tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 26 09:17:52 2010

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RE: FW: Question about a little help with translation

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>>> We don't have to translate this exactly.  Since it's an abstract we 
>>> could just re-write it to explain what this dissertation is about.  
>>> Let's try to simplify this a bit...
>>>   wej Hapghom HaQchor Segh (ghom loSDIch ghom vaghDIch ghom
>>>    javDIch je) bop ghItlhvam.
>>>   This writing is (all) about three sugar compound types 
>>>    (the fourth, fifth and sixth).

>But that's not what it's about. I think it's being reduced too much. The
>original (non-paraphrase) states:
>> The present work describes the synthesis and characterization of 
>> mono- and polynuclear compounds derived from diols, polyols and 
>> carbohydrates and elements of the fourth, fifth and sixth main 
>> group of the periodic system of the elements.
>It's not about sugar compounds from groups 4, 5 and 6, but pure elements
>from the 4th, 5th, 6th group on the periodic table mixed with sugar
>alcohols and carbohydrates to produce mono- and polynuclear compounds.

You obviously understand the science better than I do, so I'll limit myself to tweaking the text ...

>>>  loS qoch vagh qoch ghap ghajbogh 'ej nInnaghvo' chenbogh gho
>>>  lururbogh Hapghommey'e' vIQulqu'.  AMINE peymey ngaSbogh
>>>  Hapghommey'e' vIQul je.
>>>  I really researched compounds resembling circles that have four
>>>  or five partners and that formed from coal.  I also researched
>>>  compounds that contain amino acids.

>Going back to the original again:
>> The focus of research was placed on spirocyclic derivatives of 
>> pentavalent phosphorus, arsenic and antimony, tetravalent selenium
>> and tellurium and spirocyclicesters of orthocarbonic acid. In
>> addition, alpha-hydroxy carboxylic acids, amino acids, amino alcohols
>> and hydroxythiols were tested as chelators as well.
>The coils from elements with partners and the coils from carbon are
>separate topics of research. It's not coils that contains both elements 
>with partners and coal.
>loS qoch vagh qoch ghap ghajbogh gho lururbogh Hapghommey'e' vIQulqu'.
>nInnaghvo' chenbogh gho lururbogh Hapghommey'e' vIQulqu'. AMINE peymey
>ngaSbogh Hapghommey'e' vIQul je.

"I really researched compounds resembling circle(s) that have either 4 partners or 5 partners.  I really researched compounds resembling circle(s) that form from coal.  I also researched compounds that have AMINE acids."

We can combine the first two sentences:

  4 qoch 5 qoch ghap ghajbogh 'ej nInnaghvo' chenbogh gho
  lururbogh Hapghommey'e' vIQulqu'.

Cf. {romuluSngan Sambogh 'ej HoHbogh nejwI'} "Romulan hunter-killer probe" (KCD).

>>> At this point we can just list the questions he researched without his
>>> comments about having studied/researched them...
>>>   chay' qutmeyDaq chenmoH Hapghommeyvam?
>>>   How do these compounds form in crystals?
>>>   chay' bIQDaq vang Hapghommeyvam?
>>>   How do these compounds act in water?
>>>   chay' yIntaHbogh yaghmeyDaq taH Hapghommeyvam?
>>>   How do these compounds exist in living organisms?
>>>   chay' Duqchaj luchenmoH pel'aQmey?
>>>   How do shells build their bowl?
>I think we made a mistake here. Going back to the original:
>> The molecular set-up of most compounds synthesized during this
>> study was elucidated by means of X-ray analyses on single-
>> crystals. The behavior of the compounds in solution was analyzed
>> by means of multinuclear NMR-spectroscopy and characteristic data
>> were collected, special emphasis having been laid on the coordi-
>> nation induced shift. A thorough collection of additional analytical
>> data was prepared.
>> The stability of the compounds under investigation in protic and
>> aqueous media was checked and possible pathways for synthesis of
>> these compounds applying water as the solvent were tested for
>> their feasibility
>This to me is saying:
>He grew crystals of the different compounds. Then he analyzed them with
>X-rays to see their molecular composition. He then put the crystals in
>water to see how they reacted.
>I wonder if the paraphrase version 1 would help here:
>> The structure of the compounds was explained by researching single
>> crystals. The behaviour of the dissolved compounds was studied. A
>> thorough collection of characteristic data was prepared.
>> The stability of the compounds in water was checked and it was
>> tried to produce the compounds directly from water.
>wa' qut vIQul 'ej Hapghom qach vItu'.  bIQDaq Hapghom qutmey vIngoS 
>'ej taS vIQul.  De' law' vIboS.

"I researched one crystal and I found the compound's structure.  I dissolved compound crystal(s) in water and I researched the solution.  I collected much data."

He didn't research a single crystal, he used single crystals in his research (presumably multiple times).  

  wa' qut vIlotaHvIS Hapghom qach vItu'pu'.

We can also combine the last two sentences:

  bIQDaq Hapghom qutmey vIngoS(pu')DI' taS vIQul 'ej
  De' law' vIboS.

  When (After) dissolving the compound crystal(s) in water
  I researched the solution and collected much data.

>bIQDaq Hapghom bIHtaHvIS bIQvo' Hapghom vISuq 'e' vInID.

"While the compounds were in water, I attempted to obtain compounds from the water."

We're getting lost among all the compounds.  Let's lose one of them:

  taSDaq bIHtaHvIS bIQvo' Hapghom vISuq 'e' vInID.
  While they were in (the) solution, I attempted to obtain
  the compounds from the water.

Would {lel} "get out, take out" (extract?) work here?  E.g.

  taSDaq bIHtaHvIS bIQvo' Hapghom vIlel 'e' vInID.
  While in solution, I attempted to extract the compounds
  from the water.

What do we have all together now?  I told Richard we could probably have the abstract done by the end of business today.

Canon Master of the Klingons

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