tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 05 07:40:18 2008

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Re: Klingon WOTD: tlhol (verb)

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Sunday, May 4, 2008.
>Klingon word:   tlhol
>Part of Speech: verb
>Definition:     be raw, unprocessed

KLS:  "Quality, to be uncooked. Also, to be in a natural state."

Used in canon:

It is raw. KLS

reH tlhol'a' tlhIngan Soj
Is Klingon food always raw? CK

yIntaHbogh tlhIngan Soj tlhol jablu'DI' tIvqu'lu'
Klingon food is best when served fresh and live. S21

>Additional Notes:
>KGT p. 84.  A larger animal may be sliced into pieces or a section of a 
>plant may be broken off.  This food is often described as {Soj tlhol} 
>("raw, unprocessed food"), as opposed to {Soj vutlu'pu'bogh} ("food that 
>somebody has prepared").  What makes the food {tlhol} is not that it has 
>not been heated but rather that no one has done anything to it; thus, 
>"unprocessed" might be a better translation than "raw."  On the other 
>extreme is {Soj qub}--literally "rare food, uncommon food" but used as the 
>Klingon equivalent of haute cuisine, food usually served only on the most 
>formal of occasions.

Related verbs:

{baQ} "be fresh/just picked (fruit, vegetable);  {watlh} "be pure";  {chu'} 
"be new"

Antonyms include {non} "be rotten":

KGT 91:  Food that has decayed ({raghpu'bogh Soj}, or more succinctly, {Soj 
non}--"rotten food") is food that has become inedible and must be thrown 
away, though it is sometimes given to animals.

and {vut} "cook, prepare food":

KGT 83:  Actually, "cook" is a convenient but misleading term. The Klingon 
verb {vut}, customarily rendered as "cook" in Federation Standard and used 
in reference to food only, might better be translated simply as "prepare, 
make, fix, assemble" in order to avoid association of the word with heat. 
This is not to say that heat never plays a role in Klingon food 
preparation, but rather that it is not a defining feature of the process. 
There are specific words for specific activities involved with food 
preparation, but {vut} is a general term for all of them.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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