Index to HolQeD
vols. 1-9, March 1992 – December 2000
Compiled by Kathryn Tsai
Note that words as words are enclosed in double quotes. Klingon words are in bold type. The hyphen attached to affixes is filed after spaces; for example, -law' comes after law'. The apostrophe signifying the Klingon glottal stop is filed at the end of the alphabet as is done in The Klingon Dictionary. All other Klingon words are inter-filed. HolQeD began publication in March 1992 and appears quarterly. Page references have volume, number within volume, and page or pages. For example, pages 3 to 5 in vol. 2, no. 3 reads: 2:3/3-5. This index is intended to be cumulativeand constructed with a controlled vocabulary. Give comments and suggestions for improvement.
abbreviations, of canonical sources for Klingon, list of,8:2/inside back cover.
"about," 4:1/13 (letters to editor).
addition. See mathematics.
adjectivals. See verbs: stative.
adjectives: 3:1/15-16 (letters to editor); demonstrative. See-vam; -vetlh.
adverbials: 1:2/4-5, 9:2/2-5;
andheader words, syntax of, 9:1/2;
and OVS word order, 9:4/3;
and type 9 verb suffixes, 9:1/2;
as time elements, 9:1/5;
definition of, 9:2/2-5;
expressing "how," word order with other adverbials, 9:1/5;
modifying other adverbials, 9:2/3-4;
multiple, 9:1/3-5;
negative, 4:4/11;
"then, at that time, by that time," 8:4/8-10;
"too much, then," 8:3/2-4.
affixes, translating into English, 5:1/4-5.
"after, afterward," 2:4/12-13.
ambiguity: 4:2/6; 8:2/5,8; and neH, 9:4/7-8; and -'e',1:3/5; 8:2/8; and verb suffixes, 7:2/5.
"and." See 'ej.
"annoying stick." See nuQ naQ.
Ansara, Michael (Kang). See interviews.
Anthem. See Imperial Anthem.
appositives and appositive phrases, 3:1/5, 7:4/14-16 (Round Table).
"approach." See ghoS.
architectural terms, 8:1/9-10, 8:3/2.
Archive of the Klingon Language Institute [as of Dec. 1992], 1:4/18-20.
arithmetic. See mathematics.
armed forces, Klingon, terms for, 5:3/16-20.
"arrive." See paw.
"armpit." See 'I'.
"as if" (Round Table), 2:3/16-17.
"as soon as, while," 2:4/12-13.
aspect: expressing time, tense, simultaneity, 2:4/11-13;
incomplex sentences, 6:1/2-4;
suffixes and -be', 6:4/3-5;
type 7 verb suffixes -pu' and -ta', 2:2/19; 2:4/11-13;5:3/3; 7:2/3-4.
Azetbur, Chancellor (Gorkon's daughter), ST6, 2:3/3.
bach, "shoot," and transitivity, 7:4/7.
back issues of HolQeD, availability, 7:2/9.
baghneQ, "spoon," origin of word, 7:2/9.
bav, "orbit," and transitivity, 7:4/8.
-ba', type 6 verb suffix, as translation for "it," 3:2/4.
"become." See moj.
"before," 2:4/12-13.
Beginner's Corner: key to plural comprehension exercise, 9:2/16;
pluralcomprehension exercise, 9:2/13;
pronouns as "to be," and adverbial suffixes, 8:3/13-14;
the topic suffix –'e' and pronouns as "to be," 8:4/13-15;
type 1 noun suffixes, 9:1/15-16;
type 2 noun suffixes and other plural markers, 9:2/14-16;
type 3 noun suffixes, 9:3/14-16;
type 4 noun suffixes, 9:4/14-16.
-beH, type 2 verb suffix, 3:4/15.
"being, to be," 2:1/8-9; 2:2/17-20.
"believe, think," expressing concept of, 9:2/7-8.
"best," expressing concept of superlative using nIvqu', 5:2/6.
ben, "years ago," as deictic time reference, 9:2/9.
-be', rover: 5:2/5; 6:4/2-7; 7:1/13-16; and -qu',7:1/13-16.
Biblical Klingon, Lord's Prayer, 2:3/5.
"Birthright, Parts I & II," song as canon, 2:1/14.
BitStream fonts, critique, 1:4/16.
-bogh, type 9 verb suffix: 7:2/14-16;
andadverbials, 9:1/2;
and comparative constructions, 4:3/15-17;
and OVS word order, 9:4/5;
and -'e', 9:3/6;
expressing participles, 6:4/8-9;
in appositives, 7:4/15;
Okrand clarifying use of, 4:2/5-6;
relative clause: 1:3/4-6; and indirect questions, 6:4/12-16.
boq, "ally with," in mathematical expressions, 9:3/9-10.
"bottom," words for, 8:3/2.
"bump into." See ngeQ.
calculators, Klingon ternary, 9:1/11-14. See also mathematics.
Campbell, William (Koloth). See interviews.
canonical texts. See texts, canonical.
captions to movies or T.V. episodes: "Barge of the Dead," (VOY),8:3/2-3,16;
"Birthright, Part II" (TNG), 4:1/4;
"House of Quark," (DSN) 3:4/6;
"Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places," (DSN), 5:4/8-10;
"Melora," (DSN) 3:3/20;
"Parallels," ("For He's a Jolly Good Fellow")(TNG), 3:2/18;
"Playing God," (DSN), 4:2/20;
"Soldiers of the Empire," (DSN) 6:2/17-19;
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, 8:4/11-13;
"Time's Orphan," (DSN) 7:2/10-11;
"The Way of the Warrior," (DSN) and the novel The Way of theWarrior, 4:4/18-20;
"You Are Cordially Invited," (DSN) 6:4/11,16.
cartoons: 4:1/20; 4:3/17,20; wutlhvo' ('from theunderground'), 4:2/20; 5:1/15; 5:2/13; 5:4/11.
causitive. See -moH.
"ceiling." See architectural terms.
certainty and uncertainty, expressing, 9:3/15-16.
chan, "eastward, area to the east," as deictic spatialreference, 9:2/10.
chel, "add," and transitivity, 7:4/7.
chen, "take form," in mathematical expressions, 9:3/9-10.
-choH, and -be', 6:4/4.
-chugh, type 9 verb suffix: and adverbs, 9:1/2; and OVS wordorder, 9:4/4.
chup, "suggest," and transitivity, 7:4/7.
-chuq, type 1 verb suffix, and -be', 6:4/5.
chuvmey ('leftovers' column): new words, 3:3/20, 5:2/20;
newwords from Simon & Schuster Interactive Star Trek: Klingon, 5:1/20;
'one-way' words (corrections to K-E/E-K word list in TKD), 3:2/20;
qa'vIn ('coffee'), 4:2/7.
chuvmey ('leftovers' grammatical category): adverbials,9:1/2-5; numbers, 1:3/17, 5:1/17-18, 5:3/10-13, 5:4/3-4; pronouns, 1:3/17,1:4/4-7, 2:2/17, 4:3/7-8.
-chu', type 6 verb suffix, 9:2/6-7.
clauses: purpose, see -meH; relative, see -bogh; subordinate, 8:1/11, 8:4/10. See also verbs: suffixes:type 9.
clipped Klingon: addressing pets, 3:1/4, 3:3/4; and transitivity,5:4/12-13.
Colicos, John (Kor), the first Klingon, and Kor Memorial Scholarship,9:1/1,7. See also interviews.
colors: 8:1/7; and Klingon physiology, 5:2/7-9.
comparative constructions, 4:3/15-17, 6:3/3. See also law'/puS.
compound nouns. See nouns.
computer analyzer of Klingon, 1:2/16-24, 1:3/10-18.
Conferences: First (qep'a' wa'DIch), announcement: 3:2/15;report, 3:3/17;
Second(qep'a' cha'DIch): announcement: 3:3/5, 3:4/11, 4:1/8; report,4:3/2-3;
Third (qep'a' wejDIch), announcement, 4:3/19, 4:4/5, 5:1/9,5:2/10;
Fourth (qep'a' loSDIch), announcement, 5:3/inside back cover;
Fifth (qep'a' vaghDIch), announcement, 6:3/14, 6:4/7,7:1/inside back cover, 7:2/inside back cover;
Sixth (qep'a' javDIch), announcement, 7:3/inside back cover,7:4/inside back cover, 8:1/inside back cover;
Seventh (qep'a' SochDIch), announcement: 8:4/inside backcover; 9:1/inside back cover; directions and prefinal schedule, 9:2/11-13;
Eighth (qep'a' chorghDIch), announcement, 9:3/inside backcover; 9:4/inside back cover.
See also qepHommey.
conjunctions: 1:1/8 (includes chart), 1:2/22, 9:1/4-5;
comments about (letters to editor), 1:2/7-9;
in taH pagh taHbe', 2:1/9;
joining clauses, 5:2/3-5;
joining more than two things, 5:2/5.
consonants. See phonology.
"contain." See ngaS.
contests: affix: announcement, 1:1/20, 1:2/15; results, 1:3/3;
economical: announcement, 7:2/11, 7:3/16; economical, winner, 8:1/6;
holorime: announcement and example, 2:3/19; results, 3:1/19;
insult: announcement, 3:2/12; and example, 3:1/9; results, 3:3/15;
knock-knock joke, announcement, 9:3/7; 9:4/8;
limerick: announcement, 8:2/8, 8:3/inside back cover; winner,8:4/inside back cover;
palindrome: announcement and example, 1:3/20; example in pIqaD, 1:4/17; results, 2:1/7,14;
spoonerisms: announcement and example, 3:3/15, 3:4/9; winner, 4:1/8;
zeugma: announcement and example, 4:2/7, 4:3/20; winner, 4:4/10.
context, and translation, 5:3/5-6.
Conversational Klingon [tape] by Marc Okrand: review,1:3/14; new words from, 1:4/15, 2:1/14, 2:3/14; corrections, 2:1/14, 2:3/14.
copula, marked by -'e', 6:2/13-16.
corrections: to sentences in HolQeD 1:4,2:1/10-12,13,16-18, 2:2/8-9; to misattribution, 6:2/16.
culture and civilization: 1:1/12-14, 2:4/20; terms, expandeddefinitions, 4:1/5-6.
curses and cursing, 3:1/6,12-14, 3:3/14 (letters to editor).
DaH, "now," as deictic time reference, 9:2/9.
-Daq, type 5 noun suffix: 2:3/13 (letters to editor), 6:2/2-5,8:1/2-7, 9:4/10;
anddirectional nouns, 8:4/6-8;
and ghoS, 3:3/3-5;
and numbers, 5:1/17-18;
and verbs of location, 7:4/9-11;
and verbs of motion, 7:4/8-9, 8:4/4-5,10.
Dech, "surround," and transitivity, 7:4/8.
decimals. See mathematics.
Decipher, Inc., trading cards. See trading cards.
deixis, 7:4/10, 9:2/8,9-10.
dialect, Sakrej, use of locative nouns, 8:4/7.
division. See mathematics.
diary of prisoner in Klingon. See use, practical, of Klingon.
directions (compass points), 8:4/6-8.
-DI', type 9 verb suffix: 2:4/12-13, 8:4/9-10; and OVS wordorder, 9:4/4; as non-deictic time reference, 9:2/9-10.
Doch, "thing," used in expressing "this, that," 9:3/5.
double negatives (Round Table), 2:2/14-16.
"doubt." See Hon.
"drink" (noun), 5:1/14 (letters to editor), 5:2/12 (letters to editor).
Dub, "improve," and transitivity, 7:4/2.
-Du', type 2 noun suffix, 9:2/14.
"each, each one." See Hoch.
"enter." See 'el.
errors: in canonical sources, 3:2/14 (letters to editor);
inConversational Klingon, 2:3/14(letters to editor);
in The Klingon Dictionary: one-way words, 3:1/10;German edition, pronunciation guide, 6:3/9-14;
in Klingon text of exam story (4:4/4), 5:1/3;
in transcription of SkyBox card (3:4/10) and in The KlingonDictionary, 4:1/7 (letters to editor);
types of errors in canonical sources, 2:1/15-20.
etymology, 3:4/12-13,18-19. See also Klingon language,development of; phonology; proto-Klingon.
exam story: Klingon text, 4:4/2-5; errors in Klingon text, 5:1/3.
Extended Corpus Project. See KLI projects.
famous phrases: Melville, Herman, 3:2/7; Shakespeare, 2:3/10, 2:4/13,3:1/10-11, 3:2/7, 3:3/9. See also wordplay.
Fantasticon (fan convention) in memory of John Colicos, announcement,9:1/14.
"far." See Hop.
"floor." See architectural terms.
focus, marked by -'e', 6:2/10-16.
"for, in order to," 2:2/19. See also -meH.
Ford, John (writer of The Final Reflection). Seeinterviews.
"fork," puq chonnaQ, origin of word, 7:2/9.
fractions. See mathematics.
Friends of Maltz. See matlh jupna'.
genitive, 3:3/6-9, 3:4/12,17-19, 7:4/15-16.
German translation of The Klingon Dictionary. SeeReviews: Das offizielle Worterbuch Klingonisch/DeutschDeutsch/Klingonisch.
-ghach, type 9 verb suffix: 3:1/8-9,20, 3:3/10-13,20, 3:4/3-6,4:2/3 (letters to editor), 8:3/12;
andcomparative verbal concepts, 4:1/11-12;
and translation, 5:3/3-4;
how to avoid using, 4:1/9-10;
in law'/puS construction, 2:2/7.
ghal, "be jealous of, envy," 8:3/4.
ghel, "ask a question," and transitivity, 7:4/3-4,7.
gher, "formulate, compile," 8:1/8-9.
ghIlghameS: excerpts, 9:3/11-13; new word in, 9:4/16.
ghIq, "then, subsequently": 8:3/4; as non-deictic timereference, 9:2/9-10.
ghitlh, "inscribe," 8:1/8-9.
ghoS, "approach, go away from": and objects, 3:3/3-5; andtransitivity, 7:4/7-9; used with -Daq, 7:4/9, 8:4/5-10; used with-vo', 7:4/8.
Gilgamesh, Epic of, in Klingon, excerpts, 9:3/11-13.
"go away from." See ghoS.
Good News for the Warrior Race, by Glen Proechel, review, 4:3/18-19.
Gorkon, Chancellor, ST6, 2:3/3.
grammar, special, in toasts, 2:1/19, 2:4/5-8. See alsoproto-Klingon.
Grammarian's Desk: adverbials: 9:1/2-5, 9:2/2-5; and 'e',1:2/4-5;
assessing Okrand's comments on -ghach, 3:4/3-6;
complex sentences, 6:1/2-4;
-Daq, type 5 noun suffix, on an object, and verbs of motion,8:1/2-6;
exam story: analysis of translation, 5:1/2-8, 5:3/2-9; Klingon text,4:4/2-5; winning translation, 5:1/6-8;
-ghach, 4:1/2-3;
ghoS, 3:3/3-5;
grammar in Klingon for the Galactic Traveler, 6:3/2-4;
Hoch "everyone, all, everything," 5:2/2-3;
"it," expressing concept of, 3:2/3-7;
law'/puS, 2:2/3-7;
lu- and -lu', 7:3/2-5;
-moH, type 4 verb suffix, 8:2/2-8;
naQ "be full, whole, entire," 5:2/3;
objects, 2:1/3-7;
observations from Power Klingon, 2:4/3-8, 3:1/3-6;
pronouns functioning as nouns, 9:3/2-7;
proverbs, 5:2/2-6;
quantified noun phrases, 5:4/2-7;
questions and pronouns, 1:4/4-7;
questions as objects, 7:1/2-8;
relative clauses and -bogh, 1:3/3-6;
report on second annual qep'a', 4:3/2-3;
rovers, 6:4/2-7;
-taH, in complex sentences, 6:1/2-4;
type 5 noun suffixes, 6:2/2-5;
verb suffixes, 7:2/2-6;
-vIS, with -taH in complex sentences, 6:1/2-4;
'e', and aspect suffixes in complex sentences, 6:1/2-4;
-'e' revisited, 2:3/3-4.
-Ha', rover, 3:1/18, 4:4/11, 6:4/2.
header words: 9:4/2; and adverbials, syntax of, 9:1/2; nouns as,9:1/2; pronouns as, 9:3/3.
"here," as deictic reference, 9:2/10.
-Hey, type 3 noun suffix: 9:3/14-16; on pronouns, 9:3/4.
Hoch "each, each one, everyone, all, everything": 5:2/2-3,11,5:3/12, 5:4/3,6-7; and plurals, 9:2/16.
holorimes. See wordplay.
-Hom, type 1 noun suffix: 9:1/15-16; on pronouns, 9:3/3.
homophones, list of, 3:1/20.
Hon, "doubt," used with 'e', 7:2/8.
Hop, "be remote, far," and transitivity, 7:4/9-10.
"hope." See nIb.
"how, in what way?" See adverbials.
"how many times?" See 'arlogh.
"identical." See nIb.
idiomatic expressions, 8:1/11, 8:3/4, 8:4/8-10.
"if" and "when," 2:4/12.
imperatives: 3:1/3-4; and OVS word order, 9:4/3; and plurals,9:2/15-16 ; as objects, 7:1/8.
Imperial Anthem: 2:3/15; translation into English, 6:2/6-7 (lettersto editor).
"improve." See Dub.
"in order to," type 9 verb suffix -meH, 2:2/19, 5:2/6.
index, to HolQeD, vol. 8, 9:1/8-10.
infinitives: 2:1/8-9; in -meH construction, 8:3/6-13.
"-ing," 5:2/16-17 (Round Table), 6:4/8-9.
Internet resources for Klingon, 3:3/16.
Interstellar Language School, The Warrior Tongue at WarpSpeed, review, 4:4/12-14.
interviews: William Campbell and Michael Ansara (Koloth and Kang fromStar Trek, The Original Series, and re-appearing in Deep Space Nine episode"Blood Oath"), 5:1/11-14;
JohnColicos, the first Klingon (Kor), 4:4/15-17;
John Ford (writer of The Final Reflection) on Klingonaase, 4:2/2-3;
Mark Lenard, the first Klingon speaker, 4:3/10-12;
Marc Okrand on -bogh and more, 4:2/5-6;
Marc Okrand on -ghach," 3:3/10-13;
Marc Okrand on transitivity of verbs, verbs of speech, direct andindirect questions and quotations, and more, 7:4/2-12;
Michael Okuda, 1:1/11.
intransitive verbs. See verbs.
"it." See subjects, indefinite.
jach, "cry out," and transitivity, 7:4/7.
jaH, "go": and transitivity, 7:4/8; with -Daq, 7:4/8.
-jaj, type 9 verb suffix: 2:4/4-8, 7:2/2-6; and -taH, 7:2/4;with -pu' and -ta', 7:2/3-4; with type 7 suffixes, 7:2/2-4.
jang, "answer," and transitivity, 7:4/7.
jatlh, "speak," and transitivity, 7:4/4-7.
jatmey. See KLI projects: Klingon Writing Project.
ja', "tell, report," and transitivity, 7:4/4-7.
je, conjunction joining nouns, 5:2/5.
"jealous of, envy." See ghal.
jokes: in Klingon, 2:3/14; in The Klingon Dictionary, 1:2/6,9.
kai (Klingonaase word of greeting or salute), 1:1/2.
Kang (Michael Ansara). See interviews.
kinship terms, 2:3/6; 9:3/8-9.
KLI projects: Extended Corpus Project (ECP), announcement, 2:4/18;
Klingon Educational Virtual Environment (KEVE) [KLI's MUSH], 7:3/15;
Klingon Writing Project (KWP): address for submissions, 6:1/4; callfor submissions, 9:2/8; progress report, 7:3/14-15.
Klingon Analyzer, The, computer program, 1:2/16-24, 1:3/10-18.
Klingon anthem. See Imperial Anthem.
Klingon Bible Translation Project (KBTP). See KLI projects.
Klingon Dictionary, translations of. See Star Trek: TheKlingon Dictionary.
Klingon Educational Virtual Environment (KEVE). See KLIprojects; virtual qep'a'.
Klingon Empire, insignia of. See tlhIngan wo' Degh.
Klingon for the Galactic Traveler. See Star Trek: Klingonfor the Galactic Traveler.
Klingon language: archaic forms, 8:3/3, 8:4/8; development of,3:2/16-18. See also etymology; phonology; proto-Klingon.
Klingon Language Camp, announcement, 2:4/8, 3:1/6.
Klingon Language Seminar, announcement, 2:4/8, 3:1/6.
Klingon Shakespeare Restoration Project (KSRP). See KLI projects.
Klingon Talker room, announcement, 5:4/11.
Klingon Tristella. See tlhIngan wo' Degh.
Klingon Writing Projects (KWP). See KLI projects.
The Klingon Way. See Star Trek: The Klingon Way- A Warrior's Guide.
klingonaase, 1:1/2, 4:2/2-3.
"know". See Sov.
Koloth (William Campbell). See interviews.
komerex zha (Klingonaase), philosophical concept,1:1/2.
Kor, the first Klingon (John Colicos). See interviews.
Kor Memorial Scholarship: 9:1/7; announcement of 2000 winner, 9:3/16.
Krankor, Captain. See Grammarian's Desk.
Kruge (Qugh), dialogue, 3:3/4, 3:4/14-16.
lab, "upload" or "send" a file, (Round Table), 3:4/14-16.
law'/puS: 2:2/3-7, 3:4/5-6, 4:2/3 (letters to editor),4:3/15-16, 6:3/3; and OVS word order, 9:4/4.
-law', type 6 verb suffix: 3:2/4; and -be', 6:4/6;expressing belief, 9:2/7-8.
Lenard, Mark, the first Klingon speaker. See interviews.
leng, "roam, travel," and transitivity, 7:4/9.
lengwI'mey. See rovers.
lexicon, development of, 1:4/12-14.
lI', "download" or "receive" a file (Round Table), 3:4/14-16.
-lI', type 7 verb suffix: 2:4/11-13, 5:2/16-17 (Round Table);-lI' and -taH (Round Table), 3:3/18-19.
locatives: 8:1/7;
andghoS, 3:3/3-5, 8:4/5-10;
and verbs of motion, 8:4/4-5,10;
as object, 8:1/2-6;
phrases and nouns, 6:2/2-5; 8:4/6-8.
Lord's Prayer, in Klingon: 2:3/5; correction to translation,2:4/15.
"love," (Round Table), 3:1/18.
lu-, pronomial prefix, and -lu', 7:3/2-5.
Lursa (Barbara Marsh), letter from, 3:2/14.
-lu', type 5 verb suffix: 4:2/8-19(Round Table),
and-be', 6:4/5, 7:1/14-16;
and intransitive verbs, 8:3/15-16;
and lu-, 7:3/2-5;
and OVS word order, 9:4/3;
and passive voice: 8:3/15-16; passive meaning in hypotheticalevolution of, 4:3/7-8;
and vay', 4:2/10-19;
and verb prefixes, 4:2/15-19;
indefinite subject, 2:2/19, 3:4/9, 8:3/7-13;
weather, discussing, 7:3/10-14;
with -meH, 8:2/13-16.
magic squares. See wordplay.
mailing schedule for HolQeD, 3:4/2.
Marsh, Barbara. See Lursa.
mathematics: addition, 5:1/18; using Klingon calculator, 9:1/12;
calculators, Klingon, 9:1/11-14;
decimals, 5:1/16-17;
division, 5:1/19;
fractions, 5:1/19;
multiplication: 3:3/14 (letters to editor), 5:1/18-19; using Klingoncalculator, 9:1/13-14;
operations, expressing 3:2/8-9, 9:3/9-10;
percentages, 5:1/16-17;
subtraction: 5:1/18; using Klingon calculator, 9:1/12-13;
ternary numbering: 2:2/13 (letters to editor), 2:4/10, 7:3/8-10; andcalculators, 9:1/11-14.
matlh jupna', "Friends of Maltz," title, 8:3/2.
-meH, type 9 verb suffix: 2:2/19, 8:3/5-13;
andOVS word order, 9:4/4;
as infinitive, 8:3/6-3;
clauses: 8:2/12-16; modifying nouns, 7:2/14-16, 7:3/6-7, 8:3/7-13;
expressing participles, 6:4/8-9;
in clauses modifying nouns, 7:2/14-16, 7:3/6-7;
tables, of existing canon uses, 8:2/13-14;
with -lu', 5:2/6, 8:2/13,15-16, 8:3/7-10.
"meet (for the first time)." See qIH.
metaphor, in translation, 5:3/5.
-mey, type 2 noun suffix: 9:2/14-15; used with numbers, 8:1/10.
Microsoft Network, postcard with Klingon text, 5:4/15.
military ranks, terms for. See armed forces.
"mission." See Qu'.
-moH, type 4 verb suffix: 1:3/14-16, 8:2/2-8;
andtransitive verbs, 9:1/6-7;
ditransitive nature of, 8:2/4-8;
in imperative stative verbs, 6:3/2-3;
morphology. See verbs;
with -lu', 4:2/8-19.
moj, "become," with two objects, 9:1/6-7.
-mo', type 9 verb suffix, and OVS word order, 9:4/4.
-mo', type 5 noun suffix, modifying other nouns, 6:2/2-5.
multiplication. See mathematics.
MUSH site. See KLI projects: Klingon Educational VirtualEnvironment (KEVE); virtual qep'a'.
"must," expressing concept of, 9:2/6.
mythology, sources of, The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3:2/19.
naQ, "be full, whole, entire," 5:2/3; 9:2/7.
-na', type 3 noun suffix: 9:3/14-16; on pronouns, 9:3/4.
"near, nearby." See Sum.
"need," expressing concept of, 9:2/6.
negation, 6:4/2-7, 7:1/13-16. See also -be', -Ha', -Qo'.
neH, "to want," in sentences-as-object construction, 9:4/6-8.
nem, "years from now," as deictic time reference, 9:2/9.
-neS, type 8 verb suffix: 7:2/5-6; with -be', 6:4/6;with -ghach, 4:1/3.
"-ness," 3:3/11-13, 3:4/3-6.
net, pronoun: 2:3/4, 7:1/3;
andintransitive verbs, 2:4/15;
and stative verbs, 2:3/11 (letters to editor);
expressing the impersonal, 8:3/13; 9:2/6.
new words: 5:4/16-24(over 250 from various sources including'one-way' words in The Klingon Dictionary.), 9:3/8-10, 9:4/16;
fromConversational Klingon, 1:4/15, 2:3/4, 3:1/16;
from Maltz, 8:3/2-4;
from Marc Okrand, 1:3/9, 2:4/17-18, 4:4/11, 7:2/9;
from Power Klingon, 3:1/16, 3:2/10-12, 3:3/20;
from veS QonoS, 1:3/9.
-ngan, 3:1/17 (letters to editor).
ngaS, "contain," and transitivity, 7:4/9.
ngeQ, "bump into, run into, collide with," and transitivity,7:4/11.
ngugh, "then, at that time": 8:4/8-9; as non-deictic timereference, 9:2/10.
nIb, "be identical," and transitivity, 7:4/11.
-nIS, type 2 verb suffix, 9:2/6.
nIv, "be superior," used in comparisons, 5:2/6.
nouns: and verbs with -moH suffix, 8:2/2-8;
asheader words, 8:1/3-4, 9:1/2;
as objects with type 5 suffixes, 8:1/2-6;
for adjectives, 3:1/16 (letters to editor);
from verbs, 2:4/9-10, 3:4/3-6,7-9;
head-nouns of relative clauses, 4:2/5-6;
in law'/puS construction, 2:2/3-7;
in terms of Terran languages, 9:4/9-12;
locative: 8:4/6-8; and possessive suffixes, 8:4/7;
modified by -meH clauses, 8:3/7-13;
morphology, 1:2/16-24, 1:4/12-14;
noun-noun construction: 3:3/6-9, 3:4/12-13,17-19, 4:3/6, 5:3/12,7:2/15, 7:4/15-16, 9:4/10-11; and spatially deictic terms, 9:2/10;
phrases, 6:2/2-5, 6:2/7 (letters to editor);
plural, 9:2/14-16, with Hoch, 9:2/16;
possessive, 9:4/15-16;
quantified noun phrases: 5:3/10-13, 5:4/2-7, 6:1/5-7; and -vo', 6:1/6;
singular, with Hoch, 9:2/16;
suffixes: 1:2/16-24; on plurals, 9:3/4; on pronouns, 9:3/2-7; type 1,9:1/15-16, 9:3:3/4; type 2, 9:2/14-16; type 3, 9:3/4,14-16; type 4, 9:2/10,9:3/5, 9:4/14-16; type 5, 1:3/5-6, 6:2/2-5, 9:3/3,5-7. See alsoindividual suffixes;
with -Daq, 8:1/2-6.
null suffixes. See verbs.
numbering system, paleo-Klingon, 4:4/6-10. See also mathematics.
numbers: 1:3/17;
and-Daq, type 5 noun suffix, 5:1/17-18;
as nouns, 5:3/10-13, 5:4/3-4, 6:1/5-7.
See also mathematics, quantified noun phrases.
numerals, digital typefaces for, ("laserfonts"), 1:4/17.
nuq, question word, "what, which": 1:4/4-7, 3:1/5, 6:1/9-10;as object, 9:4/6-8; modifying noun, 6:2/7. See also questionswords; questions.
nuQ naQ, "annoying stick," 7:2/1.
objects: 2:1/3-7, 2:2/17-19, 2:4/3-8;
andghoS, 3:3/3-5;
as questions, 6:4/12-16, 7:1/2-8, 9:4/6-8;
as sentences, 9:4/5;
indirect, with -vaD, 8:2/4-7;
of ditransitive verbs, 8:2/4-7;
of verbs with -moH suffix, 8:2/2-8.
See also verbs: transitive, transitivity.
Okrand, Marc: correction, 3:3/14;
interviews: on creating and developing the Klingon language, 1:2/10-15;on transitivity of verbs and more, 7:4/2-12;
letter from, 2:2/12;
"More from Maltz," 4:4/11;
new words, 2:4/17-18;
"On -bogh and more," interview, 4:2/5-6;
Star Trek: The Klingon Way – A Warrior's Guide, CaptainKrankor's discussion of grammatical points in, 5:2/2-6;
Star Trek: Klingon for the Galactic Traveler, review, 6:3/15-16;
terms for types of proverbs, 5:1/10;
text for SkyBox cards, 3:2/9, 3:4/10-11, 5:2/14.
Okuda, Michael. See interviews.
one-way words in The Klingon Dictionary, list, 3:1/10, 3:2/20.
OnLive! Technologies, software, for OnLive! Talker, used for Klingonconversation, 5:4/11.
opera: 5:4/8; "Aktuh and Melota," source, 3:3/14.
orthography, 1:1/11,18-20, 2:2/10-11. See also pIqaD.
-oy, type 1 noun suffix: 9:1/15-16; on pronouns, 9:3/4.
Paramount Pictures, license, 3:4/2.
parmaq, "Par'Mach," 5:4/8.
participles: expressing in Klingon, 6:4/8-9; using -bogh, 7:4/15.
passive voice, and type 5 verb suffix -lu', 2:2/19, 4:2/8-19,8:3/15-16.
paw, "arrive," and transitivity, 7:4/9.
paw', "collide," and transitivity, 7:4/11.
-pa', type 9 verb suffix: 2:4/12-13; and OVS word order, 9:4/4.
percentages. See mathematics.
pets, addressing. See clipped Klingon.
phonology: 1:1/3-10, 3:2/16-18, 4:4/17, 20 (letters to editor); lackof symmetry of, 9:4/11. See also etymology; Klingon language,development of; proto-Klingon.
Phrases, as sentences. See sentences.
piq, "time period from now," as deictic time reference, 9:2/9.
pIqaD, 1:1/19-20, 2:2/10-11. See also orthography.
plurals: and Hoch, 9:2/16; implied, 9:2/15-16; irregular,9:2/15; noun suffixes on, 9:3/4; type 2 noun suffixes, 9:2/14-16; verbprefixes, 9:2/15-16; when not to use, 9:2/16.
poems by David Barron, in English, tlhIngan Hol and pIqaD, 1:2/3.
poker (card game) terms, 4:1/10.
possessive construction. See genitive.
postal course, announcement, 1:3/7.
poQ, "require," 9:2/6.
Power Klingon [tape]: grammar in, 2:4/3-8, 3:1/3; review, 2:3/20.
prefixes, pronomial, hypothetical evolution of, 4:3/7-8. Seealso verbs.
prepositions and prepositional phrases, 1:4/8-11. 2:1/5, 2:2/19,2:3/7-10, 2:3/13 (letters to editor), 8:1/7.
Proechel, Glen, Good News for the Warrior Race, review,4:3/18-19.
pronouns: 1:3/17, 8:3/13-14;
and"being," 2:2/17;
and locative nouns, 8:4/7;
and pronomial prefixes, hypothetical evolution of, 4:3/7-8;
as header words, 9:3/3;
as nouns, 9:3/2-7;
as "to be," 8:4/13-15;
becoming verbs, 6:2/14-16;
copula function, 6:2/15-16;
in law'/puS constructions, 9:3/2;
interrogative, 1:4/4-7, 6:1/9-10;
relative, and -bogh, 6:4/13.
See also net; 'e'.
pronunciation: 4:2/4 (letters to editor); errors in German editionof The Klingon Dictionary, 6:3/9-14. See also phonology.
proto-Klingon: and O-S-V form of sentences, 2:4/8;
as red herring, 3:4/8;
phonology, 1:1/3-10;
syntax, 4:3/6-8.
See also etymology; Klingon language, development of; phonology.
proverbs: in The Klingon Way – A Warrior's Guide,grammar of, 5:2/2-6; terms for, by Marc Okrand, 5:1/10.
publications available from the Klingon Language Institute, 5:1/15,5:2/13, 5:3/13.
pumDI', "then, by then, by that time": idiomatic expression,8:4/9-10; as non-deictic time reference, 9:2/10.
puq chonnaQ, "fork", origin of word, 7:2/9.
purpose, type 9 verb suffix -meH: 2:2/19, 8:3/5-13; clauses,7:2/14-16; with -lu', 5:2/6.
-pu', type 7 verb suffix: 2:2/19, 2:4/11-13;
and-be', 7:1/13-14;
and -ta' with -jaj, 7:2/3-4;
and translation, 5:3/3.
-pu', type 2 noun suffix, 9:2/14-15. See also plurals.
-qang, type 2 verb suffix, with –lu', 4:2/8-19.
qar'a', question word: 3:2/6-7; hypothetical evolution of, 4:3/7.
-qa', type 3 verb suffix, and translation, 5:3/7-8.
QeD lut qep'a'Daq tlhIngan Hol (Klingon at the Worldcon). See Worldcon.
qepHommey (small informal gatherings), hosts andlocations, 6:1/8. 6:3/4. 6:4/10, 7:1/12, 7:2/7, 7:3/7. 7:4/13.8:1/6, 8:2/inside back cover, 8:3/inside back cover, 8:4/16; 9:1/10, 9:2/5,9:3/16, 9:4/13.
qep'a', virtual, announcement and location,4:2/4, 4:4/14. See also conferences.
qIH, "meet (for the first time)," and transitivity, 7:4/11.
qoj, conjunction for sentences, 5:2/5.
-qoq, type 3 noun suffix: 9:3/14-16; on pronouns, 9:3/4.
-Qo', rover, 6:4/2.
Qo'noS QonoS. See KLI projects: Klingon Writing Project.
Qub, "think," used with 'e', 7:2/8.
question words: 1:4/4-7; 9:2/16; as objects, 9:4/6-8.
questions: as objects, 6:4/12-16 (Round Table), 7:1/2-8; indirect,6:4/14-16, 7:1/8.
quq, "happen simultaneously," and transitivity, 7:4/12.
Qu', "task, mission," and -meH clauses, 7:3/6-7.
-qu', rover, and translation, 5:3/4,7,8, 6:4/2-7, 7:2/12-13.
rap, "be the same," and transitivity, 7:4/11.
relativity, linguistic, 2:4/20.
"remote." See Hop.
"report." See ja'.
"require." See poQ.
ret, "time period ago," as deictic time reference, 9:2/9.
reviews: Das offizielle Worterbuch Klingonisch/DeutschDeutsch/Klingonisch, 8:2/9-12;
Friedman, Michael Jan, ST:TNG Kahless, 5:2/19;
Interstellar Language School, The Warrior Tongue at WarpSpeed, 4:4/12-14;
Okrand, Marc, Conversational Klingon, 1:3/8;
Okrand, Marc, Klingon for the Galactic Traveler, 6:3/15-16;
Okrand, Marc, Power Klingon, 2:3/20;
Okuda, Michael, Denise Okuda and Debbie Mirek, The Star TrekEncyclopedia: A Reference Guide to the Future, 3:2/19;
Proechel, Glen, Good News for the Warrior Race, 4:3/18-19;
Proechel, Glen, tlhIngan Hol: An Alien LanguagePrimer, 3:4/20.
rIn, and 'e', 3:2/6.
rIntaH: aspect marker, 3:2/5-6; hypothetical evolution of,4:3/6-7.
"roam." See leng.
Round Table: apposition, 7:4/14-16;
"asif," 2:3/16-17;
"being, to be," 2:1/8-9;
double negatives, 2:2/14-16;
forms of -meH, 8:3/5-13;
lab and lI', 3:4/14-16;
"love," 3:1/18;
-lu', 4:2/8-19;
mathematics, 5:1/16-19;
moj with two objects, 9:1/6-7;
needs, beliefs, and the whole thing, 9:2/6-8;
passive voice and -lu', 8:3/15-16;
questions as objects, 6:4/12-16;
-taH as "still": 5:2/15-18; and -lI', 5:2/16-17;
"too late" and related ideas, 7:2/12-16;
transitivity, 5:4/12-15;
understanding Okrand [about his interview in HolQeD 7:4],8:4/4-5,10;
using "with" [from 1993], 9:4/9-13;
vegh, "to go through," 6:3/5-8;
weather, how to talk about, 7:3/10-14;
"which", 6:1/9-10;
'arlogh, 8:1/12.
rovers, 1:3/16-17. See also -be'; -Ha; -qu', -Qo'.
"same." See rap.
scholarships. See Kor Memorial Scholarship.
script. See orthography; pIqaD.
seal of Klingon Language Institute, illustration, 5:3/1.
semantics, 6:1/5-7, 6:2/6 (letters to editor).
sentences: and OVS word order, 9:4/2-5;
asobjects, 3:2/4-6, 6:2/7-8 (letters to editor), 6:4/13-16, 7:1/2, 7:2/8,9:4/6-7;
as phrases, 6:2/3;
as subjects, 8:3/12-15;
complex, aspect in, 6:1/2-4;
incomplete, 6:2/3-4;
multiple, 3:1/3-5;
without objects, 9:4/3;
without subjects, 9:4/3.
Shakespeare, Sonnet 61, English and Klingon, 3:1/11.
similes, construction of, in Klingon for the Galactic Traveler,6:3/3.
simultaneity, expressing, 2:4/11-13.
SIv, "wonder": and transitivity, 7:4/4,7; used with 'e', 7:2/8.
SkyBox trading cards. See trading cards.
Sov, "know," with 'e', 7:2/8.
spatial expressions: 1:4/8-11; as deictic spatial references, 9:2/10.See also prepositions and prepositional phrases.
speaking Klingon: 3:1/7; first speaker Mark Lenard, interview,4:3/10-12; online, announcement, 5:4/11.
"spoon," baghneQ, origin of word, 7:2/9.
Star Trek: The Klingon Dictionary, translations, German. See Reviews: Das offizielle Worterbuch Klingonisch/DeutschDeutsch/Klingonisch.
Star Trek: Klingon for the Galactic Traveler, byMarc Okrand: grammar in, 6:3/2-4; review, 6:2/20, 6:3/15-16.
Star Trek: The Klingon Way – A Warrior's Guide, by Marc Okrand,discussion of grammar in, 5:2/2-6.
The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Reference Guide to theFuture: errors, 3:2/19; review, 3:2/19; source for "Aktuh and Melota,"3:3/14.
Star Trek 3, Klingon language in, 3:3/4, 3:4/14-16.
Star Trek 6, Klingon language in, 2:1/8, 2:2/5-6, 2:3/3.
ST:TNG Kahless, by Michael Jan Friedman, review, 5:2/19.
subjects: and imperatives, 9:4/3;
and-meH, 8:2/14-16;
indefinite: 2:2/19, 3:2/3-7, 3:4/9, 8:3/5-13; and OVS word order, 9:4/3;
plural, 7:4/11-12.
subtraction. See mathematics.
suffixes: on numbers, 5:1/16;
onpronouns, 8:3/13-14;
possessive: 3:1/15 (letters to editor); on directional nouns, 8:4/7.
See also nouns; verbs.
Sum, "be near, nearby," and transitivity, 7:4/9-11.
superlative constructions, 5:2/6. See also law'/puS;nIv.
"surround." See Dech.
syllables: structure of, 1:1/7-10, 3:2/16; anomalous, 1:1/9-10.
syntax: 5:3/10-13;
ofmultiple adverbials in the same sentence, 9:1/3-5, 9:2/2-5;
OSV word order in proto-Klingon, 4:3/6-8;
OVS word order, 9:4/2-5,11.
See also proto-Klingon.
taH, "to continue, endure," 2:1/8-9.
-taH, type 7 verb suffix: 2:4/11-13, 3:3/11;
and-be', 6:4/6-7, 7:1/13-14;
and -lI' (Round Table), 3:3/18-19;
and translation, 5:3/7;
as "still," (Round Table), 5:2/15-18;
in complex sentences, 6:1/2-4;
with -ghach, 2:4/9-10.
taHjaj wo' (A Klingon Imperial Anthem), 2:3/15.
-taHvIS, type 7 verb suffix and type 9 verb suffix: 2:4/12, 5:2/17,6:4/6-7; non-deictic time reference, 9:2/9.
tangqa', a Klingon animal, new word, 9:4/16.
"task." See Qu'.
-ta', type 7 verb suffix: 2:4/11-13; with -jaj, 7:2/3-4.
teaching Klingon, 1:1/15-17.
"tell." See ja'.
tense: 2:1/12, 2:4/11-13; and translation, 5:3/6. See alsoaspect.
texts, canonical: 2:1/14; Decipher, Inc., trading cards, 9:4/16;SkyBox trading cards, 3:2/9, 3:4/10-11, 5:2/14, 5:3/15. See alsonew words.
"then, at that time." See ngugh.
"then, by then, by that time." See pumDI'.
"then, subsequently." See ghiq.
"there is." See tu'lu'.
"think." See Qub.
tlhob, "ask, request," and transitivity, 7:4/3-4, 7.
"this, that." See -vam; -vetlh.
time: 2:3/13 (letters to editor), 2:4/11-13; adverbials, used withother adverbials, 9:1/5; deictic references, 9:2/9-10; telling, 8:1/10-12;words to express, 8:3/3-4.
tIng, "southwestward, area to the southwest," as deicticspatial reference, 9:2/10.
"-tion," 3:3/11-13, 3:4/3-6.
titles, personal, in Klingon, 3:1/17 (letters to editor).
tlhIngan, possible etymology of word, 3:2/13.
tlhIngan Hol: An Alien Language Primer, byGlen Proechel, review, 3:4/20.
tlhIngan Hol vs. klingonaase, 1:1/2.
tlhIngan wo' Degh, "Insignia of the Klingon Empire," asmechanism for computation in base three, 9:1/12-13.
"to be." See "being, to be."
toasts: 2:4/4-8; syntax of, 4:3/6, 6:3/2.
"too late" and related ideas, 7:2/12-16 (Round Table).
"too much," words for, 8:3/2-3.
"top," words for, 8:3/2.
topic, marked by -'e', 6:2/10-16.
trading cards: Decipher, Inc., Star Trek: Fajo Collectionlabeled Qapla', text, 9:4/16; SkyBox, Klingon text, 3:2/9,3:4/10-11, 4:3/4-5, 5:2/14, 5:3/15, 6:2/9.
transitive verbs. See verbs.
translation: context and, 5:3/5-6; style in, 5:1/2-8.
"travel." See leng.
tul, "hope," used with 'e', 7:2/8.
tu'lu', "there is," 7:3/4-5.
use, practical, of Klingon, 3:3/2.
-vaD, type 5 noun suffix: 6:2/2-5, 8:2/4-5, 9:4/10; andobjects, 2:1/4-5, 9:1/6; expressing belief or opinion, 9:2/7; on pronouns,9:3/3.
vaj, "then," as conjunction, 9:1/4-5.
Valkris (valQIS), dialogue in ST3, 3:4/14-16.
-vam, type 4 noun suffix: 9:4/14-16; on pronouns, 9:3/5.
vay', and -lu', 4:2/10-19.
vegh, "to go through": 6:3/5-8 (Round Table); andtransitivity, 7:4/9.
verbs: and plurals, 9:2/15-16;
compound, 3:4/12-13;
ditransitive, 8:2/5-7; 9:1/6-7;
imperatives: 9:2/15-16, 9:4/3; stative, 6:3/2-3;
modifying nouns, with -meH and -bogh, 8:2/14;
morphology, 1:3/10-18, 7:1/9-11, 7:2/2-6;
of location, and transitivity, 7:4/10-11;
of motion: and nouns with -Daq, 8:1/2-6; and pronomialprefixes, 8:4/4-5,10; and transitivity, 7:4/7-9, 8:4/4-5,10;
of speech, and transitivity, 7:4/4-7;
phrases, syntax of, 9:4/4-5;
prefixes: 9:2/15-16, 9:4/3; and objects, 2:1/6-7; and -lu',4:2/15-19, 7:3/2-5;
pronomial: and -'e', 9:3/6-7; with verbs of location,7:4/9-10; with verbs of motion, 7:4/8-9;
requiring plural subjects, 7:4/11-12;
stative: 5:4/13; and adverbials, 9:2/3; imperative, 6:3/2-3; takingan object, 3:2/5; used adjectivally, syntax of, 9:4/4;
suffixes: 7:1/9-11; and -be', 6:4/2-7; and -lu',4:3/7-8; and plurals, 9:2/14-16, 9:3/4; hypothetical evolution of, 4:3/6-8;null, 7:1/9-11, 7:2/2-6; on pronouns, 8:3/13-14; rovers, 6:4/2-7; type 9,9:4/4-5. See also individual suffixes;
transitive: 1:3/14-16, 3:2/5, 3:3/3-5; with -moH, 9:1/6-7;
transitive and intransitive: 5:4/13-14; and -lu', 4:2/8-19,8:3/15-16;
transitivity, 5:4/12-15, 7:4/2-12;
verb-noun pairs (homonyms), 3:3/10-13.
-vetlh, type 5 noun suffix: 9:4/14-16; on pronouns, 9:3/5.
vIH, "move, be in motion," and transitivity, 7:4/3.
-vIp, type 2 verb suffix, and first person use, 9:3/3.
virtual qep'a', announcement and location, 4:2/4, 4:4/14.
-vIS, type 9 verb suffix: 2:4/12; and OVS word order, 9:4/4;with -taH in complex sentences, 6:1/2-4.
-vo', type 5 noun suffix: 6:2/2-5, 8:1/7, 9:4/10;
andghoS, 7:4/8;
and nouns with -Daq, 8:4/4;
in arithmetic expressions, 3:2/9;
in quantified noun phrases, 5:4/6, 6:1/6.
"wall." See architectural terms.
waQ, "months from now," as deictic time reference, 9:2/9.
The Warrior Tongue at Warp Speed, published byInterstellar Language School, review, 4:4/12-14.
wa'Hu', "yesterday," as deictic time reference, 9:2/9.
wa'leS, "tomorrow," as deictic time reference, 9:2/9.
weather, how to talk about, 7:3/10-14 (Round Table).
wen, "months ago," as deictic time reference, 9:2/9.
"when," -DI' type 9 verb suffix, 2:4/12-13.
"which," 6:1/9-10 (Round Table), 6:2/7, 6:3/3.
"while," -taHvIS, type 7 & 9 verb suffix, 2:4/12.
"whole thing," expressing concept of, 9:2/6-7.
"with": expressing concept of, 9:4/9-13; in sense of "accompaniedby," 2:4/18.
-wI', type 9 verb suffix, 2:3/13 (letters to editor), 3:4/7-9.
"wonder." See SIv.
word play, in idiomatic expression pumDI', 8:4/9-10.
wordplay (mu'reHwI'): 2:2/20;
magicsquares, 2:3/18-19;
slippers, 2:2/20;
"Think of any letter trick," 2:4/19.
See also contests; famous phrases.
"Worf," discussion of phonology, 1:1/9.
Worldcon (World Science Fiction Convention), report, 4:3/13-14.
"write." See qon, "record"; "ghitlh, "inscribe";gher, "formulate, compile."
writing Klingon. See orthography.
wutlhvo', "from the underground." See cartoons.
yIn, "live," and transitivity, 7:4/2.
'ach, conjunction joining sentences, 5:2/4.
'ar, "how many, how much?" question word, 9:2/16. Seealso question words; questions.
'arlogh, "how many times": 8:1/12; and telling time, 8:1/10-12.
-'a', type 1 noun suffix: 9:1/15-16; on pronouns, 9:3/3-4.
-'egh, type 1 verb suffix: 6:3/2-3; and -be', 6:4/5;with -moH, 8:2/3.
-'eghmoH, 6:3/2-3.
'ej, "and," conjunction joining sentences: 5:2/4-5; and temporalimplications, 8:1/7-8.
'el, "enter," and transitivity, 7:4/9.
'ev, "northwestward, area to the northwest," as deictic spatialreference, 9:2/10.
'e', pronoun: 1:2/4-5, 2:3/3-4, 3:1/3-4, 3:2/4-7, 6:2/8(letters to editor), 6:4/13,15, 7:1/3-8, 7:2/8;
andaspect suffixes in complex sentences, 6:1/2-4;
and indirect quotations, 7:4/5;
as implied object of neH, 9:4/7;
for sentence as object, and OVS word order, 9:4/5.
-'e', type 5 noun suffix: 1:3/5-6, 3:1/5, 6:2/2-5, 7:2/16,8:2/8, 8:4/13-15;
andje, 4:2/5-6;
as copula, 6:2/13-16;
as focus marker, 4:2/5-6;
as focus marker: 6:2/10-16; and as topic marker, 6:2/10-16;
on pronouns, 9:3/3,5-7;
reducing ambiguity, 9:4/7.
'Iv, interrogative pronoun "who," 1:4/4-7, 6:1/9-10. Seealso question words; questions.
'I', "armpit," history of the word, 5:3/14.
'oH, pronoun, used to translate indefinite "it," 3:2/3-6.