tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 08 13:43:31 2004

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Re: Hov = star ?

qurgh ([email protected])

ghItlh David Trimboli <[email protected]>:
> Because the question is not "what's its name?"  (That's a good question,
> though.)  The question is, how do Klingons refer to it?  "By name" is not
> necessarily the correct answer.

Ok, now I get you. I was answering the question "What is its name?" not the "How
do Klingons refer to it?". I was under the assumption that someone wanted to
use the name somewhere. I shall duck out of the conversation now :)

> If I look at the bright yellow thing in the sky, I can call it "the sun."
> If I go to Qo'noS and look at the bright thing in the sky, I can call it
> "the sun."  If I go to Vulcan, I can look at the bright thing in the sky and
> call it "the sun."  This is how English works.

I may do that, but I would also seek out the local name of the "the sun" so that
I could refer to it correctly. If I ever get to go to Qo'noS I'm going to point
up at the big ball of plasma and say, "Dochvam nuq 'ej nuq 'oH pongDaj'e'??" :)

And for some reason I think SuStel will be behind me and say, "the sun!" ;)

> Does Klingon work the same way?  Does it use proper nouns?  Does it do
> something else?  We don't know.

These are questions left for those more proficient in the language than me :)

> SuStel
> Stardate 4270.5


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