Word: wipe



to rub against (or with) something, perhaps to remove or spread a substance. "In order to remove his blood, I wiped my blade on his uniform."

Comment below with feedback and suggestions.


  1. The qepHom 2020 vocabulary gives {teywI' 'echlet} "scraper's board" for any writing surface that can be easily physically erased and reused, so that suggests that {tey} can be used for 'wipe'.

    To spread dust or liquid over a surface, how about {ngoH} "smear"?

  2. We have QaDmoHwI'. I do think tey is too harsh a motion to mean "wipe". I am never against getting a specific word to replace a compound.

  3. 'etlhwIjvo' 'IwDaj vIteqmeH HIpwIjDaq vIngoH – "In order to remove his blood, I wiped my blade on his uniform."
    QuchwIjvo' SuynIj vIteymeHcha'neH vIlo' – "I wiped the sweat from my brow with my forearm."
    raS tISay'moH. QaDmoHwI' DIr yIlo'. – "Wipe the tables with a towel."
    Du'ran 'IqnaH bummeH QaQ Kleenex. – "Kleenex is good for wiping the snot out from under your nose."

    1. tlho'! chabal tetlhvaD mu'vam vIchelDI', jIHvaD Qatlh DuHmey jalmeH Qu'. muboQ ghantoHmeyvam.

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