tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 05 07:48:32 2008

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Re: be'nalwI' naH yotlh

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> >*{Du'Hom} "(vegetable) garden" - "minor farm" {Du'} - has been floating
> >around the Klingonist community for a while.  Lawrence Schoen mentioned
> >it in his article "Consensus" in HolQeD 12.3.

>Don't get the wrong idea.  This "definition" wasn't coined by anyone
>in particular.  In the consensus experiment, the word {Du'Hom} was
>presented without context, and *everyone* who commented on it
>interpreted it as referring to a garden.  It's been "floating around
>the Klingonist community" in exactly the same way that {pem Hov} has:
>it's an obvious way to express the idea, and its meaning is clear to
>most who encounter it without explanation.

I only meant that this (non-canonical) word has been used within the 
Klingonist community and on this list before, which explains why it wasn't 
translated.  In the same way that the equally non-canonical *{jabbI'IDghom} 
"mailing list, newsgroup, discussion group, listserv" has been in use since 
the inception of this tlhingan-hol list.  (What's it been now - 16, 17 years?)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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