tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 01 08:13:32 1996

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pongwIj DavID nuqneH

pongwIj DavID nuqneH
(Hey, there, my name's David)
Okay, okay, needs some work, but hey this *is* my first message to this forum
(I'm one of those dedicated lurkers that I'm sure this e-mail list is chock full

I have a quick question that's been gnawing at me since I started lurking
amongst you guys.  Do you know this so well that you can just kind of come up
with thlingan Hol off the top of your heads, or do you consult TKD?
Also:  I have a good friend who used to teach Japanese and one of the things he
told me is one the most important things with learning a new language is to
*use* it -- both writing (which this forum is a great outlet for) and
*speaking*.  But let's face it, finding someone who speaks Klingon is a stretch.
What do most folks do?  I studied this language about a year and a half ago and
was doing fairly well, but I didn't have an outlet in which to verbally use
tlhIngan Hol, so it eventually fell to wayside -- not because I grew bored, but
because I had a tough time retaining it without being able to use it.
This is a great language and a hell of a lot of fun.  I want to be able to stick
with it this time, and I need as much advice as possible in this area.

Dave S.

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