qep'a' wejmaHDIch - New Words

This page contains a list of newly translated words provided by Dr. Okrand and Maltz. 

Please refer any errors, issues, or questions to qurgh on Discord. 

tlhIngan HolTypeEnglishNotesRequest
yalwoDnounmomentum Request
DayverbcompareThe object is always plural, frequently in the form A B je. If the comparison is being made between two (or more) of the same thing, the noun's plural suffix is generally not used: targh vIDay "I compare targs (to each other)."Request
naqverbbe iridescent Request
jamjuDnounbountyA reward offered for the completion of a challenging task.Request
ghuDverbbe in common, be co-This is used in constructions such as HoDpu' ghuD (literally something like "in-common captains," but a better translation would be "co-captains" or "fellow captains"). One could also say ghuD HoDpu' (literally "the captains are in common" but it really means they share the same status and, perhaps, work together). ghojwI' ghuD would be "a fellow student." puqpu' ghuD might refer to children who are growing up together (whether related or not).Request
renyarDaqnounpsychic ability or abilitiesFor "ESP," 'erwI'Daq is normally fine. The usual term for psychic ability (or abilities) in general is renyarDaq. The study of parapsychology is renyarDaq QeD, but this is sometimes shortened to DaqQeD.Request
renyarDaq QeDnounparapsychology Request
DaqQeDnounparapsychologyshort form of renyarDaq QeDRequest
'e'qInnounrustling sound Request
'e'qIn tlhenverbmake a rustling sound, rustle Request
'amuSnoungarishness, gaudiness, ostentatiousnessIt is typically used as the object of the verbs 'ang, 'agh, and chIw, but it's not restricted to those.Request
Qe'jIjnounCatalyst Request
DuSchoHernounEnzyme Request
tu'lIpnountulipTerran flower; loanwordRequest 
yorverbsulk, mope, pout Request
tlhamI'noungeode Request
varqo'engnounpolynomial expression Request
puboSnounscapula Request
vatwamnounspoutThis is a noun, referring to the nozzle on a teapot, for example. There's also a slang term: wuS or wuSDu', literally "lip(s)" — the choice depends on the shape of the spout.Request
yoq'eDnounstoolThis is a piece of furnitureRequest
'uppolnounstunt, feat Request
SenDeqnountwin"Identical twins" are SenDeqpu' ghuD; non-identical twins are SenDeqpu' tlhIn. Groups made up of a specific number of members (whether people or otherwise) are referred to idiomatically by using Sonme' ("set, group, party") preceded by the number, so wej Sonme' is "group of three, party of three, trio, triplet," loS Sonme' is "quartet, quadruplet," and so on. cha' Sonme' ("group of two, duo") could mean twins, but SenDeqpu' is far more common.Request
Sonme'nounset, group, partyGroups made up of a specific number of members (whether people or otherwise) are referred to idiomatically by using Sonme' ("set, group, party") preceded by the number, so wej Sonme' is "group of three, party of three, trio, triplet," loS Sonme' is "quartet, quadruplet," and so on. cha' Sonme' ("group of two, duo") could mean twins, but SenDeqpu' is far more common.Request
cho'nI'yoHnounanimism Request
tarleqnounherbThis is a term used only in reference to food preparation.Request 
'awtIrnounmusical note, musical toneThis refers to the sound, not the musical notation. A written musical note is usually 'awtIr ngutlh when referring to a specific note (such as yu or bIm) but QoQ ngutlh when referring to the glyph or character itself, not the specific tone it denotes.Request
petbennounthump, thudThis noun refers to the sound. It is often used as the object of the verb tlhen.Request
wuHverbskim, glide, skate, skid Request
Qajnavnoundiaper Request
SIrHughnounbuffon, laughingstockThe underlying notion here is one of ridicule or derision. When wanting to be particularly insulting, this might be altered to SIrHagh.Request
SIrHaghnounslang form of buffon, laughingstock Request
chotmang nounassassinationMade by adding mang to chot. Maltz said you can't stick mang freely onto any verb (except, of course, in wordplay); it's not a nominalizing suffix.Request
Sorghmang nounsabotageMade by adding mang to Sorgh. Maltz said you can't stick mang freely onto any verb (except, of course, in wordplay); it's not a nominalizing suffix.Request
matSu'nouncommando Request
'engDaynounflap Request
moqlamnounfeldspar Request
tlhay'qeqnoundomesticationMade by adding qeq to tlhay'. Maltz said you can't stick qeq freely onto any verb (except, of course, in wordplay); it's not a nominalizing suffix.Request
yamqeqnounassimilationMade by adding qeq to yam. Maltz said you can't stick qeq freely onto any verb (except, of course, in wordplay); it's not a nominalizing suffix.Request
yamverbbe assimilated, be incorporated, be subsumed Request
qIrqoDnouna pine-like treeMaltz said the closest tree to this description is a qIrqoD, though its branches aren't necessarily noticeably twisted. He said it was reasonable to use tera' qIrqoD for "pine." A Terran "pine cone" could be either tera' qet'uy or tera' qIrqoD qet'uy.Request
romtonnounbracket, corbel Request
rep'eSlaqramnounmascot Request
DujtlhuQ bIQDepnounstarfishMaltz wasn't aware of a Klingon creature like this, but this is what he heard when Klingons encountered the Terran creature.Request
Sawqe'nounnugget, chunk, clump

A ngogh has a more-or-less defined shape, but it doesn't matter whether it was shaped by someone or it just happened naturally. And the shape doesn't have to be perfect.

A Sawqe' probably doesn't have a defined (or even easily describable) shape (though it may come close or sort of resemble one).  Sawqe' is generally used for smaller objects, but there's no clear-cut dividing line about size, and there are certainly Sawqe'mey tIn and ngoghmey mach.

Certain items tend to always be referred to by one or the other:

Your house is probably built out of ngoghmey, and someone seeking gold would most likely find qol'om Sawqe'mey in the wild (though qol'om ngoghmey at Fort Knox).

There are, of course, instances where two people might refer to the same thing, especially if they are of ambiguous shape, by different terms.

Huyverbhum, purrThis is used for a cat's purr.Request
ray tlhenverbmake an r sound, trill Request

This exercise (or maneuver) is used with the verb mI', as in choQpel vImI' "I do a pull-up/pull-ups, I perform a pull-up/pull-ups, I execute a pull-up/pull-ups."

This word is used both for the common exercise involving gripping a bar as well as for pulling oneself up to the top of a wall.

The term is used whether the palms of the hands are facing towards or away from the exerciser. If a distinction must be made, however, the following terminology is used:

chap choQpel "pull-up" (overhand grip, palms face away)

toch choQpel "chin-up" (underhand grip, palms face exerciser)

When one uses the choQpel technique to exercise, there may be any number of repetitions of the same movements. A variant form of the exercise is known as the baQpel. In this exercise, the first up-down movement is with one arm only, the second is with the other arm only, the third is with the first arm only, and so on. As with the more basic choQpel, there are chap and toch versions.

baQpelnounalternating one-handed pull-upsIn this exercise, the first up-down movement is with one arm only, the second is with the other arm only, the third is with the first arm only, and so on. As with the more basic choQpel, there are chap and toch versions.Request
ngu'lIjnounsoot, grimeIn a non-technical context, this may also be translated as "grime".Request
qaytapnounbill, actThis is a proposed regulation or rule or law, not one enacted or implemented or enforceable yet.Request
qawno'nounremembrance, memorialgathering or ceremony to remember and honor someone who has diedRequest
qemyu'po'nouncerebral palsy Request
qenggharu'nounkangarooloanword. There is no comparable Klingon animalRequest
lI'HemvI'noundopamine Request
'altlhIqnounexclamationThis is a grammatical category, included among the chuvmey.Request
rISlIwnountar Request
tlhuHtuchnounarmadillo-like creatureThis more or less looks like an armadillo. It does not really resemble an anteater or a sloth.Request
vanI'la'nounvanillaThis is another thing found only on Earth, and Maltz knew only its common Terran name. The term refers to both the plant and its fruit (pod), so, when needed, locutions such as vanI'la' San'emDer and vanI'la' naH are used. Similarly, the vanilla flavor is vanI'la' wejwa'.Request
DIghna'nounpoppy-like plant Request
tupverbbe conceptual, be abstract, be pure"pure" here as in pure physics as opposed to applied physicsRequest
tochverbbe actual, be contrete, be practical, be pragmatic, be applied"applied" here as in applied physics.Request
'unqalnounkettleMaltz said that, as far as he knew, the resemblance of this word to 'un qal, presumably "corrupt pot" (whatever that might mean), was just a coincidence.Request
poy'verbconfiscate Request
'IQDoy'nounparody, caricatureThis term may be applied to a drawing or sculpture, for example, or to something written or performed.Request
ngubverbmigrate, immigrate, emigrateTo specify immigration or emigration, make use of the suffixes –Daq and –vo' on the nouns referring to the destination or area of departure.Request
bargh SojnouncasseroleThere are not many traditional ways of preparing hot Klingon food. Maltz thought that a "casserole" could be termed simply bargh Soj ("bargh food") since a bargh its most likely the type of pot to be used.Request
nIl'atroghnouncharcoal Request
vuHbInnounlymph Request
yetmoSnoungravelnaghHom(mey) is also heard, primarily when focusing on individual stones, but for the stuff spread on the ground or used in making concrete, for example, yetmoS is more common.Request
vI'ba'omnounmasterpieceThis noun may refer to anything considered the best work or accomplishment of somebody. Request
HeqqIvnouncliché, trope Request
DIDverbbe sterotypicalThe locution DIDmoH is used to mean "speak of or refer to (whatever the object of the verb is) in stereotypical terms."Request
ro'qa'nountonsil Request
mumverbfancy, have a crushThe most common way to express this is with the verb mum, literally "taste, sense flavors." Context generally resolves any confusion.Request
ghunglItlhnounpiston Request
qul 'alwI'nounwill-o'-the-wisp Request
rIjmeH tlheghnountether, leashWhen the context is clear, this is sometimes called simply rIjwI'.Request
'elmaQnounserotonin Request
wavre'nounpulsarKlingon astronomers sometimes refer to this as a barwI'.Request
qaDvannounprobation Request
qaDvan SIQverbbe on probation Request
yoghIpnounasthma Request
qIrbI'nounhygieneKlingon hygienic practices do not focus on cleanliness, though this is not ruled out, either.Request
Solroghnounguardrail, banisterThe whole construction, including the railing and supports. A naSIn that actually provides support for the railing is a Solrogh tut. The railing alone is a raqvel.Request
raqvelnounrailing part of a guardrail or banister Request
naSInnounvertical postThis can provide support for something or be ornamentation. If it holds support for a railing, then it is also a Solrogh tut.Request
bI'raDnoundough, batter Request
voyverbclone (something)The object of the verb is the original, not the clone. This is not the same as a velqa', a clone is not a replica (copy, model, etc). It's the same thing as the original, and is genetically identical to it. This word refers to cloning in the biological sense, not in the computer or IT sense.Request
DarDoghnouncloneThis is not the same as a velqa', a clone is not a replica (copy, model, etc). It's the same thing as the original, and is genetically identical to it. This word refers to cloning in the biological sense, not in the computer or IT sense.Request
ngotrI'nounlatitudeSee below for how this is used.Request
lungrI'nounlongitude Request
lawrI'noundegrees (modern) Request
lawnoundegrees (traditional) Request
ngotrI'talnounparallel Request
lungrI'tal nounmeridian Request
DeS tutrennouninside of the elbow the antecubital space, the cubital fossa or the chelidonRequest
'uS tutrennouninside of the knee Request

July 27-29, 2023, Indianapolis, Indiana USA

Attendees | Registration Information 

qep'a' Schedule

As always, this schedule is subject to change due to technical, personal, or other reasons. These times are never approximate, but they may sometimes be inaccurate. The tag [P] means the session is a physical "In Person" event, and the specific location is in the event's details. The tag [D] is for sessions on Discord, either streamed from the live event at the hotel or hosted only online.

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A common way of talking about these concepts is by making use of the verbs 'ab ("have a height of") and juch ("have a width of"). When used to specify location (as opposed to linear dimension), the objects of these verbs are expressed in degrees, lawrI'(mey), so X 'ab could be translated "be at latitude X" and X juch could be "be at longitude X."

In some contexts, such as in preparing for in the midst of battle (but not restricted to these), it's more common to express the location (in degrees) followed by the word ngotrI' ("latitude") or lungrI' ("longitude") with no verb at all, a form of clipped Klingon. One does not need to use lawrI' in these situations. 

By analogy with law and lawrI' (for "traditional" degrees and "modern" degrees), these terms are based on two of three older words that were used in specifying locations before significant contact with other civilizations in the galaxy led to adoption of the more generally used system:




Maltz didn't know how to translate these traditional terms.

The modern words used for the imaginary lines used in determining coordinates — or the actual lines on a map or similar image — are:

          ngotrI'tal "parallel"

          lungrI'tal "meridian"

The traditional terms from which these were derived are:




Again, Maltz didn't know how to translate these, but he said the arrangement formed triangles.

in formation                      chen tu'qom

For example: tlhaj negh; chen tu'qom "The soldiers march; a configuration/pattern forms" (more naturally: "The soldiers march in formation").

It's possible to be more specific, using, for example, ra'Duch "triangle" or wej war(mey) "three columns" instead of the more general tu'qom.