qep'a' cha'maH chorghDIch Canon
This page contains a list of newly translated words provided by Dr. Okrand and Maltz.
Please refer any errors, issues, or questions to qurgh on Discord. If you have questions about these words for Dr. Okrand, please fill out this form so we can ask him during the Q&A.
New Word List
Language Users and Body Part are both types of Noun. They are listed separately for the purposes of identifying the correct plural suffixes.
tlhIngan Hol | Type | English | Description/Notes | Original Request |
babton | General Noun | pepper (capsicum) | Request | |
bet | Verb | impale | Request | |
bIlemtan | General Noun | whim | Request | |
bobDar | General Noun | splash | Use with tlhen "sound as, produce the sound of" (e.g., bobDar tlhen "(it) produces a splash sound" | Request |
boq Hol / boQ Hol | General Noun | pidgin, creole, contact language | These terms used interchangeably | Request |
cheyIS | Animal | cephalopod | Another Klingon creature. It's definitely squid-like. | Request |
choSan | General Noun | Korea | See Hanghuq. Both terms are used (Klingons are very confused by this) | Request |
choSom | General Noun | quartz | Request | |
DamSayrotlh | Animal | hippopotamus, hippo | closest Klingon equivalent | Request |
Dang | Verb | focus | Make (an image) less blurry | Request |
DayqIr | General Noun | honey | Request | |
DI' | Verb | edit, revise, correct, modify | Request | |
ghalmov | General Noun | compound (chemical) | Request | |
ghom'oH | General Noun | slot | ||
Hanghuq | General Noun | Korea | See choSan. Both terms are used (Klingons are very confused by this) | Request |
HaSreH | General Noun | pattern, design pattern, markings, motif | Request | |
HaStay' | General Noun | pixel | Maltz had a hunch this was shortened at some point from HaSta 'ay', but that may be a folk etymology | Request |
Hey' | Verb | censor | Request | |
HItlh | Verb | be brittle | Request | |
HuDngech | General Noun | sine (curve) | used to describes waves or curves and also in trigonometry | Request |
jInbo' | General Noun | bias | There's also an idiom: ghu' neS | Request |
jIqlem | General Noun | strap | Request | |
jo' | Verb | zoom in on | jo' is used for "zoom in on" (the object is the image). jo'Ha' is "zoom out" (applied to something that was previously zoomed in on). In context, Sach "expand, be amplified, be increased in scope" can be used for "be magnified." | Request |
jutngev | General Noun | nectar | Request | |
larveS | General Noun | pus | Request | |
lIS'ab | Animal | rodent | This animal is more rat-sized than mouse-sized, but a vIghro' might well chase it. Its face kind of resembles that of a bat (though a bat is not a rodent). | Request |
lot | Verb | scratch | Request | |
lotregh | General Noun | anaemia | Informally, some people say 'Iw Doy' | Request |
lu'lap | General Noun | beep noise | Used with tlhen e.g., lu'lap tlhen "(it) produces a beep noise" | Request |
lunglIH | General Noun | turbine, propeller | Maltz thought this word was based on a story in Klingon mythology about a loong, but he didn't recall the details. Some people also say cheqwI' "tornado-er." | Request |
majaj | General Noun | cabbage, lettuce | closest Klingon equivalent; closer to lettuce than to cabbage, but could be used for either Terran plant | Request |
mangtay | General Noun | Thailand | Request | |
maqIy | General Noun | Maquis (Resistance) | Request | |
mayvIm | General Noun | embryo | Request | |
meQHam | Adverb | ironically, counterintuitively, incongruously | Request | |
mIHneS | Animal | Grasshopper | closest thing; could also be used for locust or cricket | Request |
mIjDang | Body Part | fin, flipper | Request | |
mIllogh qol | General Noun | animation, cartoon | This refers to animation only, not cartoons in the newspaper | Request |
morwI', morwI' ghew | Animal | ant(s), formicidae | closest Klingon equivalent, based on what the bug looks like. The Klingon version is noted for its dexterity or agility (hence the name), not strength. But Klingons use this for the Terran ant anyway. | Request |
mur | Verb | wince, cringe, flinch | Request | |
muSghoraw | General Noun | valve | Request | |
mu'tlhegh meS | General Noun | paragraph | Request | |
nam | Verb | move counterclockwise | Request | |
naptop | General Noun | eclipse | Request | |
neqjung | General Noun | contact, encounter, rendezvous, | The noun counterpart to ghom. It would be used in phrases such as neqjung wa'DIch first contact. | |
nevroD | Body Part | tentacle | Request | |
nIwqen | Body Part | gill | Request | |
nuj yaj | Verb | read lips | Used in a general way, one might say nujDu' vIyajlaH. When applied to a specific occurrence, one might say nujlIj vIyajlaH. | Request |
nu'Qan | General Noun | alcove | Request | |
ngang | Verb | straddle | Request | |
ngeSlIch | General Noun | loan | ||
ngeSlIch 'ap | General Noun | interest | Request | |
ngIr | Verb | knead, massage | Request | |
ngov | Verb | slither, wriggle, squirm, writhe | Slither "like a snake" | Request |
ngur | Verb | be autistic/aspie | Request | |
paghur | Language User | hermit, recluse | Request | |
paSlogh tuQ DaS | Verb | be inside-out | Maltz thought there might be a single word for this, but he could only remember this commonly used idiom. In usage, this might be preceded by something like ghIH wep (or Soy' wep) "the shirt is sloppy/disheveled" | Request |
pIlIpIynaS | General Noun | the Philippines | Request | |
pu'porgh 'oQqar | General Noun | ginger | sometimes 'oQqar is omitted | Request |
qaq naH | General Noun | watermelon | closest Klingon equivalent | Request |
qatvoH | Animal | shellfish (clam, oyster, mussel, scallop, brachiopod…) | There are a number of these sorts of creatures. qatvoH applies to various bivalves. Large qatvoHmey are served in non-Klingon restaurants that feature Klingon food, but they usually just call this dish "Jumbo Klingon Mollusks." | Request |
qav'ap juH | General Noun | apartment | This is for a house or an apartment of any size that is not owned by the occupant. For a dwelling within a larger building containing several such dwellings (regardless of ownership), it's common to just say pa'mey (or occasionally just pa'). | Request |
qayrI'Hom | Body Part | clavicle | Request | |
qeSnoDmaj | Animal | jellyfish | closest Klingon equivalent | Request |
QIb | Verb | filter, strain, sieve, sift | Request | |
QImHal | Body Part | ovary | Request | |
qIn | Verb | moan, groan | Request | |
qot | Verb | back, sponsor, support, capitalize, invest in | To specify what or how much is invested, make use of peS as in X qotmeH Y peS ("invest Y in X") | Request |
qovDa' | General Noun | exponent | Though there is a noun, the idea of raising a number to the power of something is generally expressed by using the verb Sep, as in wejlogh Sep'egh cha'; chen chorgh. | Request |
qurmoQ | Body Part | larynx | Request | |
quSDI' | General Noun | batch | Request | |
reD'eS | General Noun | bureaucracy | The slang expression pumnuj reD'eS is used if things are definitely inefficient | Request |
rey' | General Noun | a special performance or presentation | This is a noun that's kind of hard to define in a word or two, but it refers to a performance or presentation that's pretty special in some way. Maybe it's something that happens only once, not to be repeated. Or maybe it occurs regularly but not very often, so it's something looked forward to well in advance. Maybe it's something that features a special performer or performers | |
reDyev | General Noun | shortage | Request | |
rIS | General Noun | click | Used with tlhen e.g., rIS tlhen "(it) produces a click sound" | Request |
rIS | Verb | make a clicking sound | Expands the meaning of the verb rIS to including clicking along with cracking and snapping | Request |
rober jan | General Noun | lathe | Request | |
roDSon | Body Part | uvula | Informally, the term tlhepwI' is often used | Request |
romanI'ya' | General Noun | Romania | Request | |
rom'on | General Noun | zinc | Request | |
roSmaH | Body Part | chromosome | Chromosomes are numbered (e.g. roSmaH wej); the two sex chromosomes are roSmaH pagh and roSmaH bID; two roSmaH bID chromosomes occur in females, one of each occur in males. | Request |
rubyo' | Language User | politician | Request | |
Senjorgh | General Noun | grenade | There's also a slang term: ruqwI' | Request |
Setlhlo' | General Noun | arsenic | Request | |
SIr | Verb | be unique, be unprecedented | Request | |
SIrgh 'aplom | General Noun | bead | Request | |
SolbIS | Animal | whale, dolphin, porpoise | Any fishlike creature that has to come up to breathe air | Request |
Sornagh | General Noun | coma | Request | |
Sotlhqel | General Noun | yolk | A slang term is QIm julHom or even just julHom | Request |
SuqwIl | General Noun | hiss | This is a noun referring to the sound (from an animal or otherwise). Used with tlhen e.g., SuqwIl tlhen "(it) produces a hiss sound" | Request |
taj Hol | General Noun | propaganda | Request | |
targhoroj | Animal | crab | One of several crab-like animals found on Qo'noS | Request |
tat taS | General Noun | electrolyte | Request | |
(tera') raS'IS moQ naH | General Noun | pomegranate | This is the Klingon way to refer to the Terran fruit | Request |
tIH javmaH | General Noun | X-ray | Rays are identified by numbers (gamma ray, for example, is tIH wej). Maltz didn't know where the specific numbers come from or what they might refer to. | Request |
toyDal | General Noun | tactic | This is singular | Request |
tlhargh | Verb | explore | This implies going somewhere and looking around. It can also be translated "scout" or "survey." | Request |
tlhawjoq | General Noun | mantle (geology) | Request | |
tlhen | Verb | sound as, produce the sound of | Use with sound nouns e.g., bobDar tlhen "(it) produces a splash sound" | |
tlhu'roD | General Noun | martyr | This refers to a person who not only died (or was killed) for a belief/cause, but who has become a symbol or emblem or rallying point of or for that belief/cause | Request |
vIrveq | General Noun | terrorism | Request | |
vIyetnam | General Noun | Vietnam | Request | |
vo'nung | General Noun | Phase | This is the "fraction of a wave cycle." It is not used for phases of the moon or phases of life, etc. | Request |
wu' | Verb | be mystical, be esoteric, be occult | Request | |
wu'tIbIS | General Noun | superstition | Request | |
wuvchuq | Verb | be entangled (quantum physics, but maybe more general) | The subject of the verb could be, for example, pay'an "particle" | Request |
yayal | General Noun | nickel (element) | Request | |
yelmo' | Body Part | membrane | Request | |
yelneHSIQ | General Noun | vanadium | Request | |
yelvew | General Noun | texture | Request | |
yoghan | General Noun | renaissance, revival | Request | |
yorqej | Language User | nomad | Request | |
'aHra' | General Noun | harness | Request | |
'alghuQ | General Noun | bastard, illegitimate child | Request | |
'atray | General Noun | siege | Request | |
'ayIvlaS | General Noun | moss | This is the closest Klingon equivalent, and quite similar. | Request |
'ejyaH | Number | infinity | Request | |
'enno | General Noun | lens | Request | |
'Igh'aDmegh | Body Part | antibody | plural is formed with -mey | Request |
'Inyam | General Noun | ego, the self | Request | |
'Ing | Verb | move clockwise | Request | |
'orgh | Verb | skitter | like a startled lizard or bug | Request |
'ul ghom'oH | General Noun | electrical outlet | Request | |
'umyotlh | General Noun | profit | this is strictly in the monetary sense, not general advantage or benefit | Request |