tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 01 08:30:00 1996

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Re: pongwIj DavID nuqneH

On Mon, 1 Apr 1996, David W. Schaefer wrote:

> pongwIj DavID nuqneH

nuqneH, DavID!

> I have a quick question that's been gnawing at me since I started lurking
> amongst you guys.  Do you know this so well that you can just kind of come up
> with thlingan Hol off the top of your heads, or do you consult TKD?

At first, I used TKD alot, both to read this list and to contribute to the
list.  But with practice, you will rely on the book less and less, and
your memory will serve you more and more.  First you will notice that
being able to identify prefixes and suffixes makes things easier, as you
can see exactly what word it is you need to look up.  The lexicon for
Klingon is relatively small, as languages go; you will see some words over
and over, and eventually remember them.  You'll also become more
comfortable with the grammar.  One day, you'll read an entire sentence
without having to refer to TKD, and you'll rejoice!  That was the turning 
point for me.  I try to study vocabulary every day; I even have flash 
cards that I made.

> Also:  I have a good friend who used to teach Japanese and one of the things he
> told me is one the most important things with learning a new language is to
> *use* it -- both writing (which this forum is a great outlet for) and
> *speaking*.  But let's face it, finding someone who speaks Klingon is a stretch.
> What do most folks do?

I'm not most folks, but I do speak the language every day.  When I'm by 
myself, I try to find ways to say things in Klingon that I'd normally be 
saying in English, like when I'm in my car, or when I'm home.  I speak to 
my son in Klingon, so I'm getting good mileage out of some words and 
phrases that may be less-useful for adults.  But as I construct simple 
sentences that Alec and I can practice, it's also very useful for me, in 
practicing vocab, grammar, and pronunciation.

Where do you live?  Who knows; there may be another Klingon close enough 
to speak with.

> Dave S.


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