tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 08 11:30:50 2004

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Re: Hov = star ?

qurgh ([email protected])

ghItlh David Trimboli <[email protected]>:
> When you go around pointing at things and asking what it is, you probably
> expect common nouns most of the time.  If you point at a tree and you get
> the answer "tree," are you going to assume it's "Tree"?  Of course not.

If I pointed at a tree and asked what that was, and they replied back with "It's
a tree" I would slap then and say, "Of course it's a tree... but what kind of

Just as if the Klingon pointed at the Sun and the Human said, "it's a star", I
would expect the Klingon to say, "well duh, I know it's a star, but what do you
call it?"

> So what makes pointing at that yellow bright thing in the sky any different?
> That there's only one?  Ah, but if you're a Klingon tourist visiting Earth,
> there isn't just one, is there?  There's the one from your planet, and
> there's the one that's here.

There is only one when your on this planet and each one out there is unique and
different and we have given proper names to many of them...

> I dare you to go to a non-astronomer on a sunny day and tell him (without
> pointing), "Sol is out."  If he doesn't question your sentence in any way,
> I'll concede that it's a common sentence.

Hehehe, done that too.. they look very confused.. I was trying to make a joke
with this bit, guess the humor was lost in cyberspace somewhere :)

> My point here isn't to disprove your idea (that proper nouns may be the way
> Klingons refer to the star which their current planet is orbiting).  I'm
> trying to show that your belief is only one of many equally-plausible
> possibilities, and we just don't know how Klingon does it.  Saying "It makes
> sense" doesn't mean anything, because a lot of possibilities make sense.

I think I've just noticed something. I am *not* talking about the Star that goes
around Qo'noS. I'm only talking about the big yellow ball of plasma that
currently burns around *this* planet.

We have a name for this star, why are we making up names like "Hov'a'" and "juH
Hov" for it when we already have one?

I have *no* idea what Klingons call the star around their planet and really it
doesn't matter. I'm not going to be able to see it and if I had to talk about
it I would use Qo'noS Hov or tlhIngan Hov until a better name came along.

Maybe I'm just confused, either that or we are beating a dead targh...


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