tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 01 08:01:24 1996

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Re:KLBC Indians (Re: toughie)

>"Indians" got lost in the translation, so it loses a little context.
>[I've occasionally considered describing them as {Sungmey wa'DIch}.]

First natives, that may be fine in US, but the first natives in my country 
are Dutch. You could say "Sungmey poS Hatlh wa'DIch"="First (as seen on a 
map) left country natives". The left country revering to the left continent, 
America. I'm not 100% sure about the possition of "poS", "Hatlh" and 
"wa'DIch" in reverence to each other, and I think -lu' should be in there, 
but I'm not sure.



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