tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 24 06:44:16 2010

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FW: Question about a little help with translation

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

I received this request this morning.  Sounds interesting and I'm curious to see whether we could deal with the chemical vocabulary.  I've asked him for a copy of the abstract and his paraphrases, so we may be able to work out something collectively.  
If anyone is interested, please contact Richard Betz directly.  

Canon Master of the Klingons

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Betz [mailto:[email protected]] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 3:51 PM
To: Steven Boozer
Subject: Question about a little help with translation

Dear Mr. Boozer,

I am a PhD student at the LMU university of Munich (Germany) and
currently I am finishing my PhD thesis in chemistry. It has become a
good tradition to endow the thesis with a short abstract summarizing its
contents. In many cases, the abstracts provided by local PhD students
are limited to abstracts written in German and â if given in a foreign
language as well - in English.

Since my thesis is written entirely in German (which makes it difficult
to read for non-native speakers), I would like to include abstracts in
major languages of the world as well. Along my friends and colleagues I
have found translators for many languages from all over the world but
unfortunately I am lacking skilled translators for Klingon.

I know that this sounds like a joke, but I have also included a
translation of the abstract to the artificial language "Esperanto".
Since more people in the world are currently learning and applying
Klingon than Esperanto I would like to include a Klingon version as well.

Furthermore I think this could be among the first scientific texts to be
translated and published online in Klingon.

Thus I would like to ask whether you or one of your colleagues would
give me the honor of translating a short text (just about one fourth of
a DIN-A4 page) from English to Klingon or could help me in finding a
person to do this.

This certainly would add to the overall quality of the PhD thesis, allow
people applying Klingon to get an idea about the contents of the thesis
and make me a happy researcher! :-)

Although I know that English would be enough to make the abstract
understandable for many people from this region I would see the addition
of the abstract in this language as well as an honorating contribute to
the cultural heritage and the achievements of people involved in the
development of this language. Additionally, I think this would be a
chance to popularize this language in many peopleâs minds.

The topic of my thesis is from inorganic chemistry and deals with the
biomineralization of main group elements applying carbohydrates as
versatile ligands.

Thank you for your help in advance!

Best wishes,
Richard Betz

PS.: I can provide the text of the abstract not only in the mentioned
languages but also in many other languages (meanwhile around 100) from
Europe, Africa and Asia as well (including Amharic, Persian, Urdu,
Chinese and many tribal languages from (southern) Africa).

Furthermore, I can provide two paraphrased versions for technical terms
that might be absent or difficult to translate in these languages.
The first simplified version has already been successfully applied for
translations into e.g. Maori and isiXhosa. According to an expert, the
second, even more simplified version should be transferable from English
to every language.

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