hippopotamus, hippo

An aggressive pachyderm of the order Artiodactyla that lives in rivers, or the Kronos equivalent


The nearest Klingon analogue to a squid, cuttlefish, or octopus. The cephalopod body plan is the only non-tetrapod anatomical arrangement in which intelligence has been…


A simple gelatinous marine invertebrate occasionally used for food, closely related to corals (for which we do have a Klingon name) but free-roaming rather than…

Closest Klingon canine analog

Is there a better word than "targh" that Klingons would think of when they see a Terran dog? Need not be an animal that Klingons…


In Klingon mythology, the Kos'Karii were pale, serpent-like creatures which inhabited the blood-red waters crossed by the Barge of the Dead on its way to…