qep'a' javDIch
The qep'a' javDIch was held with proper pomp and much enjoyment on July 21st through 25th of 1999, in Las Vegas, NV (breaking the long tradition of being in the Philadelphia area). The scorching air of the desert rang out with triumphant Klingon songs (well, actually we were indoors mostly), sometimes sung in barbershop quartet. We also invaded the Star Trek Experience exhibit and ride at the Las Vegas Hilton, where we met with a contingent of Romulans and also another group of Klingons.
There were also many more tlhIngan Hol oriented activities, including games of pegh mu' and ra' voDleH. And we also managed to pose for some pictures…
- Standing, Left to Right
- Robyn Stewart, Daniel Morse, Peter Linde, Pamela Brown, David Crowell, Jane Cowell, Ralph Vasallo, Tad Stauffer, Adam Walker, Gary Cowell, Lawrence Schoen, Troy Robinson, Roger Cheesbro, Will Martin, Nick Nicholas, d'Armond Speers, Alan Anderson, Eric Andeen, Kevin Burgess
- Seated, Left to Right:
- Tony Boehm, Kim Williams, Nancy Nielsen-Brown, Marc Okrand, Mark Shoulson
- On Floor, Left to Right:
- Michael S. U., Captain Krankor, Mike Trike