tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 07 16:35:26 2011

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Re: mu'tlheghvam yIlughmoH

Ruben Molina ([email protected])

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Felix Malmenbeck <[email protected]> wrote:
> I feel that in order to be properly direct, one should incorporate a question or command, rather than just making a statement. ÂMy personal favorite remains {nuq 'oH bomvam 'o'megh'e'.}, as it gets the point across. ÂAdding "I don't know it yet." would normally be redundant; if you knew it, you probably wouldn't ask.


> However, it appears that the original intent was also to clarify that the speaker doesn't recognize it **yet**, as opposed to, say, that he's never heard it. ÂFor clarifications like these, I feel that using multiple sentences makes a lot of sense.


{nuq 'oH bomvam 'o'megh'e'}, wej 'e' vISov 'ach 'e' vISovlI'.
chaq 'e' DaSov je, vaj 'e' chojanglaHchugh yIruch.

>> 'ach DuHmey chu' ghojlaHmeH ÂvIgheltaH.
> An important thing to remember about purpose clauses is that you need to use the right verb prefix for the purpose action.


> ghojlaHmeH 'Iv DagheltaH?

wIghojlaHmeH  vIgheltaH.

Felix qatlho'

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