tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 08 06:33:07 2004

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Re: Hov = star ?

QeS lagh ([email protected])

Not this argument again. :D

ghItlhpu' SIvten:

>i'd have to agree that they are the same, and that words like "Hov'a'" are
>not among the best candidates for "sun".
>btw, i'm not saying that i disagree that they are the same, just that we
>don't know for sure.

{Hov'a'}, {juH Hov}, {pem Hov} and the others are only meant to be space 
fillers until we know the real word for "sun".

{<yuQ> Hov} is probably the most accurate for the time being: {romuluS Hov} 
"the Romulan star", {DenIbya' Hov} "the Denebian star", {vulqan Hov} "40 
Eridani A" (according to "Sarek"...)

ghItlhpu' qurgh:

>When I see Hov'a' I think of a Red Giant while HovHom would be a Brown or 
>Dwarf. I don't see why we don't just use Sun. It's a proper noun, a name, 
>shouldn't it be treated like one?

Brilliant. I don't know why I didn't realise this before: Sol and Sun *are* 
both proper names. {*Sol* bav tera'}. {chalDaq *Sol* vIlegh}. The only 
question is whether *Sol* would be the Klingon word for our sun as well.

{Hov'a'} to me works differently in different contexts. Astrophysicists 
would probably use it to refer to a giant star that's no longer on the main 
sequence. Farmers would probably understand it as a "big, important or 
outstanding star" - in reference to them, their planet's sun. The 
augmentative and diminutive suffixes probably need to be looked into a 
little more. It would appear that these suffixes create entirely new words 
({mIv} vs. {mIv'a'}, {bIQ} vs {bIQ'a'}), so I don't know whether we would 
even be able to tell what a word+{-'a'} or word+{-Hom} construct would 
necessarily mean.


QeS lagh

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