tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 08 07:07:54 2004

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Re: Hov = star ?

qurgh ([email protected])

> ghItlhpu' qurgh:
> >When I see Hov'a' I think of a Red Giant while HovHom would be a Brown or
> >White
> >Dwarf. I don't see why we don't just use Sun. It's a proper noun, a name,
> >so
> >shouldn't it be treated like one?
> Brilliant. I don't know why I didn't realise this before: Sol and Sun *are*
> both proper names. {*Sol* bav tera'}. {chalDaq *Sol* vIlegh}. The only
> question is whether *Sol* would be the Klingon word for our sun as well.

Why wouldn't it be Sol? The Klingon word for Human is Human, the Klingon word
for Terra is tera', the Klingon word for Vulcan is vulcan... To me it seems
that Marc chose to simply transliterate proper non-Klingon nouns, Sun and Sol
seem perfect fits for that.

> {Hov'a'} to me works differently in different contexts. Astrophysicists
> would probably use it to refer to a giant star that's no longer on the main
> sequence. Farmers would probably understand it as a "big, important or
> outstanding star" - in reference to them, their planet's sun. The

I dunno, I think that since the ta' Hol we are speaking is for a race of space
travelling aliens it doesn't make sense to dicuss how a primative farmer would
understand the words. Maybe once upon a time "Hov" was the name of the Klingon
sun, but when they went into space they realized it was one of many and all
Stars are Suns, or Hovmey, to them.

> augmentative and diminutive suffixes probably need to be looked into a
> little more. It would appear that these suffixes create entirely new words
> ({mIv} vs. {mIv'a'}, {bIQ} vs {bIQ'a'}), so I don't know whether we would
> even be able to tell what a word+{-'a'} or word+{-Hom} construct would
> necessarily mean.

I don't see -'a' and -Hom making new *words*, just new ideas. In English we may
have words that cover those ideas, and then again we may not. EG:

bIQ'a' = a larger body of water, water with more water to it = Ocean or Sea
Doch'a' = a larger thing, a thing with more thingness = ?????????????

The idea expressed by Doch'a' just doesn't exist in English... (although I
always think of DochHom as knick-knacks, things that aren't quite junk but are
almost there)

That's why I tend to look at Hov'a' and HovHom as Stars that are out of the main
sequence as compared to the Qo'noS Hov.


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