KLI Info in Other Languages
Unfortunately, we cannot present all our information in other languages, but as a service to our readers who are not comfortable with English, we present a page of information about Klingon in the following languages:
- Afrikaans
- alt.adjective.noun.verb.verb.verb
- Arabic
- Bavarian
- Bulgarian (Romanized)
- Catalan
- Chinese: Pinyin (Romanized), Unicode, GB Code, GIF-Traditional, GIF-Simplified
- Czech
(GIF) - Danish
- Dutch
- E-Prime
- Esperanto (kun
ASCII-aj literoj sole). - Finnish
- French
- German
- Greek
(Transliterated) - Hebrew (Latin-8)
(GIF) - Indonesian
- Interlingua
- Irish Gaelic
- Italian
- Japanese (GIF)
- Klingon
- Lojban
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Slovene (Latin-2)
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Volapük
- Welsh
- Yiddish (Transliterated)
Languages listed without a link indicate a language which is being translated but is not ready yet. If you can help us translate our information-page into another language, please contact us. Thanks!