qep'a' wejmaH wa'DIch - New Words

This page contains a list of newly translated words provided by Dr. Okrand and Maltz. Thanks go to both of them for providing these, and thanks also go to E.T. and SapIr for their help with this. 

Please refer any errors, issues, or questions to qurgh on Discord. 

tlhIngan HolType
yong'el tlhugh QoQnounAcid Punktlhugh is the word for a genre of music (of which yong'el tlhugh is a subset). Maltz said he's not aware of anything else the word refers to (but, of course, Maltz is not an expert in historical linguistics).In most contexts, QoQ can be omitted.Request
bengverbaddicted, be addicted (to)The object is the substance to which one is addicted.Request
levwItnounalmondThis is actually a kind of Klingon nut, but it looks sort of like an almond. For the Terran almond, precede with tera'.Request
pIwSIpnounammoniaThis is the gas, not the liquid used for cleaning.Request
chan naghnounandesiteRequest
'achme'nounanvilThis does not refer to the bone in the ear.Request
teQverbassumeNot in the sense of "assume responsibility" or "assume the throne" or "assume an air of confidence."Request
chal qulnounauroraRequest
ro'leSlIbnounbarnacleThis is the closest Klingon equivalentRequest
Dawverbblow, blow atThis is what the wind does, so the subject is usually SuS.
buDHa lalDannounBuddhismRequest
QapmIwnouncareerNot the same as 'aSteD "occupation, job."Request
QISten lalDannounChristianityRequest
mI' merghnouncomplex numberRequest
HuDngech SumnouncosineRequest
HIjnajnoundemonThere are supernatural entities besides HIjnajpu'.Request
ghaverbdiaphanous, be see-throughRequest
tem chIjwI'noundiodeRequest
murghverbdroop, slouch, be limpRequest
tewverbentwine, be entwinedIf there is an object, use tewmoH.Request
DIS'oSnounfernThis is the Klingon plant that is most like a fern. For an Earth version, precede with tera'.Request
'a'baqa'nounfile, dossier, portfolioRequest
yarverbflirt with When used with no object, it can mean "be flirty." There's also a slang term for "be flirty": Qal (literally "swim"; Maltz didn't know why).

gha'naDnounfodder Food for animals, usually not considered suitable for Klingons

roqverbfragile, delicate, flimsyRequest
ghIp'ISnounfrictionThis term is used only for the physical sense of "friction," not for "discord" and the like.Request
chavnounfunction (mathematics)Request
jIrevnoungiraffeThis is a loanword.Request
ngaDmoQnoungyroscopeProbably shortened from ngaDmeH moQ or ngaDwI' moQ.Request
magh gha'naDnounhaySee also "fodder."Request
nen DuSaQverbhigh school, secondary educationRequest
yeverbholy, be sacredRequest
mI' rorghnounimaginary number
'ISla'am lalDannounIslamRequest
tamler vInDa'nounisotopeThough vInDa' commonly refers to people, in this usage its plural is formed with -mey. In context, tamler may be left off.Request
ju'Da lalDannounJudaismRequest
nI'qurnounkelpThis is a form of Klingon seaweed. For Terran "kelp," use tera' nI'qur or qe'lIp.Request
Doltopnounlapis lazuliRequest
le"aqnounmessengerThis is anyone tasked with delivering a message. Maltz says he's also heard it (or sometimes Qun le"aq) translated as "angel".Request
'ot tIrnounoatThis is a loanword.Request
'aSteDnounoccupation, job(career)
nutye'nounolive treeThis is a close Klingon equivalent. The fruit is nutye' naH. For the Terran olive tree, precede with tera'.Request
SeH'e'nounpalm treeThis is the closest Klingon equivalent. For a Terran palm tree, precede with tera'.Request
HapmaHnounpeaThis is the seed of a Klingon vegetable, the green ball inside of a pod.Request
qonglIlnounpeanutThis is actually a Klingon legume whose seeds, like Terran peanuts, grow underground. For the Terran peanut, precede with tera'.Request
tI'varnounpedalA pedal in a car, such as that for the accelerator or brake. This is typically the object of the verb yuv.Request
DeSlaynounpedalA pedal with the fulcrum in the middle (rather than at one end) that is typically pressed downward with either the front of the foot or the heel. The verb ghujmoH is used with this.Request
DeSHaynounpedalA lever controlled by the foot, such as a pedal on a piano or organ. This is typically the object of the verb ghujmoH.Request
'olDopnounpedalLike the pedal on a bicycle.Request
jIrmoHverbpedalWhen used with this meaning, a common object is 'olDop "pedal" (or qam Do Duj 'olDop "bicycle pedal"), though the object need not be mentioned if the context is clear.Request
yong'elnounpsychedelic General term for a psychedelic or hallucinogenic drug.(Acid Punk)
ngItverbrideThe phrase qam Do Duj jIrmoH does not mean "pedal a bicycle"; it means "rotate a bicycle," that is, spin it around somehow or other. The verb for riding a bicycle (or motorcycle or horse, where the passenger is controlling, to one degree or another, the motion of the vehicle or means of conveyance), is ngIt.For riding a motorcycle, SeD can also be used but it's uncommon and is somewhat marked. lIgh can also be used, but it describes driving a motorcycle in a way that doesn't require any effort, like driving with "no hands". lIgh is normally only used to talk about someone riding on the back of a motorcycle or in a sidecar.(pedal)
SurverbrinseThis can also be used for "irrigate."Request
vItlhpachnounscalpThis is a body part.
beSverbscaldThis is not a cooking term.Request
paQjennounsequin, spangleThere is also a slang version: HovHom.Request
qa' QoywI'nounshamanRequest
watlhmoHverbsmeltThe object is the ore.Request
re'tISyavnounspermatozoonPlural takes -mey.Request
ghalmaHnounsplinter, sliverLike the small, thin piece of wood that might get stuck in your finger(shard)
won jatverbstutter, stammerRequest
SayDeqnounsurplusThis means "surplus" in general, not just in regard to economics.Request
rovDurghnounteaching, preceptRequest
nagh ghunnounterracottaCalled "warm stone" or "warm ceramic" presumably because it's fired at a relatively low temperature compared to other ceramics.Request
Day'muSnountrafficFor "traffic jam," the term Hutvagh is usually used.Request
ngeghverbtraffic inIn the sense of trading something illegal. The object is the allegedly illicit item.(traffic)
tem lISwI'nountransistorThis is the usual term, but it's actually shortened from DI'bI'war tem lISwI' (DI'bI'war "semiconductor"). DI'bI'war is usually included only in contexts where it is necessary to distinguish the tem lISwI' from any device with a similar function but lacking a semiconductor.Request
Daqba'nountuft, tussockRequest
Sor Hap 'awtIr ngoghmeynounxylophoneIn clear contexts, Sor Hap or 'awtIr (or even both) may be omitted; -mey is always there.Request
'o'nI' 'atlhqamnounyeastRequest
yo'ghurnounyogurtThis is a loanword.Request

We also received a little bit of clarity about a couple of topics:

The object of He' is the odor being produced, like the object of largh is the odor being detected. targh DaHe' You smell like a targ

janSIy had asked him about using nuqDaq as an object on words that take locations as objects (Dab, jaH, ghoS, chegh, leng, etc.). Dr. Okrand said it's just like using –Daq on any such object – nuqDaq need not be used, but it is not necessarily considered wrong. He compared it to English speakers saying, "Where do you live at?" or "Where are you going to?"