Email Discussion Group and Archives
The tlhIngan-Hol email discussion forum has been in existence since even before the KLI itself was formed in 1992, and over the years has been the site of many healthy debates and interchanges. It is an excellent learning tool for students of all levels. There are always new students beginning, and even some more advanced speakers actually conversing entirely in Klingon, all interacting.
To subscribe to the forum, just go to the list's online form page and follow the directions there.
The forum is now on a subscriber-only basis, meaning that you can only post to it if you're subscribed (otherwise the mail gets sent to a moderator for approval), to cut down on spam.
There is also an announcements-only list, kli-announce, for people who just want to be informed of KLI events and the like, without the high traffic of the main discussion group. You can subscribe using the the announce list's online form.
The KLI has archives of the list since 1993, all available and searchable online. However, we are currently experience some technical issues with our archive which means some of the most recent messages might not be present.
Please use the form below for searching, or browse the archives by year and month.
As of June 1st 2016 the archive is split between two locations.