tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 14 22:46:47 2004

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Opinions needed on Klingon pIqaD keyboard mapping

Qov ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

Do you use the semi-official Klingon pIqaD glyphs, or think you might in 
the future?  Klingon was rejected for inclusion in Unicode because almost 
everyone uses the romanization, but this is a catch-22 because the 
technological barrier prevents us from communicating in pIqaD. Let's fix that.

It's not actually that hard to learn (I was pleasantly surprised), and it's 

Please reply to <mailto:[email protected]>[email protected] if you wish to 
discuss this writing system.

There are a number of fonts and keyboard mappings out there. We should 
standardize a keyboard mapping that accommodates everyone's preferences. 
Are there any keys you would like to use to produce particular characters, 
or symbols that are missing?

Press this                  to get this
------------------             ---------------------

tilde (~)                    Klingon symbol for Empire aka Klingon 
Mumification Glyph
Numbers 1-0             pIqaD digits.
Shifted numbers        as US keyboard: !@#$%^&*()
Hyphen (-)               same (-)
Underscore(_)           same (_)
+/=                           up triangle/down triangle (punctuation seen 
in on-screen pIqaD)
q                         q symbol
Q                              Q symbol
k                               q symbol
K                              q symbol
H                              H symbol
h                               does *nothing*, to prevent people from 
typing chh and ghh all the time
N                              ng symbol
f                                ng symbol
x                               tlh symbol
T                               tlh symbol
c                               ch symbol
g                               gh symbol
z                               '
All other letters           corresponding symbol, regardless of whether 
upper or lower case is typed.
< >                            angle quotes, as seen in French
All other punctuation    same as US layout

I apologize for the overlap between mailing lists.  I'm on all of them too. 
Please forward to anyone you know who uses pIqaD but isn't on these lists. 

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