other words, {HeySel} : {tamler} :: {'o'rIS} : {???}
- 92(+53/-39)be randy, be hornyVerbTo feel sexual attraction, to be turned on, to be sexually aroused.
- 56(+44/-12)nickel (element)General NounElement number 28, with the symbol Ni. A naturally ferromagnetic metal with many uses, and a usual component of metallic meteorites.
- 76(+20/-56)be despondent, be disheartenedVerbTo be unhappy or in low spirits as a result of hopelessness or a perceived inability to overcome difficulties.
- 52(+44/-8)vanadiumGeneral NounElement number 23, with the symbol V. Has biological functions in various organisms, provides exceptional strength to steel, and is used in the inner core of fusion reactors.
- 77(+24/-53)microscopeGeneral NounDevice for examining objects too small to be seen with the naked eye.
- 68(+55/-13)cephalopodAnimalThe nearest Klingon analogue to a squid, cuttlefish, or octopus. The cephalopod body plan is the only non-tetrapod anatomical arrangement in which intelligence has been observed to develop, and the tentacles of what appears to be a cephalopod of some sort were served as Klingon food in the TNG episode "Genesis".
- 85(+47/-38)be enormous, be gigantic, be colossalVerbTo be extraordinarily and perhaps awe-inspiringly large in size. We have similar lexical gradients seen in words for fighting (see KGT), quality (QaQ, Dun, pov, pup), heat (ghun, tuj) and degrees of surprise/shock (yay' vs Duq). Does a similar intensive series exist for describing physical size?
- 51(+43/-8)valveGeneral NounA device that regulates flow in a fluid, especially one that only allows fluid to pass in one direction.
- 57(+49/-8)turbine, propellerGeneral NounA device with several angled blades, which converts a fluid's unidirectional motion into rotary motion (as in a turbine) or vice versa (as in a propeller).
- 59(+47/-12)jellyfishAnimalA simple gelatinous marine invertebrate occasionally used for food, closely related to corals (for which we do have a Klingon name) but free-roaming rather than sessile.
- 61(+47/-14)filter, strain, sieve, siftVerbTo pass matter through a tool or implement (a filter for liquids, a sieve for granular solids) in order to remove other types of material.
- 53(+42/-11)pusGeneral NounMatter produced by an infected wound.
- 63(+49/-14)arsenicGeneral NounElement number 33, with the symbol As. An important micronutrient in some non-human lifeforms, and in the TOS novel "Doctor's Orders", said to be a crucial flavoring agent in tabekhte, a type of Klingon sauce made from the roots and leaves of the tabekh plant.
- 65(+55/-10)tentacleBody PartThe flexible limb or sensory organ of an invertebrate animal. Tentacles of an unidentified animal were served as Klingon food in the TNG episode "Genesis".
- 68(+58/-10)gillBody PartThe respiratory organ of {ghotI'mey} and various other aquatic animals.
- 64(+54/-10)fin, flipperBody PartThe motive organ of a fish or other aquatic vertebrate. If a {bo'Degh} has {telDu'}, what does a {ghotI'} have?
- 78(+67/-11)exploreVerbto systematically investigate, or to travel to a place for the purpose of discovery, perhaps by sending a {Hoq}.
- 31(+12/-19)solveVerbdetermine the solution to a puzzle/riddle {ngajrun}, mystery {poymar}, or similar problem
- 41(+37/-4)Singular "deflector"General Nounbegh has the gloss of "deflectors" but there doesn't appear to be a word for a single deflector
- 58(+42/-16)be autistic/aspieVerbTo have a developmental disability entailing introversion, inability to read social cues, an affinity for repetition and routine, obsessive interests and literal-mindedness
- 88(+31/-57)condomGeneral NounA piece of latex used as contraception, or to protect against STDs
- 37(+36/-1)voidGeneral NounThe deep void of outer space is not actually empty; particles do exist there.
- 37(+37/-0)hollowVerbTorpedo tubes are hollow until there is a cha' inside them. stative verb, adjective
- 43(+11/-32)be hazelVerbTo be the color of hazelnuts, a light brownish-yellow: Gen. Martok has hazel eyes.
- 45(+40/-5)blushVerbTo turn red in the face due to embarrassment
- 71(+16/-55)to consecrateVerbto appoint or set apart for a ceremonial or religious function
- 39(+39/-0)favorGeneral Nounan act done out of goodwill rather than from justice or remuneration
- 74(+21/-53)be righteousVerbto be just, morally upright
- 42(+39/-3)peachGeneral Nouna stone fruit of the species Prunus persica, a pink/orange colour and covered with fuzz
- 40(+40/-0)cherryGeneral Nouna stone fruit of the species Prunus avium, can be sweet or sour, usually a cerise colour
- 21(+1/-20)lochClarificationSo we know that wej loch cha' means "two thirds," but how do we say, "two thirds of an apple"? What about, "I ate two thirds of an apple"? (My guess would be 'epIl naH wej 'ay' lochbogh cha' vISoppu', but I'm really not sure.)
- 20(+1/-19)ghItlhmeH Ho'DoSClarificationThis term has been released with the gloss "writing system," which in English usually refers to a set of graphemes (ngutlh) and the rules for using them to transcribe (qon) language. Yet the verb ghItlh is described in KGT as referring to "the act...of making marks on some surface," apparently regardless of whether any linguistic content or symbolic representation is involved (pp. 79-80), which makes it sound as though ghItlhmeH Ho'DoS should actually mean something along the lines of "calligraphic style" or "rules of stroke order" or "engraving technique" rather than "a system for the symbolic representation of language." So I think it is worth checking to make sure that there was no misunderstanding when Maltz revealed this term and that there is no other term that is used to refer to a system of ngutlh.
- 41(+37/-4)RNABody Partribonucleic acid
- 39(+39/-0)seizure (medicine)General Nounconvulsion like those experienced by epileptics
- 32(+32/-0)stitchVerbpass needle and thread through fabric in the process of sewing
- 44(+38/-6)common coldGeneral Nounvery common respiratory infection
- 39(+39/-0)be nostalgicVerbexhibit affinity for familiar surroundings or reminiscence of the things of the past
- 35(+33/-2)mint, menthoid plantGeneral Nounnative name for a similar plant cultivated by Klingons for its taste and aroma
- 43(+37/-6)chlorophyllGeneral Noungreen pigment found in the chloroplasts of plants and other photosynthetic organisms
- 34(+34/-0)craterGeneral Nounanything resembling a hemispherical pit created by an impact or explosion
- 39(+37/-2)fair, funfair, carnival, circusGeneral Nountraveling amusement park
- 62(+53/-9)apartmentGeneral Nounsuite of rooms forming one residence, usually rented, typically in a building containing a number of these
- 20(+2/-18)adultLanguage Usernon-gendered opposite of puq
- 20(+1/-19)diffuseVerbThe sprayed droplets diffuse in midair.
- 40(+40/-0)turbulentVerbThe placid waters suddenly became turbulent.
- 20(+2/-18)colonelGeneral NounMilitary rank, for which there is Star Trek canon e.g. "Colonel Worf", but is not listed in the Warfare section of KGT.
- 42(+35/-7)glutenGeneral Nouna tenacious elastic protein substance especially of wheat flour that gives cohesiveness to dough
- 38(+38/-0)be inflamed (medicine)Verbbe afflicted with congestion of the blood vessels, with obstruction of the blood current and growth of morbid tissue; manifested outwardly by redness, swelling, heat and pain
- 32(+28/-4)speak with vocal fryVerbspeak in a low creaky voice by simultaneous rapid vibration of the vocal cords
- 35(+28/-7)sing falsettoVerbsing by utilizing the next highest vocal folds above those used for speech and normal range singing
- 31(+31/-0)psychokinesisGeneral Nounmovement of physical systems and objects by the use of psychic power
- 36(+36/-0)telepathyGeneral Nouncapability to communicate directly by psychic means; the sympathetic affection of one mind by the thoughts, feelings, or emotions of another at a distance
- 56(+48/-8)mossGeneral Nounany of various small, green, seedless plants growing on the ground or on the surfaces of trees, stones, etc.
- 34(+33/-1)protozoanGeneral Nounny of the diverse group of eukaryotes, of the phylum Protozoa, that are primarily unicellular, existing singly or aggregating into colonies
- 47(+38/-9)membraneBody Partflexible enclosing or separating tissue forming a plane or film and separating two environments
- 55(+47/-8)paragraphGeneral Nounpassage in text that is about a different subject from the preceding text, marked by commencing on a new line, the first line sometimes being indented
- 37(+37/-0)lawsuitGeneral Nounin civil law, a case where two or more people disagree and one or more of the parties take the case to a court for resolution
- 32(+32/-0)tweezerGeneral NounUse a tweezer to pull out the splinter
- 31(+31/-0)be gelatinousVerbhave a jelly-like texture or consistency
- 42(+42/-0)cartilageBody Parttype of dense, non-vascular connective tissue, usually found at the end of joints, the rib cage, the ear, the nose, and between intervertebral disks, an ingredient of {ngat}
- 48(+39/-9)antibodyBody Partprotein produced by B-lymphocytes that binds to a specific antigen
- 35(+35/-0)axisGeneral Nounimaginary line around which an object spins or is symmetrically arranged
- 33(+33/-0)stumpGeneral Nounremains of something that has been cut off, e.g. a tree or limb [may additionally be classed as a body part]
- 29(+29/-0)gypsumGeneral Nounmineral consisting of hydrated calcium sulphate, having a number of applications including as a precursor of plaster
- 46(+36/-10)latheGeneral Nounmachine tool used to shape a piece of material by rotating it against a cutting tool
- 35(+35/-0)vinegarGeneral Nounsour liquid formed by the fermentation of alcohol, used as a condiment or preservative
- 32(+29/-3)bumpkin, yokelLanguage Userunsophisticated person of rural background
- 41(+41/-0)scabBody Partincrustation over a sore or wound, formed during healing
- 93(+57/-36)be naked/nudeVerbThe state of being completely undressed
- 44(+39/-5)lilyGeneral NounA flower of the genus Lilium: typically white, associated with purity and innocence
- 39(+4/-35)roseGeneral NounA flower of the genus Rosa: red, associated with romance, but has thorns
- 80(+43/-37)HelicopterGeneral Nouna type of aircraft which derives both lift and propulsion from one or more sets of horizontally revolving overhead rotors.
- 93(+65/-28)ESP, Supernatural powerGeneral Nountelepathy, psychokinesis, etc (and each their name)
- 39(+17/-22)dateGeneral Nounas in a romantic or courtship date (or the nearest Klingon equivalent)
- 41(+41/-0)be a hypocriteVerbact counter to one's professed beliefs or values, or accuse others of infractions of which oneself is guilty
- 41(+41/-0)Changeling/Founder (Dominion)Language Userrace of fluid shapeshifters who established the interstellar state of the Dominion and dominate its politics
- 34(+34/-0)enamel, coatingGeneral Nounartificial thin outer layer
- 40(+40/-0)curfewGeneral Nounregulation requiring people to be off the streets and in their homes by a certain time
- 47(+39/-8)dollarGeneral Nounname of several disused Terran currencies
- 40(+40/-0)braid, knotworkGeneral Nounweave of fibers, often decorative
- 36(+36/-0)compassGeneral Noundevice used to determine cardinal directions
- 35(+35/-0)scoffVerbvocalize derision or mockery nonverbally
- 37(+37/-0)tundraGeneral Nounflat treeless circumpolar biome
- 34(+34/-0)be glossyVerbhave a smooth, silk-like, reflective surface
- 33(+31/-2)be repetitive/redundantVerba way to indicate that something is a repeat or an extra of something else; a way to describe the concept of bIraqlul
- 46(+46/-0)resinGeneral NounViscous plant secretion such amber, copal, balsam, etc.
- 88(+47/-41)capitalismGeneral NounEconomic system where means of production are privately owned and the driving force of production is the profit motive.
- 94(+52/-42)socialismGeneral NounEconomic system where means of production are socially owned
- 39(+15/-24)idGeneral NounA word to refer to the psychological concept of the id as described by Freud.
- 39(+15/-24)super-egoGeneral NounA word to refer to the psychological concept of the super-ego as described by Freud.
- 54(+42/-12)ego, the selfGeneral NounA word to refer to the psychological concept of the ego as described by Freud.
- 80(+27/-53)hemp, cannabis, marijuana, potGeneral NounA plant of the genus Cannabis, grown for its fiber, drug and seeds
- 45(+21/-24)drugGeneral Nouna mind-altering substance, such as marijuana, alcohol, LSD or heroin
- 78(+38/-40)extinguishVerbThe soldier extinguishes the candle flame. In WoT I have temporarily used rIHHa'.
- 63(+12/-51)postulateGeneral NounThe concept that comes before the general acceptance of an idea as a hypothesis.
- 42(+42/-0)tapVerbTo touch one's fingers gently on something, usually a few times: Anne tapped Tom on the shoulder.
- 49(+45/-4)be curlyVerbto have a woolly texture--used of hair
- 32(+3/-29)The most powerful superacid.General NounFlouroantimonic Acid, with a pH approximately 20 quintillion times that of sulfuric acid, is another Terran created nightmare substance. Certainly, there must be something that makes this stuff seem like mere vinegar on Qo'noS.
- 43(+40/-3)PlutoniumGeneral NounA dangerous metal created by Terrans and their fission experiments.
- 43(+39/-4)DetroitGeneral NounThe terran city known for wheeled transportation and disastrous football.
- 77(+14/-63)back (of a thing)General Nounexterior rear surface, the line between the 'o' and the 'em, like the back of a building
- 78(+17/-61)FacadeGeneral Nounface, exterior front surface, the line between the tlhop and the 'et, like the front of a building
- 47(+42/-5)cotton (or a Qo'noS equivalent)General NounCotton is a plant with white bolls, picked to make into threads which in turn are woven into cloth.
- 61(+46/-15)exponentGeneral NounThe exponent of n in n squared is 2. Perhaps this could be raised to the power of...
- 48(+45/-3)sodiumGeneral NounSalt is a sodium compound. Sodium salts are important chemical agents.
- 45(+45/-0)erodeVerbRust erodes metal. Water erodes the earth, forming canyons.
- 47(+47/-0)calciumGeneral Nounsoft silvery-white alkaline earth metal
- 37(+37/-0)be bristlyVerbbe covered in stiff or coarse hairlike structures; like {nIl} but more solid
- 41(+41/-0)flakeGeneral Nounloose filmy mass or thin chiplike layer
- 38(+36/-2)yodelVerbsing in such a way that the voice fluctuates rapidly between normal chest voice and falsetto
- 38(+38/-0)auctionGeneral Nounevent where goods are sold to the highest bidder
- 43(+38/-5)J'naiiGeneral Nounhomeworld of the sentient species the J'naii
- 39(+38/-1)graniteGeneral Noungroup of igneous rocks composed primarily of feldspar and quartz
- 42(+42/-0)basaltGeneral Nounhard igneous rock, very common in oceanic crust
- 79(+63/-16)edit, reviseVerbreview for the purpose of making or suggesting changes
- 37(+36/-1)adrenaline, epinephrineBody Parthormone and neurotransmitter secreted as a response to stress
- 42(+42/-0)stress, emphasizeVerbdraw attention to with especial markedness
- 35(+35/-0)stencilGeneral Nounutensil usually consisting of a perforated sheet, used to reproduce a pattern on a surface
- 42(+42/-0)musteloid (otter-like or wolverine-like animal)Animalnative name for a similar creature encountered by Klingons
- 44(+43/-1)marble (material)General Nounrock of crystalline limestone, often metamorphosed and having a streaked or swirled appearance, used as a building or sculpting material
- 40(+38/-2)scythe, sickle, falxGeneral Nountool or weapon having a long curving blade with a sharp concave edge
- 37(+37/-0)vector (mathematics)General Nounmathematical concept having both magnitude and direction
- 44(+44/-0)quark (particle)General Nounelementary subatomic particle
- 42(+38/-4)capillaryBody Partsmall blood vessel that connects arteries to veins
- 40(+39/-1)thyroidBody Partlarge butterfly-shaped gland in the neck
- 42(+42/-0)esophagusBody Partorgan which relays food to the stomach
- 48(+44/-4)pronounGeneral Nounpart of speech that functions by itself as a noun phrase
- 40(+40/-0)be porousVerbbe full of tiny pores allowing the passage of fluids
- 40(+40/-0)tackleVerbseize and knock to the ground
- 47(+47/-0)glandBody Partsecretory organ
- 36(+36/-0)crankVerbimpart rotation to, as a wheel
- 58(+48/-10)mantle (geology)General Nounlayer of a planetary body between core and crust
- 48(+48/-0)algaeGeneral Nounaquatic photosynthetic organism
- 41(+39/-2)be creamy (texture)Verbhave the thick, smooth texture of cream
- 41(+41/-0)spleenBody Partblood-filtering organ in vertebrates
- 40(+40/-0)pancreasBody Partendocrine/digestive organ in vertebrates
- 51(+51/-0)absorb (vt)VerbA towel absorbs three grams of spilled liquid. WoT: She absorbed and integrated this information.
- 21(+0/-21)funnelVerbfunneling down to perhaps a half hour of conversation (from WoT project); to narrow down to some situation/condition. I don't like langchoH or langmoH here.
- 47(+22/-25)be wiseVerblike someone who would make a good adviser, the opposite of foolish
- 44(+43/-1)100 billionNumber100 times one billion (Saghan)
- 47(+46/-1)10 billionNumber10 times one billion (Saghan)
- 47(+46/-1)100 millionNumber100 times one million
- 47(+46/-1)10 millionNumber10 times one million
- 44(+44/-0)gourd, squash, pumpkinGeneral Nountrailing or climbing plant producing hard-skinned fleshy fruit
- 45(+43/-2)prankVerbplay a practical joke or mischievious trick (on)
- 89(+59/-30)be polynomialVerbsaid of a math expression which is formed using only addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponentiation; maybe special words for lower powers, e.g., constant (0), linear (1), quadratic (2), cubic (3)?
- 55(+46/-9)be entangled (quantum physics, but maybe more general)Verbtwo (or more) particles or objects are correlated in a way such that their (quantum) states cannot be described independently; possibly [be correlated]+chu' (though correlation need not be perfect for entanglement)?
- 74(+39/-35)be correlated (math, physics)Verbwhen two things occur together with statistical significance, when knowing one thing allows you to infer with higher probability about the other
- 76(+18/-58)interfere, undergo constructive (destructive) interference (physics)Verbphysics phenomenon wherein two waves (water, light, whatever) interact, distinct from {mergh} within the same wave; Is this already {nIS} or {tIr}?
- 82(+71/-11)LivestockAnimalFarm animals
- 49(+28/-21)Ice creamGeneral NounFrozen dessert
- 45(+26/-19)faucetGeneral Nouna fixture for drawing and regulating the flow of a liquid
- 45(+39/-6)qubit (quantum bit)General Nounextension of {Sa'non} to quantum information, can be superposed ({mergh}), independent of specific medium (not necessarily {'otlh})
- 42(+36/-6)be superconductiveVerblacking in electrical resistance, said of materials in which electrical current can flow without loss of power
- 43(+15/-28)subsets of plural pronounsGrammarHow do you talk about subsets of plural pronouns, in phrases like "all of us/you/them", "none of us/you/them", "two of us/you/them", "most of us/you/them", "some of us/you/them", and so on? That is, using number words to refer to part of a group which is described with a pronoun.
- 36(+9/-27)go (as in a path going somewhere)VerbIn the sense of "This road goes to Chicago", "The path goes by the forest", "The wire goes into the wall", "His scar goes from his forehead to his chin", "The tire tracks go into the garage". In other words, how to talk about the course of something long that traces out a path (perhaps an actual path), but isn't actually in motion. The points mentioned don't necessarily have to be the endpoints ("this road goes to Chicago" doesn't necessarily mean that the road stops in Chicago), and the endpoints might not be specified at all.
- 78(+39/-39)be relentless, indefatigableVerbKang, Kor, and Koloth were relentless in their pursuit of the Albino.
- 81(+47/-34)DiamondGeneral NounThe form of the diamond cubic atomic structure of carbon we use for jewellery and such. Wouldn't mind also knowing the nomenclature for the general crystalline structure as well, if different, which it probably is.
- 67(+57/-10)Wince, Cringe, FlinchVerbReflexively recoil or shrink away
- 46(+44/-2)TrapezoidGeneral NounConvex quadrilateral with two parallel sides
- 48(+48/-0)SpasmVerbSudden involuntary muscle contraction
- 55(+55/-0)ProteinGeneral NounClass of complex molecules made of amino acids held together by peptide bonds
- 45(+45/-0)OvalGeneral NounShape resembling an egg or ellipse
- 46(+46/-0)Gum (Oral anatomy)General NounThe flesh around the teeth
- 47(+47/-0)DewGeneral NounAtmospheric moisture condensed on cool surfaces
- 44(+12/-32)FossilGeneral NounMineralized remains of an animal or plant
- 44(+44/-0)Be SymmetricalVerbExhibit symmetry, have corresponding or harmonious arrangement
- 44(+44/-0)AlkaliGeneral NounClass of chemical compounds, bases
- 81(+21/-60)WrinkleBody PartAn indented line that appears in the skin; as with age, or after being in the water, or on such animals as elephants.
- 79(+21/-58)AgeGeneral NounHow old a person, non-language using animal, or thing is, in years or months.
- 59(+59/-0)disorder, disability, syndrome, conditionGeneral NounSomething wrong with someone mentally or physically: "Danny was born with a rare brain condition."
- 54(+49/-5)headphonesGeneral NounSpeakers worn over the ears to listen to music or other recordings so only the wearer can hear them
- 45(+45/-0)circuit, circuitryGeneral Nounenclosed path of current within an electrical device
- 39(+39/-0)spool, reel, spindleGeneral Noundevice around which thread or wire is wound
- 97(+48/-49)Klingon alphabetical orderClarificationInformation on whether there's a usual sequence in which the letters in the Klingon alphabet are ordered, and if so, what that order is and how one talks about it in Klingon
- 90(+50/-40)MonopolyGeneral NounTo exert sole control over a resource, but more importantly, what Klingons would call the Klingon Monopoly board game in Klingon
- 98(+62/-36)latitude/ longitudeGeneral NounA coordinate system for specifing locations on a planet. (As far as the Klingon display screens are concerned, Klingons may use a triangular coordinate system)
- 91(+47/-44)friendshipGeneral NounStrong emotion, affection between friends. "swore eternal friendship", "Earth-Klingon friendship day"
- 69(+61/-8)lensGeneral NounAn object that focuses light or other EM radiation by refraction
- 50(+50/-0)freckle(s)Body PartMarks on the skin caused by exposure to sunlight: "Jim has brown hair, blue eyes and freckles."
- 47(+42/-5)Kuvah'maghLanguage UserKlingon savior figure venerated by a religious minority, believed to be conceived during the holy month of Nay'Poq (VOY: Prophecy)
- 46(+46/-0)symbiontGeneral Nounorganism living in close physical association with another; parasites are a subtype
- 44(+40/-4)TrillGeneral Nounclass-M homeworld of the Trill species, located in the Alpha Quadrant
- 47(+43/-4)d'akturakLanguage Usersomeone with an "icy" demeanor; especially as a tough negotiator (DS9: Blood Oath)
- 43(+9/-34)jak'tahlaGeneral Nounphase in a Klingon's maturation similar to puberty (ST: Insurrection)
- 50(+43/-7)soh-chimLanguage UserKlingon legal and social role similar to a "godparent"; bestowed on a family friend who would care for a child if their parents were incapacitated
- 74(+61/-13)zincGeneral Nounmetallic chemical element, symbol Zn, atomic number 30
- 53(+50/-3)titaniumGeneral Nounmetallic chemical element, symbol Ti, atomic number 22
- 50(+47/-3)aluminumGeneral Nounmetallic chemical element, symbol Al, atomic number 13
- 50(+48/-2)mercuryGeneral Nounmetallic chemical element, symbol Hg, atomic number 80
- 63(+49/-14)hissVerbAnimal noise similar to a growl
- 68(+50/-18)crawl / slitherVerbMovement verb(s) for snakes, bugs, and animal generally low to the ground
- 54(+54/-0)tumorBody Partunusual bodily growth
- 49(+49/-0)be fertileVerbCould apply to land, animals, people
- 20(+1/-19)tearsGeneral NounEye fluid from crying / irritation
- 88(+57/-31)stove / ovenGeneral NounKlingons don't use heat as much in cooking, but surely the have heating devices for other purposes
- 88(+48/-40)DeskGeneral NounvummeH raS works just fine, but if Klingons use a separate word, it would be nice to know
- 49(+43/-6)Counter / workbenchGeneral NounWe have a word for table, but we don't have a word for a work space attached to the wall.
- 44(+21/-23)nodVerbA simple nod for yes, a nod at/toward something (or as a direct object). Related words could include shaking head for no, tilting head questioningly, other gestures of the head.
- 69(+24/-45)Look at / stareVerbWe have legh for see, but we don't have a word for actively directing the eyes
- 61(+57/-4)blink (and/or wink)VerbRapidly close and open one or both eyes
- 98(+55/-43)Close friend (cross-gender and/or gender-neutral)Language UserKGT gives us {maqoch} for "close male friend of a male" and {chaj} for "close female friend of a female", but we don't seem to have a known way to express a similarly close relationship between a male and a female, or involving people who identify as neither male nor female.
- 60(+45/-15)ironicallyAdverbmarks situations involving 1) failure caused by efforts towards success; or 2) success achieved by means which would normally lead to failure
- 50(+50/-0)tendency, propensityGeneral Nouninclination toward a particular characteristic or behavior
- 46(+45/-1)idealGeneral Nounstandard of perfection; or principle to which one aspires
- 49(+45/-4)adverb(ial)General NounKlingon grammatical category defined by TKD section 5.4
- 48(+44/-4)blackmailVerbextort money or benefits from someone in return for not revealing compromising information
- 45(+43/-2)porchGeneral Nounprojecting architectural structure that houses an entrance to a building
- 57(+24/-33)foam, frothGeneral Nounmass of small bubbles
- 69(+55/-14)superstitionGeneral Nounwidely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation
- 62(+50/-12)teen, teenager, adolescent, youth, young adultLanguage UserA word for a person who is too old to be called puq but is too young to nen.
- 46(+46/-0)winkVerbTo close and open one eye.
- 39(+14/-25)NudgeVerbTo prod someone, often lightly and with the elbow, to get their attention.
- 111(+59/-52)Gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgenderLanguage User"loD be' je ngaghbogh loD" (Man who has sex with men and women, i.e. bisexual) and "be' mojpu'bogh loD" (Man who has become a woman) are both immensely burdensome, and not really accurate. A canonical way of expressing LGBT people would go a long way in bring Klingon to other interested people.
- 76(+17/-59)most recentVerb"Did you see the most recent episode of Star Trek?" "I only have the booklets from the three most recent qep'a'mey." This is listed as a verb because a stative verb could be one way to express this, but perhaps there's a phrase/construction used for this concept. I've seen some people use {Qav} or {vorgh} for this, but there's no reason to believe either of these are quite right.
- 56(+51/-5)prototypeGeneral NounThe first transporter prototypes met with limited success, but later proved indispensable for exploring the galaxy.
- 45(+20/-25)burdenGeneral NounAn encumbrance, a useless dead weight - "A farmer's treasures are a warrior's burden"
- 60(+55/-5)WalesGeneral NounCountry in the United Kingdom where the natives speak Welsh
- 56(+44/-12)K'EhleyrLanguage UserST:TNG character, half-Klingon emissary and ambassador.'Ehleyr
- 22(+22/-0)archaeologyGeneral NounThe study of past societies through the examination of their material remains. A subject dealt with by dedicated ship's officers in Starfleet (TOS, "Who Mourns for Adonais?"; TNG, "The Bonding"), and one of Jean-Luc Picard's chief personal passions. We know sociology is referred to as {nughQeD}; does this term also subsume archaeology, or do Klingons consider it a separate discipline?
- 67(+59/-8)furniture, item of furnitureGeneral NounAllowing us to say such things as "A chair is an item of furniture." or "Our door was unlocked and our furniture was in complete disarray." Some languages distinguish between moveable furniture, immovable furniture and fittings, so it would be good to have a clarification regarding this.
- 51(+48/-3)phonemeGrammarWhat do Klingons call the most basic sound elements of a language?
- 21(+1/-20)stillAdverbIs the only way to say this to imply it with -taH or is there a specific adverb for it?
- 50(+13/-37)alreadyAdverbIs wejHa' a good way to say it? Can it only be implied by use of the perfective suffixes? Is there another more specific adverb?
- 17(+17/-0)Undergarments, UnderwearGeneral NounWhat Klingons wear under their clothing, if anything. If Klingons don't wear clothing that's obscured by their visible clothing, what they would call this sort of garment when worn by others. "I wonder whether Klingons wear underwear."
- 92(+51/-41)IncenseGeneral NounA material burned in order to produce a scent, possibly in connection with a ritual. Klingons have been depicted burning something resembling incense on Star Trek on several occasions, including DS9 "Sons of Mogh" and VOY "Nothing Human"
- 13(+13/-0)Closest Klingon goat analogAnimalWhatever animal a terran goat would most remind Klingons of
- 17(+17/-0)HabitGeneral NounIndividual's settled or regular tendency or practice.
- 20(+18/-2)PunctuationGeneral NounMarks used in writing to separate sentences and their elements.
- 20(+1/-19)waiting roomGeneral Nouna room or area wehere people wait for an appointment, ot for their train/bus/airplane/starship to depart.
- 17(+17/-0)(train) stationGeneral NounA name for a building or area where medium-to long land transport systems stop. It does not have to be a train, specifically, maybe also bus terminals wou;d qualify?
- 59(+18/-41)kilo-/mill-, mega-/micro etc.NumberA way to express bery big or very small numbers, it does not have to be decimal based, or 10^3 based, but as the decimal system is based on DIvI' Hol...
- 54(+26/-28)nightmareGeneral Nounan unsettling, disturbing, or horrific dream. "I do not know the cause of these nightmares"
- 20(+20/-0)MorskaGeneral NounA colony on the outskirts of the empire, near {rura' pente'}, site of a listening post, and origin of one of the more interesting {Sep Hol Sarmey}. "I've never been to Morska, but I'd like to visit someday."
- 44(+8/-36)short (object or distance)VerbFor "long" we have {nI'} (duration) and {tIq} (of an object), but for "short" we have {ngaj} (duration) and {run} (stature). {run} seems to be the opposite of {woch}, not {tIq}. What is the opposite of {tIq}?
- 35(+5/-30)Mr./Ms./-sanLanguage UserSome Klingons have names that resemble general nouns ({QaS, Qel}), which may be confusing in some contexts. Titles could be used to disambiguate in some circumstances (such as {Qel 'aj} or {QaS joH}), but these often imply a hierarchical relationship or specific occupation. Do Klingons have neutral terms to specify persons, analogous to (gender-marked) English "Mr." or "Ms." or (not-gender-marked) Japanese "-san" or "-chan"?
- 24(+24/-0)Closest Klingon canine analogAnimalIs there a better word than "targh" that Klingons would think of when they see a Terran dog? Need not be an animal that Klingons domesticate.
- 10(+1/-9)pencilGeneral Nounan utensil for writing by hand
- 20(+19/-1)novelGeneral Nouna long fictional literary composition in prose
- 80(+20/-60)haikuGeneral Nountype of poetry from Japan
- 19(+18/-1)coralGeneral NounA colony of marine polyps.
- 19(+19/-0)balconyGeneral NounAn accessible structure extending from a building, especially outside a window.
- 20(+17/-3)saltpeterGeneral NounPotassium nitrate (KNO₃), a mineral salt. One of the three key ingredients of {ngat} "gunpowder" alongside {ghav} "carbon" and {no'negh} "sulfur". Has some culinary uses on Earth, but whether it's used in Klingon cuisine is unknown (although note the secondary sense of {ngat} "herbed granulated cartilage" - may this be because it also uses saltpeter as an ingredient?).
- 29(+27/-2)salt (culinary, halite)General NounSodium chloride. The most common of chemical salts, and presumably the compound responsible for making food {na'} "salty".
- 18(+13/-5)Have an area ofVerbThe verb of measurement corresponding to {morghmey}, assuming one exists. "The field has an area of 4000 morgh."
- 96(+38/-58)Have a duration ofVerb"This presentation has a duration of 20 minutes." "The festival has a duration of three days." I know people probably all use something with "qaStaHvIS" for this sort of thing, but other units of measure have their own verbs...
- 18(+18/-0)hologramGeneral Nouna functioning, moving, vocalizing, messaging hologram as appears in "Melancholy Elephants"
- 24(+24/-0)nestGeneral Nounbird's nest
- 49(+22/-27)worry (about something)VerbTo think, often obsessively and with unease, about an event or status that is often outside of our control. What a rejmorgh does. "He worried about the harvest", "She worries too much", "They believe meditation can stop him from worrying too much"
- 22(+22/-0)treat somebody likeVerbTo say things like "We treat the hostages as honored guests." or "They treat the prisoners like animals." In English, the word "treat" can be used both about people ("Treat me like royalty") or objects ("Treat/Use the sword like a hammer"), so it would be nice to have clarification if this word/phrase also has this dual meaning.
- 52(+46/-6)AthleticsGeneral Noun
A term that would encompass all or most games requiring physical strength, dexterity, and tenacity especially those consisting of a number of players per team.
"Worf excelled at soccer on earth, but his skill at the game led to tragic consequences for a young Earther."
- 18(+18/-0)Klingon balletGeneral NounI seem to remember Okrand alluding to Klingon Classical ballet while commenting on Klingon opera and comparing the moves involved to Klingon martial arts. "Grilka persuaded Quark to take her out for an evening of opera and ballet at the First City Fine Arts Festival."
- 58(+34/-24)be crunchy, be crispyVerbI've seen Klingon foods depicted in trek that look as if these adjectives may apply. If nothing else, it might describe the texture of dried-out gagh, commonly (though regrettably) served as snacks and at breakfast.
- 88(+55/-33)roast, grill, broilVerbWe know that despite the well-known Klingon penchant for preparing food raw, there are exceptions (e.g. roast leg of lIngta'). I believe I might have seen meQ used to achieve this effect, but somehow this seems to me to imply a culinary gaffe has occured.
- 25(+25/-0)breast (female anatomy)Body PartThe felinoid that Kirk fought on Nimbus III had three breasts. Breast cancer represents an important health issue for Earth women.
- 22(+19/-3)SiliconGeneral Nounchemical element 14
- 20(+2/-18)positronGeneral NounAntiparticle of the electron. Propagation of these particles through a Soong-type android's neural net made the construction of sentient androids like Data possible.
- 29(+29/-0)Reference temperatures for the SImyon scaleClarificationWe know the name of the unit that Klingons use for measuring temperature, and how to express that something has a temperature using that unit, but no reference points by which we can convert between Earth temperature scales and the Klingon one. If SImyon are not absolute like Kelvin and Rankine, it would also be important to know how to express negative temperatures, as already requested in another chabal.
- 53(+13/-40)take medicine, medicate onselfVerbI have used {jIHergh'eghpu'} for "I took my medicine." for years, based on the canonical word {HerghwI'} Can {HerghwI} be used as a bare verb meaning "I medicated myself", or is it just a fossil or set form? If not, how can I say "take my medicine?"
- 53(+15/-38)path of a warriorGeneral NounI've often thought this might be a discrete word, as opposed to the more literal {vaj taw}, {SuvwI' taw}, {vaj He}, etc.
- 24(+21/-3)Kal'HyahGeneral NounKlingon bachelor party. A mental and physical journey filled with song and fellowship celebrated by a Klingon groom and his closest male friends. It consisted of six trials: deprivation, blood, pain, sacrifice, anguish, and death all of which were to be celebrated while fasting. "Word relished following the path of Kal'Hyah with his friends."
- 60(+34/-26)fish, be fishingVerbVerb to describe process of catching fish (if such a concept in Klingon is distinguished from wam). "The villagers fish to sustain themselves." "The warrior likes to fish."
- 64(+34/-30)comparisons for adverbialsGrammarHow do a compare two attributes that are described using adverbs? Things like "more often", "less likely", "quicker", "more slowly"? "Sometimes I eat fish but more often I eat beef?", "He can run quickly but she can run quicker", "It's likely your plane will fly, but it's less likely mine will"
- 21(+21/-0)HypothesisGeneral NounA testable explanation for an observed phenomenon. A clarification on what meaning of "theory" {nger} indicates would be good too. If {nger} actually means something closer to the casual use of "theory" to mean something more like "a guess", then perhaps {nger} would be suitable for "hypothesis", and it would be good to have a word for the scientific meaning of "theory". However, if {nger} means "theory" in the scientific sense, then a word for "hypothesis" would be useful.
- 25(+25/-0)Fabric, cloth, textileGeneral NounA material made by weaving fibers. "Humans cover their soft mattresses with cloth sheets.""I cannot identify the fabric this shirt is made of."
- 84(+40/-44)be unavengedVerbThis seems like an important state for a Klingon, one that he wants to get out of. (By getting revenge, of course!)
- 31(+28/-3)uh, ummExclamationthe sound Klingons make when speaking and pause to think
- 51(+24/-27)clapVerb
smacking ones hands together in order to show appreciation, or whatever Klingons would do in the same situation. Can also include smacking any two things together in a way that produces a sound.
- 26(+26/-0)boo! hiss!ExclamationHowever Klingons vocalize their displeasure when in a group
- 53(+48/-5)be neither warm nor cool (temperature)Verbtepid? That may not be the best word since it is often used to mean slightly warm.
- 57(+28/-29)be cool (temperature)VerbWe have cold, hot, and warm - is there also a "cool"?
- 21(+20/-1)go through, pass through (matter)VerbAs in "Ghosts can pass through walls." or "These particles can pass through steel." May or may not be the same word as {vegh}, which refers to going through an opening (such as a doorway).
- 21(+21/-0)be allergic (to)VerbAs in "I am allergic to pollen." or "The foods to which I am allergic are more numerous than the foods to which I am not allergic."
- 19(+19/-0)be refined, be fancy, be sophisticated (pertaining to culture)VerbHaving characteristics associated with the upper class, possibly due to being particularly elaborate or due to arbitrarily culturally valued attributes. "We are dinner at a fancy restaurant two nights ago." "Only a sufficiently sophisticated individual will appreciate the performance."
- 56(+30/-26)Face (orient towards)Verb"We must now turn to face the front of the room" "Each of these three sculptures faces a different compass direction."
- 24(+21/-3)ThrogniGeneral Nounplant from Kronos with a stimulating fragrance (TNG: Angel One)
- 21(+18/-3)Tawi'yanLanguage Userrole analogous to best man at Klingon wedding
- 22(+21/-1)O'Mat Gri T'M pffiotsGeneral Nounensemble dish including meat and beverage (TNG: Heart of Glory)
- 24(+24/-0)HormoneGeneral Nouncompound produced by organism to regulate bodily processes
- 18(+18/-0)ExploitVerbuse to the detriment of the person or thing used
- 19(+19/-0)SewerGeneral Nounsystem of underground conduits for disposal of liquid waste
- 23(+19/-4)BucketGeneral Nounopen metal/plastic/wooden container for holding liquids
- 22(+18/-4)QuoteVerbcite the speech or writing of someone else
- 9(+7/-2)RibbonGeneral Nounlong thin flat band of material
- 23(+23/-0)GestureVerbsend a social signal with a part of the body
- 27(+23/-4)hug, embraceVerbto hold (someone/thing) closely in one's arms. "He hugged his daughter before bed", "The couple embraced beneath the tree", "She does not like to be hugged"
- 20(+2/-18)loyaltyGeneral Nounthe quality of being loyal, faithful adherence, or an instance of faithfulness. "I admire Maltz's loyalty." "Where do his true loyalties lie?"
- 27(+27/-0)posterity, descendantsLanguage UserA word to express who {no'} "ancestors" are {no'} to.
- 21(+21/-0)go through, pass throughVerb
To travel through an undifferentiated mass or a collection of homogeneous individual objects (a forest, a crowd, water, soil, space...). "I passed through the crowd." "We travelled through the forest." "The norgh passed through the water below me." "The bullet went straight through him."
- 25(+25/-0)wormholeGeneral NounA structure in spacetime that connects two disparate points by passing through a higher dimension; an Einstein-Rosen bridge. "We must pass through the wormhole to recover the Sword of Kahless." "Kor calls the Bajoran wormhole the 'Eye of Destiny'."
- 25(+25/-0)dustGeneral NounFine powder. "A comet's tail consists of gas and dust."
- 31(+3/-28)still, anymore (or negation of "no longer", "not anymore")AdverbUp to this time. "Do you still have that old car?" "I can't remember anymore." "It's no longer important." To emphasize whether something that was happening has ended, as {wej} emphasizes that it has not already happened.
- 28(+27/-1)constellationGeneral Noun"The Tracker (ghochwI') is a Klingon constellation." "You cannot see that constellation from this part of the planet." We already know that Klingons name at least some of their constellations, and it would be great to know if there's a term for such a named group.
- 23(+23/-0)vowelGrammarThe type of phoneme/letter that appears second in every (normal) Klingon word. Might be a noun (vowel), a verb (be vowel-sounding) or something else that allows us to express "'at is a vowel." or "Because the first letter of this word is a vowel, it irks me."
- 23(+23/-0)consonantGrammarThe kind of phoneme/letter that appears first in every (normal) Klingon word. Might be a noun (consonant) or a verb (be consonant-sounding) or something else that allows us to say, for example, "tlhay is a consonant."
- 34(+26/-8)ash, ashesGeneral NounPowdery alkaline remnants of a fire. "His house burned to the ground; only ashes are left." "Ashes mixed with water can be used to preserve some foods."
- 22(+18/-4)environmental suitGeneral Nounprotective suit of clothing like a space suit/bio-suit/nbc suit
- 23(+21/-2)pioneer/break through/innovateVerbTo make a epoch, go into a new world
- 80(+25/-55)many times, time and time againAdverbrepeatedly but speaker don't know the number of times. New word, or I would like to know if I can say *law'logh* or can not, want Okrand's decision.
- 25(+25/-0)be randomVerb"I can't remember random words", "Dice are used to generate random numbers", "I saw all kinds of random"
- 13(+2/-11)GreetingGeneral NounNot a Klingon greeting, obviously, since such a thing doesn't exist, but how a Klingon would describe this behavior in other cultures. "Don't invite the humans. They will waste twenty minutes exchanging meaningless greetings."
- 56(+47/-9)Saarbrücken (Germany)General NounThe city of Saarbrücken, site of qepHom
- 13(+6/-7)Las Vegas (Nevada)General NounThe city of Las Vegas, Nevada, were qep'a' has been held.
- 52(+43/-9)NevadaGeneral NounThe state of Nevada, site of at least one qep'a'
- 83(+21/-62)Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)General Noun
The city of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, were several qep'a' were held.
- 52(+44/-8)PennsylvaniaGeneral NounThe state of Pennsylvania, were several qep'a' were held.
- 56(+46/-10)IndianaGeneral NounThe state of indiana, location of qep'a' 25 + 26
- 92(+49/-43)Indianapolis (Indiana)General NounThe city of indianapolis, location of qep'a' 25 + 26
- 22(+22/-0)SyllableGeneral NounA unit of speech with a single vowel; words may be composed of one or more of these. "This word has too many syllables."
- 27(+25/-2)RhymeVerbTo repeat similar sounds, such as in poetry or song lyrics. "These words do not rhyme."
- 22(+19/-3)ecosystem/environmentGeneral Nouncommunity of organisms interacting with their surroundings
- 18(+18/-0)pumpVerbmove quantities of fluid via mechanical action
- 66(+26/-40)powderGeneral Nounfine dry granular material
- 73(+52/-21)bureaucracyGeneral Nounadministrative hierarchy, often inefficient
- 19(+18/-1)mentorLanguage Usertrusted guide or advisor, usually within a particular field or organization
- 17(+17/-0)legacyGeneral Nounsomething inherited from a predecessor, or more broadly, the 'wake' in time left by a historical figure
- 22(+22/-0)hookGeneral Nouncurved implement for grasping or piercing
- 17(+17/-0)leatherBody Parttanned animal hide/skin
- 22(+20/-2)tentGeneral Nounfoldable, usually temporary shelter
- 17(+15/-2)et ceteraConjunctionconjunction incorporating listed items plus similar items: X Y C = x and y etc :: raS quS C = ~furniture (tables, chairs, and similar things). Can be reversed to link sentences/clauses like other conjunction pairs ('ej/je etc.)
- 94(+59/-35)bloomVerbTo bloom, flowers open, come out. (And I want words \"to bud\", \"to sprout\")
- 32(+3/-29)punchGeneral Nounattack with a fist, whichever noun or verb. And other term for hand-to-hand combat (tuckle, palmblow, chop [open hand], elbow-strike. etc)
- 45(+10/-35)pipe/tube/strawGeneral Nounhollow pipe, not a name of plant.
- 52(+11/-41)maskGeneral Nounin the sense of masquerade, what a hero wears on his face, what Klingons wear in "Into Darkness", Japanese <kamen> or <omen>
- 44(+6/-38)point, dotGeneral Nounsmall mark, and to describe "week point" "important point"
- 11(+2/-9)repeat/continuous/serialVerbto do something repeatedly, again and again.(verb or adverbial)
- 47(+9/-38)shaveVerbremove body hair, "shave myself every morning"
- 26(+26/-0)curve, archGeneral Nouna bow-shaped thing (noun, or verb "be curved")
- 16(+3/-13)double/twiceVerblength, quantity, time, etc. Perhaps different words may be used for time and length
- 23(+23/-0)order/turnGeneral Noune.g. It's my turn! in order, the order was disturbed.
- 22(+22/-0)RhythmGeneral NounThe arrangement of musical sounds in time.
- 69(+68/-1)piNumberThe ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. "3.14159......."
- 78(+55/-23)PhaseGeneral NounThe fraction of a wave cycle that has elapsed compared to the origin. "The phase off-sets of the two waveforms causes destructive interference.'
- 62(+48/-14)AmplitudeGeneral NounThe magnitude of a wave.
- 101(+66/-35)be consonantVerbA collection of simultaneous musical pitches which have fundamentals that are close to simple mathematical ratios. "The pianist started with a consonant harmony."
- 18(+18/-0)HarmonyGeneral Noun
Concurrent musical pitches that are perceived as having some degree of unified organisation. "The harmony supporting the melody was dense."
- 22(+21/-1)MelodyGeneral NounA musical line that forms a single idea. "The melody of the aria was prominant."
- 21(+21/-0)Octave/NonaveGeneral NounA 2:1 frequency ratio, the distance from two musical pitches that share the same name.
- 18(+18/-0)PressureGeneral NounForce exterted against an opposing force, "Sound is a pressure wave."
- 22(+21/-1)DimensionGeneral NounA direction within a coordinate system, "This object exists in three dimensions"
- 10(+2/-8)classGeneral NounI would like terms to express class as in "social class" but also as something that has a class, a category. Also, a term for classes in programming languages
- 28(+28/-0)Between (referring to measurements)Conjunction"This specimen must be stored at a temperature between 27 and 81 SImyon." "This carseat is suitable for infants weighing between one and six cheb."
- 10(+2/-8)UnderwaterGeneral NounBelow the upper boundary of a gas and a liquid. Examples: "A submarine is a ship designed to explore underwater", "Underwater creatures usually have gills to separate the oxygen from the water".
- 83(+38/-45)be physicalVerbThat which is matter {rugh, Hap} or energy {HoS}. "Energy is as real as matter.", "My turtle is not imaginary but real."
- 50(+21/-29)fantasyGeneral Nounthe faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable, "This is starting to go into the realm of fantasy", "There's nothing wrong with a good fantasy"
- 30(+24/-6)be fantasyVerb
a work of fiction, often involving magic and adventure, especially in a setting other than the real world: "The lord of the rings is a fantasy story", "Is the paq'batlh fantasy or real?"
- 24(+22/-2)fictionGeneral Nounas in "Science-fiction"
- 51(+22/-29)be fictionalVerbTo be made up, not real "I enjoy a good fictional story", "That book is fictional"
- 50(+14/-36)be obviousVerbe.g. " The soldier hides behind an obvious piece of cover"
- 48(+6/-42)FearGeneral NounThere is ghIj, "to scare", but not a word to desctibe the emotion. Ex. "Fear is the minf killer"
- 10(+1/-9)Reflexive possession (her/his/its/their own)Grammar
How to distinguish, in a sentence like "puqDaj HaqnIS HaqwI'" whether the surgeon needs to operate on her own child or somebody else's.
- 19(+19/-0)glueGeneral NounThe stuff used to stick two, or more things together "Pass me the super glue." "I need to get a new bottle of glue", "this glue doesn't work"
- 26(+24/-2)Between (referring to time periods)Conjunction"Since the time of Kahless until now, nobody has seen a Hurq." "We can meet any time between 8:00 and 12:00." "Star Trek aired on television from 1966 to 1969."
- 56(+25/-31)Spouse (gender-neutral term)Language User"bang" and "parmaqqay" are already gender-neutral, but neither seems to indicate a marriage bond.
- 92(+51/-41)Sibling (gender-neutral term)Language User"Do you have any siblings?" "Is this your sibling?" (Perhaps asked to a species or culture or even just about an individual whose gender identity does not conform to what is expressive by be'/loD)
- 58(+29/-29)Parent (gender-neutral term)Language UserWe can say puq to refer to a child regardless of gender, but no analog exists for parent.
- 68(+20/-48)EnglandGeneral Noun
As a separate place name from the UK. Useful to express "England Hol" rather than "DIvI' Hol".
- 21(+20/-1)sitting room/lounge/parlourGeneral NounA room in a house for entertaining guests, such as the room that Picard spoke to Kahlest in during Sins of the Father or where Lursa and Betor served tea to Worf in during the episode Redemption Part 2
- 59(+29/-30)magic trick/technique/artformGeneral NounA noun for an individual performance act a {mIn yuqwI'} does that are often referred to by the slang term "trick". The non-fantasy version of what {'IDnar} is:"I have a new magic technique to show you!", "I learned a new trick last week", "How many tricks do you know?", "Did you see Dave's new magic technique? I still haven't figured out his last trick!This would be like the word {tonSaw'} but instead of for martial arts, it would be for magic performances. It has nothing to do with deceiving, but instead names an artform.
- 23(+23/-0)vote, cast a ballotVerbto give one vote in a democratic process such as an election. "During the period of reforms, the people voted for Chancellor." "I vote we go with Martok's attack plan."
- 27(+26/-1)fraction (number-forming element)Number
marker for denominator in a fraction; generalization of {vatlhvI'} "percent" to numbers other than 100. Examples: "one third", "three quarters", "nine tenths", "1/81".
Merged from another suggestion by admin: Can this be used to express ratios as well? - 25(+20/-5)be not something, non-Verbsimilar to {Deq} as an adjective, but expresses something isn't the noun. "I spoke to the non-Klingon." "The non-warriors were taken off the ship." "She studied non-quantum (i.e., classical) physics."
- 63(+20/-43)oscillateVerbto swing back and forth with a regular rhythm. "The clock works because the pendulum oscillates." "The oscillation of the dilithium crystals restarted the warp engine."
- 19(+16/-3)continuumGeneral Nouna system where every part can be transitioned into without abrupt changes and with uniform laws throughout. "Janeway visited the Q Continuum." "The Enterprise went through a tear in the spacetime continuum."
- 87(+22/-65)spacetimeGeneral Nounthe underlying continuum of the universe. "The warp field creates a bubble in spacetime." "The extreme gravity caused a rupture in the spacetime continuum."
- 31(+27/-4)recipe, formulaGeneral Nouna set of instructions including a list of ingredients for making something. "Professor Scott explained the formula for transparent aluminium to Dr. Nichols." "Gowron has the best recipe for rokeg blood pie."
- 60(+19/-41)equation, formulaGeneral Nouna mathematical expression equating two things. "Torg easily solved the equations of relativity theory." "The warp factor equation gives the ship's speed."
- 57(+47/-10)power (physics)General Nounamount of energy ({HoS}) transferred or convert per unit time. "This light bulb consumes 60 watts of power." "What is the minimum power needed to maintain life support?"
- 25(+19/-6)bit, byte (maybe trit)General Nounbasic units of digital information. bit = {0,1}, trit = {0,1,2}. "The computer's storage can hold one billion bytes." "The experiment produced one trillion bytes of data per second."
- 62(+53/-9)directive, injunctionGeneral Nouna specific law, command, or authoritative ruling. "We must obey the Prime Directive." "Based on the law, the judge has issued the following directive."
- 74(+31/-43)mass (physics)General Nounan object's resistance to motion, or the amount of matter ({Hap}), distinct from weight (which is gravity-dependent). "This black hole has a million times the mass of the Terran Sun." ( Also: Does {cheb} measures mass or weight?)
- 25(+21/-4)force (physics concept)General Noundistinct from energy ({HoS}). Possibly {Sur} (as {Surchem} is "force field"). "An object at rest stays at rest unless one applies a force." "Force is mass times acceleration."
- 54(+25/-29)by the way, parentheticallyAdverbused to segue the subject or change the topic, or introduce a related topic. "By the way, I saw Maltz today." "We attached the Federation. By the way, we also attacked the Romulans."
- 24(+19/-5)superimpose, superposeVerbput one thing over another so that they coincide. "The detective superimposed the fingerprints and saw that they matched." "The physicist created a superposition of two quantum states."
- 98(+59/-39)slitGeneral Nouna narrow hole, a long cut made into something. "He put the letter into the slit." "The photon passed through the slit." "The surgeon cut a small slit in the patient's shoulder."
- 26(+22/-4)coincidenceGeneral Nouna lucky concurrence of circumstances or events without any causal connection. "The Chancellor went to the same bar as the assassin. Because of this coincidence, he was killed." "By coincidence, we were in the same place." (Possibly better as adverb.)
- 21(+20/-1)diffractVerbto spread out a beam or waves by contact with a narrow aperture or substance. "The white light was diffracted by the prism into a rainbow." "The waves diffracted around the jetty."
- 67(+53/-14)reflectVerbhave something be bounced off a surface without absorption. "The mirror reflected the beam of light." "The bullet reflected off the armour."
- 55(+27/-28)turnGeneral NounAn opportunity or obligation to do something which is passed between a number of people. "On the player's turn, he takes one card." "It's your turn to wash the dishes."
- 21(+20/-1)Kos'KariiAnimalIn Klingon mythology, the Kos'Karii were pale, serpent-like creatures which inhabited the blood-red waters crossed by the Barge of the Dead on its way to Gre'thor. "It's the Kos'Karii, they'll try to lure you to them. Don't listen." (VOY 6x03 "Barge of the Dead")
- 22(+22/-0)JointBody Partarticulation point of two bones; "Elbows and knees are joints."
- 93(+37/-56)Be divorced/widowedVerbto be one whose one's marriage contract is officially terminated, perfectly so by death of the other partner. "The divorced man ran quickly to the bar.", "The widowed captain drinks bloodwine."
- 87(+34/-53)be conceited, be vainVerbHaving or showing an excessively high opinion of oneself. "The conceited leader demanded that a parade be held in his own honor."
- 126(+70/-56)be homosexual, be gayVerbTo be emotionally, romantically and/or sexually attracted to people of the same sex. "My friend is gay", "The city's gay and lesbian population is thriving"
- 21(+19/-2)jawBody PartAn opposable articulated structure of the mouth. As in "One chews by using one's jaw."
- 25(+25/-0)SubjectGrammarThe noun performing the action of a sentence. "Gowron" in the "Gowron rules the Klingon Empire"
- 25(+25/-0)Direct objectGrammarA word or phrase denoting the recipient of an action. As in "you" in the sentence "I see you".
- 26(+19/-7)PlantGeneral Nounwe have a lot of words for parts of plants, but no word for a plant as a whole
- 23(+23/-0)be umami/savory/earthyVerbof food and flavors
- 25(+25/-0)be spicy/piquant/hotVerbof food - Also does Klingon differentiate water-soluble nasal spiciness of mustard and radish vs. fat-soluble mouth spiciness of peppers?
- 17(+17/-0)inferior/subordinateLanguage Usercounterpart of moch
- 52(+25/-27)cast/throw/make (a shadow)Verbhow do klingons describe "casting a shadow"?
- 96(+63/-33)twinLanguage Userand are there ways to distinguish identical from non-identical?
- 22(+22/-0)process/parade/marchVerb
"The soldiers marched across the yard", "The animals paraded down main street".
- 19(+18/-1)procession/parade/marchGeneral Noun
"The parade passed the school", "The general watched the march".
- 54(+15/-39)worker/proletarianGeneral NounI'm toying with the idea of translating the communist manifesto, and to do that one would require a working klingon term for worker that could be adapted for use when referring to the proletariat as a whole aswell.
- 23(+21/-2)indirect objectGeneral Nounthe person or thing that an action if performed for or directed to
- 83(+16/-67)make senseVerbhave a clear meaning, be easy to understand
- 30(+30/-0)be negativeVerba number less than zero
- 23(+18/-5)billionNumber1,000 times one million
- 61(+56/-5)trillionNumber1,000 times one billion
- 27(+23/-4)experienceGeneral Noun
knowledge or skill in a particular job or activity gained by performing that job or activity, as opposed to having just been taught it: "He has plenty of programming experience"
- 56(+29/-27)be lonelyVerbthe emotion, not the actual state of being alone eg The lonely man wandered the city streets at night