tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue May 13 09:20:21 2008

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Re: ngoy'

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> >> How would one reference it in English?  The most common phrasing I
> >> can think of would be "have responsibility", which is essentially the
> >> same as the simple verb {ngoy'} "be responsible".  Perhaps "take
> >> responsibility", which I think comes across well as {ngoy'choH}
> >> "become responsible".

>There's another relevant verb {gheS} "assume duties of, take on
>KGT 183-84:  A ritual of a less majestic sort occurs on a Klingon vessel
>when a new set of officers takes over and a mission is about to begin. With
>the bridge crew assembled but the captain not yet present, the first
>officer states his or her name and then says {DaH yaS wa'DIch vIgheS} ("I
>now take my place as first officer" or, literally, "Now I assume the
>responsibilities of first officer"). The first officer then requests the
>ship's {may' ta} ("record of battle"), which is presented by a crew member.
>The first officer reviews it. Soon the captain enters. The first officer
>says, {beq may' ta vIlajpu'} ("I have accepted the crew's record of
>battle"), pledges the crew's lives to the captain, and concludes by saying,
>{juDev 'ej Dujvam ra'wI' DagheS'e' vItlhob} ("I ask you to lead us as
>commander of this ship" or, literally, "I request that you lead us and that
>you assume the duties of commander of this ship"). The captain replies,
>{ghopDu'wIjDaq yInmeyraj vIlaj} ("I accept your lives into my hands") and
>then reverts to the ancient language form {no' Hol} and says, {Delaq Do'},
>meaning something like {Take your stations}, a phrase never heard in any
>other context.
>Other useful verbs to keep in mind when discussing taking on responsibility
>are {Son} "relieve", {Sugh} "install (in office)", {cho'} "succeed (to
>authority)", {lu} "fall from power" and maybe {Da} "behave as, act in the
>manner of" and {vang} "act, take action".

There's also a slang term {Duj ngaDHa'} meaning a "person who is wildly 
irresponsible, out of control, undisciplined":

KGT 150:  This expression means literally "unstable vessel, unbalanced 
vessel". {Duj} is "vessel"; the verb {ngaD} ("be stable, balanced", here 
followed by the negative suffix {-Ha'}) normally applies to a ship or a 
physical object, not to a situation or a person. It would be inappropriate 
to refer to a person as {ngaD} or {ngaDHa'} in a phrase such as {tera'ngan 
ngaDHa'} ("unstable Terran"). A standard verb that is close in meaning is 
{ngIj} ("rowdy, unruly"), as in {tera'ngan ngIj} ("rowdy Terran").

Another idea of what Klingons consider to be irresponsible behavior is this:

KGT 50f.:  As is well known, it is considered the duty of officers on 
Klingon ships to assassinate their immediate superior if the higher-ranking 
officer has been judged unfit to serve, perhaps as a consequence of 
neglecting his or her duty, demonstrating cowardice, or behaving 
dishonorably. This practice extends even to the captain of the ship.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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