tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 16 13:42:43 2003

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Hello, my name is baHwI' Kia M' Rel aka Leah and I am relativ new to tlhingan Hol.
I am listen to the list for one or two weeks and I saw how good and informative it is. Thanks to all who spend their time to help us in the beginning.
Now to my questions: 
1. I have problems with the "indefinite subjects" Typ 5 (4.2.5 in TKD)
I need a better understanding why a word in connection with -lu' seems to transform the sentence in a passiv form. Or is it the only general passiv form I have to learn? 
When I say DaHoH - You kill him/her; DaHoHlu' - is "sth. kills you", correct? Why not "You kill something undefinite"? Why the actor (him/her) becomes unclear? Hope I could explain what I mean. 
wIlegh - we see him, wIleghlu' - sth. sees us. What do I have  to say, when I will express "We see sth. undefinite"? 

2. In chapter 4.2.7.Typ Aspect:
-lI' There stands lI' = transport data to a not specified place (I have the german dictionary)
-lI' must be used when an aim is expected. Do I make the word by using -lI' to an act with an aim or is it a fact that lI' always find an end so that I can use -lI'?

3. I would like to have the translation of " Honour me, by taking them". Is it: "HIchIDneS"?

Thanks so far. Other questions will follow.

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