tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 05 07:42:54 2008

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Re: latlh

Terrence Donnelly ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

--- Doq <[email protected]> wrote:

> I would appreciate it if someone could, in a post
> less than one screen  
> full of text, explain to me how using {latlh} as an
> adjective makes  
> sense, given the Klingon grammar we've been offered
> by Okrand. 

I have always understood the N1-N2 construction to
mean that N1 was modifying or restricting the item
referred to in N2.  Thus {yaS taj} "of the universal
set (or concept) of all knives, the one associated
with the officer". This understanding also explains
titles {qolotlh HoD} "of the universal set of
captains, the one who is Koloth" and numbers {cha'
Duj} "of the universal set of  ships, two of them". 
And I think it also explains the use of {Hoch}, {'op},
{latlh}, etc.: {latlh paq} "of the universal set of
books, another of them."  It can even account for the
reversed usage of these terms {paq 'op} "of the
universal set (or concept) of some(ness), that
referring to the book".

-- ter'eS

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