tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Mar 25 09:00:34 2010

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RE: FW: Question about a little help with translation

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

Voragh just wrote:
>You know, I think we can rearrange this a bit:
>  wej Hapghom HaQchor Segh (ghom loSDIch ghom vaghDIch ghom javDIch
>  je) bop ghItlhvam:
>  - chay' qutmeyDaq chenmoH Hapghommeyvam?
>  - chay' bIQDaq vang Hapghommeyvam?
>  - chay' yIntaHbogh yaghmeyDaq taH Hapghommeyvam?
>  - chay' Duqchaj luchenmoH pel'aQmey?
>  loS qoch vagh qoch ghap ghajbogh 'ej nInnaghvo' chenbogh gho
>  lururbogh Hapghommey'e' vIQulqu'.  AMINE peymey ngaSbogh
>  Hapghommey'e' vIQul je.
>  This writing is (all) about three sugar compound types (the fourth,
>  fifth and sixth):
>  - How do these compounds form in crystals?
>  - How do these compounds act in water?
>  - How do these compounds exist in living organisms?
>  - How do shells build their bowl?
>  I really researched compounds resembling circles that have four
>  or five partners and that formed from coal.  I also researched
>  compounds that contain amino acids.
>How does that look to you?

Thinking about "dissertation", I think I prefer *{QulmeH ghItlh} "research manuscript".  We know the verb {Qul} does appear in compounds ({qulpa'} "research lab" on the BOP poster), but since there's no known noun *{Qul}, I think we're safer coining a "purpose noun".  Also, *{QulmeH ghItlh} ties in nicely with the two appearances the verb {Qul} at the end.

Also to make this a bit more navigable to non-Klingon readers, we might replace the ordinal number words with digits:

  wej Hapghom HaQchor Segh (ghom 4-DIch ghom 5-DIch ghom 6-DIch
  je) bop QulmeH ghItlhvam:
   - chay' qutmeyDaq chenmoH Hapghommeyvam?
   - chay' bIQDaq vang Hapghommeyvam?
   - chay' yIntaHbogh yaghmeyDaq taH Hapghommeyvam?
   - chay' Duqchaj luchenmoH pel'aQmey?
  los qoch vagh qoch ghap ghajbogh 'ej nInnaghvo' chenbogh gho
  lururbogh Hapghommey'e' vIQulqu'.  AMINE peymey ngaSbogh
  Hapghommey'e' vIQul je.

  This research manuscript is (all) about three sugar compound
  types (the 4th, 5th and 6th):
   - How do these compounds form in crystals?
   - How do these compounds act in water?
   - How do these compounds exist in living organisms?
   - How do shells build their bowl?
  I really researched compounds resembling circles that have four
  or five partners and that formed from coal.  I also researched
  compounds that contain amino acids.


Canon Master of the Klingons

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