tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 21 13:57:46 2011

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Re: Certification Tests

qurgh lungqIj ([email protected])

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 4:34 PM, ghunchu'wI' 'utlh <[email protected]>wrote:
> I don't accept that the problem is one of Klingon being too hard to learn.
> It's just that effective opportunities to learn are sparse. Creating
> a good successor to the Postal Course would probably be a better plan than
> coming up with an easier test.
> -- ghunchu'wI'
That's what I was thinking. Something that helps teach the language while
preparing someone to take the Level 1 test.

My biggest hurdle when taking those tests was thinking that I couldn't pass
them because I had no way to judge my skill level. Having a system that
gives a student feedback, so they can accurately judge their skills as they
relate to the KLCP, is something I believe is needed if we, as a community,
want more people speaking Klingon (and want more people taking/passing the

I know many people who are interested in learning Klingon, but for them
simply reading a book isn't going to be good enough because they don't have
the skills needed to self-teach it (or they aren't fluent enough in English
to even understand TKD). They need a structured teaching experience that,
even if it doesn't make them fluent, would arm them with the skills needed
to continue learning on their own.


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