tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 24 13:37:14 2010

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RE: FW: Question about a little help with translation

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>Here's my first attempt. It's rough, but it's a start:
>I know I broke some rules here and there, but I don't know how else to
>phrase it.

Just a few preliminary thoughts ...

I would avoid an over-literal reliance on the passive when Richard refers to himself or his own dissertation.  Instead of "This work describes X" or "X was researched" say "In this work I describe X" or "I describe X".  That way you can reserve {-lu'} for things like "compounds derived from sugar", etc.

Also try {ghItlhvam} for "this work" (i.e. the entire dissertation) instead of {De'} "data, information".

In order to avoid the dreaded "question as object" problem - "I research how... " - let's restate some of this as questions.

>>This work describes the production and the properties of compounds 
>>derived from sugar and (chemical) fundamental compounds from the 
>>fourth, fifth and sixth group.
>Hapghommey Del De'vam. Hapghommeyvam chenmoHlu'meH HaQchor, 
>HapQeD Hapghom je lulo'lu'.  ghom loSDIch ghom vaghDIch ghom 
>javDIch Dab HapQeD Hapghom.
>This data describes matter-groups. In order to create these 
>matter-groups, sugar and matter-science matter-groups are used. 
>The matter-science matter-groups dwell in the fourth, fifth and 
>six groups.

  ghItlhvamDaq Hapghommey vIDel. 

>>Ring-like compounds with five and four partners and ring-like compounds 
>>from coal were researched most.  Apart from sugar, compounds with egg 
>>white were researched.
>loS qochmey vagh qochmey ghap ghajbogh gho lururbogh Hapghommey 
>Qullu'.  nInnaghvo' gho lururbogh Hapghommey Qullu'. "egg whites" 
>ngaSbogh Hapghommey Qullu' je.
>Matter-groups that resemble circles that have four or five partners
>is researched. Matter-groups that resemble circles from fuel-stone 
>is researched. Matter-groups that contain "egg whites" are also 

loS qoch vagh qoch ghap ghajbogh gho lururbogh Hapghom'e' vIQulqu'. 

>>The set-up of the compounds was researched on crystals. The properties 
>>of the dissolved compounds were researched.  A big collection of 
>>properties was made.
>qutmeyDaq Hapghommey Qullu'. Hapghom ngoSlu' 'ej De' qonlu'.  
>De' law' qonlu'.
>Matter-groups on crystals are researched. Matter-groups are 
>dissolved and data is recorded. Much data is recorded.

{gher} "formulate, compile, put together"
{taS}  "solution (liquid)"

chay' qutmeyDaq chenmoH Hapghommey?  Hapghommeyvam ngoSpu'bogh taS'e' vIQul 'ej
De' law' vIgher.

>>The behaviour of the compounds in water was researched. It was tried to 
>>produce the compounds from water.
>bIQDaq Hapghommey Qullu'. bIQvo' Haghommey lel 'e' nIDlu'.
>Matter-groups in water are researched. Matter-groups are attempted 
>to be taken out from water.

vang "act, take action"

chay' bIQDaq vang Hapghommey'e'?   bIQvo' Haghommey vIlel 'e' vInID.

>>A comparison of the compounds should answer the question how these 
>>exist in living organisms. This could also answer the question how 
>>shells build their bowls.
>chay' yIntaHbogh yaghmeyDaq taH Hapghommey'e'? chaq janglaH De'vam. 
>chay' Duqchaj luchenmoH pel'aQ? chaq janglaH je De'vam.
>How do these matter-groups continue in living organisms? Perhaps 
>this data can answer. How do shells build their bowl? Perhaps this 
>data can also answer.

chay' yIntaHbogh yaghmeyDaq taH Hapghommey'e'?  chay' Duqchaj luchenmoH pel'aQ'e'?  chaq janglaH ghItlhvam.

As you can see, it still needs some work.  I emailed Richard that we may be able to get this back to him sometime Friday.

Canon Master of the Klingons

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