qep'a' wa'maHDIch
For our tenth qep'a', we celebrated in the Comfort Inn in Philadelphia Airport. The attendance was quite high, fitting for such an auspicious anniversary. In addition to the usual media, we also played host to a film crew in the more literal sense of the word: a small team putting together a full-length documentary art-film on Klingon-speakers was on hand for practically the entire qep'a', taking in-depth interviews from our members and recording the glory that is qep'a' for all time. Watch for the movie when it comes out.
Dr. Marc Okrand attended again. During the course of the qep'a' Cabaret (specifically our usual game of Klingon Hokey Pokey) he favored us with a newly-discovered Klingon word.
- Standing, Left to Right:
- Ronda Hicks, David Crowell, Heather Myers, Michael Oetting, David Trimboli, Roger Cheesbro, Mark Shoulson, d'Armond Speers, Agnieszka Solska, Pamela Brown, Tad Stauffer, Marc Okrand, Corey Anderson, Alan Anderson, Lawrence Schoen, Eric Andeen, Louise Whitty, Andrew Strader
- On floor, Left to Right:
- Benjamin Berwick, Gina Robertson, Rachel Wyman, Daniel Morse, Meghan Strader, Captain Krankor, Joseph Hoolihan, Eric Zay