qep'a' loSDIch
The fourth annual conference of the Klingon Language Institute, our qep'a' loSDIch, was held with great jubilation in Bensalem, Pennsyvlania USA, during mid-July 1997. As has been the case each year, this qep'a' set a new record for attendence and enjoyment. Many new faces were on hand, and many returning veterans of past qep'a'mey. For the second year in a row, the qep'a' was honored by a visit from Dr. Marc Okrand, creator of the Klingon language. As a special treat Marc provided the grand prize in our linguistic competition, a brand new word.
A new feature this year was the addition of a professional photographer, who took the official qep'a' loSDIch photograph:
The following people are shown:
- Back Row, L to R:
- Michael S. U., Chet Braun, Jeremy Cowan, Michael Perkins, Steve Weaver, David Barron, Rachel Wyman, Robyn Stewart, Roger Cheesbro, Daniel Morse, Tad Stauffer
- Middle Row, L to R:
- Ruby Harper, Mark Shoulson, Linda J. Hunnefield, Diane Wamsley, Lawrence M. Schoen, Bill Willmerdinger, Bart Barker, Captain Krankor, Tom Twohy
- Front Row, L to R:
- Nancy Nielsen-Brown, Eric Andeen, David Crowell, Will Martin, Heather Myers, Eric Zay, Duffy Dobelbower, Laurel Beckley, David Trimboli, Carol Anderson, Alan Anderson
- Seated on Floor, L to R:
- Kellie Finnegan, Kiel McGettigan, tribble, Adam Hadani, Deborah Kay, Arieh Hadani