July 19-21, 2018, Indianapolis, Indiana USA
When we began in 1992 (before there was even a worldwide web), few people knew about constructed languages and fewer still knew Klingon. Now conlangs are showing up all over and the Klingon language is more popular than ever. 2018 will see this interest expand even further. CBS's Star Trek: Discovery features recurring Klingon characters who speak high quality tlhIngan Hol throughout the show, and Duolingo is poised to release their Klingon module. More than ever before, Klingon is the fastest growing language in the galaxy!
Join us for the 25th Annual Meeting of the Klingon Language Institute (aka qep'a' cha'maH vaghDIch). Klingon learners and speakers from around the world will be meeting to learn, practice, and speak this unique language. Help us celebrate a quarter century of getting together for a weekend of intense study mixed with fun activities and opportunities to make new friends who share a passion for this exceptional language.
Each morning there will be classes to help those who have just started learning or want a refresher of the basics. Activities throughout the day encourage learners to practice their newly gained skills and work with more advanced speakers to experience Klingon as a real, living language. Certification tests will be available for those who choose to test their knowledge and demonstrate their accomplishments. Students who have completed the Learn Klingon Online course are usually well prepared to pass the first level of certification. There will be games, there will be stories, there will be poetry! There will be great deeds and there will be great songs! It'll all be topped off with a Saturday night pizza party and cabaret.
Make your plans now to be a part of it all! Join us in Indianapolis in July! Take your tlhIngan Hol to the next level and make sure you are ready for the next 25 years of the fastest growing language in the galaxy! Qapla' batlh je!
Registration | Hotel | Schedule
- Marc Okrand
- Lawrence M. Schoen
- Jeremy Cowan
- Chris Lipscombe
- Alan Anderson
- Carol Anderson
- Michelle Peat
- Michael Roney Jr
- Jen Usellis
- Christopher Kidder-Mostrom
- Richard Andeen
- Juliana Bukoski
- Marc Malnekoff
- Jackson Bradley
- John Harness
- Gilbert Vanderbilt
- Maevis Peterson
- Galen Buttitta
- Joni Bukoski
- Robin Roper
- Michael Myers + 1
- Jeremiah Rose
- Thomas McManus
- Emily Wilkinson + 1
- Rhys Read
- Carole Harness
- Ludwig Bindervoet
- Marijn Alexander de Jong
- Thomas Dudkiewicz
- Jimi Zoet
- Mark Shoulson
- Ethan Shoulson
- Isaac Shoulson
- Captain Krankor
- Agnieszka Solska
- Corey Anderson
- Jessie Oberreuter
- Daniel Morse
- Michael Lubetsky
- Zachary Edminster
- Bradford Wilson
- Perry Rittenhouse
- Don Hylton
Supporting Members:
- Michael Caruso
- Jared Fielder
- Michael Blake
- Elizabeth Faber
- Ben Faber
- Jonathan Snyder
- Aurelie Demonchaux
- Daniel Dadap
- Jonathan Brown
- Terrence Donnelly
- David Yonge-Mallo
- Tad Stauffer
A note about costumes/uniforms: Costumes are welcome, but the meeting focuses on language. The majority of our members will not be wearing costumes and many are not concerned with the cosplay aspect of Klingon. However, we will likely have some attendees who dress in full armor for the day, or wear an honor sash the whole conference, or wear a ridged forehead to indicate that they are in their Klingon persona and will only speak Klingon. Saturday night you may see a bit more dressing up and costuming for the cabaret. The most common "uniform" for most of the meeting will, however, probably be jeans and a T-shirt.