tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 15 13:05:55 2004

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Re: Opinions needed on Klingon pIqaD keyboard mapping

Lieven Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

> Please reply to <mailto:[email protected]>[email protected] if you wish to 
> discuss this writing system.

bIlugh, chaq tetlhvaD lI'be' De'vetlh. 'ach tlhIngan Hol vIqeqtaHvIS qay'be'
'e' vIHar. 
mu'tlhegh law' vIjatlhbe', 'ach vuDwIj vI'ang.

> Do you use the semi-official Klingon pIqaD glyphs, or think you might in 
> the future?

ghobe'. pIqaDvam vIlaDlaH 'ej vIghItlhlaHchu'. 
'ach not vIlo' jIH, 'oH lo'be'mo' latlhpu'. (chaq rut peghmeH vIlo')

latlh meq yIqel: Qatlhqu' De'wI'Daq ghItlhchu'meH Qu'. DaH tlhIngan Hol
vIghItlhtaHvIS reH jIqaw <-t-l-h-capital I-n-g-a-n>. 'ach pIaqD vIlo'DI,

SKI: I've learned to write "tlhIngan", but if I'd need to use some kind of
pIaqD, I need to learn to think of a different spelling. It's like one starts
to write english using IPA...

> Klingon was rejected for inclusion in Unicode because almost 
> everyone uses the romanization, but this is a catch-22 because the 
> technological barrier prevents us from communicating in pIqaD. Let's fix
> that.

Deghna' 'oHbe'mo' pIqaD, 'oH lo'lu'be'.
'oH lo'lu'be'mo' Deghna' mojlaHbe' pIqaD.

(Sulughbej - bepwI'pu' - jISov, pIqaDna' wISovbe', naDev tlhIngan Hol yejHaD
pIqaD wIqel)

> Please forward to anyone you know who uses pIqaD but isn't on these lists.

lu'. QInlIj vIlengqa'moHta'.


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