high school, secondary education

the secondary phase of education in many Terran school systems, or the latter phase thereof, typically preceding university study or more technical training

Singular "tactic"

to' has the gloss of "tactics" but there doesn't appear to be a word for a singular tactic, which is of course different than strategy…

Islaam, Islam

"submittance (to the will of God Almighty (Allaah))" eg. More than a quarter of the population of Earth choose Islaam as their way of life.


"one who submits"; a person who chooses Islaam as their way of life


nonsense word to refer to a thing you can't remember the name of; a watchamacallit or a whozywhatsit

Maquis (Resistance)

The infamous organization founded in 2370, operating in the the Federation/Cardassian/demilitarized space.


tiny dot that makes up the representation of an image in a computer's memory