be creative

To be imaginative, innovative, original, or inspired. To demonstrate the capacity to generate novel ideas, recognize patterns that are not obvious to others, or use/view…

be efficient

making good, thorough, or careful use of time, energy, or resources. "This top-of-the-line warp core is the most efficient yet developed."

be introverted/extroverted

Introverts get drained from socializing for too long and need to recharge alone; extroverts get drained from being alone for too long and need to…

decorate, adorn

improve the appearance of something with ornaments or ornamentation. "To celebrate Empire Union Day, the city officials of Quin'lat decorated the public square."


imagine a desirable, self-indulgent, or grandiose situation — different from {jal} which is used to imagine a simple counterfactual situation. "Gowron fantasized about conquering the…


to give a precise, condensed, or brief presentation or recapitulation of a story or idea

be sentient, be self-aware, be conscious

exhibiting recursive self-awareness and a human-like ability to reason, think, perceive, and self-regulate. EXAMPLE: 'Do Klingons consider sentient androids as having honor?'


practise by recitation or repetition in private for experiment and improvement prior to a public presentation; used especially in the performing arts such as music…

be startled

be surprised and slightly frightened by a momentary encounter with some stimulus. The transitive "startle" could be expressed with {-moH}. "The sudden noise of the…