tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 17 04:19:02 2003

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> I am listen to the list for one or two weeks and I saw how good and 
"I have been listening to..."

> Now to my questions: 
> 1. I have problems with the "indefinite subjects" Typ 5 (4.2.5 in TKD)
I've answered a message to this topic just a few days ago, you should read
the archive maybe, 
If you have more questions, just go ahead and ask!

> I need a better understanding why a word in connection with -lu' seems 
> to transform the sentence in a passiv form.
Yes, it only "seems" to do so. In klingon, this is not "passive". It's the
"indefinite" subject, the "unknown" subject, the "someone" subject.

> Or is it the only general passiv form I have to learn? 
No, actually, it's only the english *translation* which is passive voice.

> When I say DaHoH - You kill him/her; DaHoHlu' - is "sth. kills you", 
> correct? Why not "You kill something undefinite"? Why the actor 
> (him/her) becomes unclear? Hope I could explain what I mean. 
Yes, I understand.

> wIlegh - we see him, wIleghlu' - sth. sees us. What do I have  to say, 
> when I will express "We see sth. undefinite"? 
How can you see something indefinite?? 
think about that! :-)
If you see 'it', then the object is not indefinite anymore. The object is
"it". For this, there is no special construction, you only say "we see",
using the noun {vay'} "something/someone":
  {vay' wIlegh}

Beginners' Grammarian
  ghojwI'pu'wI' vISaH

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