tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 08 06:57:59 2004

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Re: Hov = star ?

David Trimboli ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

From: <[email protected]>

> ghItlh [email protected]:
> > i'd have to agree that they are the same, and that words like "Hov'a'"
> > not
> > among the best candidates for "sun".
> > btw, i'm not saying that i disagree that they are the same, just that we
> > don't know for sure.
> > lay'tel SIvten
> When I see Hov'a' I think of a Red Giant while HovHom would be a Brown or
> Dwarf. I don't see why we don't just use Sun. It's a proper noun, a name,
> shouldn't it be treated like one?

"Sun" may be treated as a proper noun or a common noun.  It makes as much
sense to talk of "the sun of Kronos" as it does to talk of "the Sun" on

> With other named stars we just use the name (reghuluS/Regulus for
example), so
> why don't we just use Sun/Sol?

How often do you look up at a clear sky and comment, "Sol is out"?

> I guess the problem arises when we want to talk about the Star around
> and over the years I've seen it named many things, from Klinzhai to Kronos
> (there is a reference to the Kronos System on I do believe
> the star will have a proper name and only Maltz can tell us what it is
(and I'm
> guessing from past observations that Marc may wait until Paramount has
given it
> a name before telling us what it is). Maybe Qo'noS Hov is a good filler
> now.
> qurgh

Regarding what Okrand says in KGT about {Hov} equalling "star," I'm not
convinced that this means that the word {Hov} is used in absolutely exactly
the same way as "star."  Klingon popular music singers, for instance,
probably aren't called {Hov}!  English has a somewhat complicated set of
rules to tell when to use "star" and when to use "sun" ("the sun is
shining," "the Earth revolves around the sun [or the Sun]," but "the Earth
revolves around a Type G star") and I don't think the KGT text supports the
notion that Klingon has the same rules.  It's just saying that some Klingon
words mean basically the same thing as their English definitions, whereas
others need to be interpreted in a special way.  It's the others that KGT is
focusing on, not the words that mean what their definitions say.

Stardate 4269.8

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