Word: positron


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Antiparticle of the electron. Propagation of these particles through a Soong-type android's neural net made the construction of sentient androids like Data possible.

Comment below with feedback and suggestions.


      1. Given that a HeySel of (the common isotope of) bIQSIp consists of a valtIn and a tem, and we know that anti-hydrogen is called rugh bIQSIp from the Bird of Prey poster, it's almost certain that a HeySel of rugh bIQSIp is made of one rugh valtIn and one rugh tem.

    1. I'm totally comfortable with rugh tem. Better to ask for the names of other particles like quark and boson that can't be derived from existing vocab.

      1. Thirded. Whether canon or not, rugh tem is perfectly sufficient; moreover, "positron" is the only antiparticle for which there's a dedicated name in English anyway (all the others are simply "anti-X", just as we'd say rugh X in Klingon: antiproton, antineutron, etc.). There's a rich array of other particles that are much harder to express. What do Klingons call neutrinos, for instance?

          1. Only if Klingons form the word in the same way as Terran scientists have and there's absolutely no reason to assume that that would be the case. Neutrons and neutrinos have absolutely nothing in common besides the absence of electromagnetic charge.

  1. Yeah, but {rugh tem} seems like an expedient until we get the proper word for the particle. It strikes my ear the same as calling a positron an antimatter electron would. Furthermore, Klingons might conceiveably have isolated the positron first, in which case they might consider the electron to be the anti-particle, per se.

    1. We have rugh bIQSIp for anti-hydrogen in canon, so rugh tem would be better expressed as "anti-electron", which is indeed what a positron is. It's nearly impossible that Klingons would've isolated the positron first, as they exist in the same universe as us, where electrons are abundant and positrons are not.