tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Sep 15 06:13:09 2006

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Re: KLBC: question about position of suffixes

McArdle ([email protected])

Thanks.  I'll use latlh.
  [question:  where are things like this found?  Did I just miss it when I looked in the 1992 KD and on the New Words page, or is there some other resource out there? -- other than this list, I mean :-) ]
  I considered Duj for vehicle but had rejected it because I wanted to avoid the repetition Duj/may'Duj and because I wasn't sure you could apply Duj to a ground vehicle anyway.
  If qengwI' is acceptable (if not optimal) Klingon, then might the choice between it and Duj be parallel to the choice between "my other vehicle is an X" and "my other car is an X"?  Both of these are common, even if (at least according to Google) the latter occurs about 7 times as often.
  In general, is Duj really so broad that it encompasses "vehicle"?  Or is there room for a term (such as qengwI', not that I'm politicking for that) that would denote any kind of conveyance without specifying the mode?
  Lieven Litaer <[email protected]> wrote:
> tlhIngan may'Duj 'oH qengwI'wIj cha'DIch'e'
> Does this all make sense or are there better alternatives?
Yes, but yes:

The word for other is {latlh}
And a commun word for car or vehicle is usually {Duj}, which means ship.

So a shorter and therefore better alternative is

{tlhIngan may'Duj 'oH latlh DujwIj'e'}
"my other ship is a klingon battle ship"

Also think of

{toQDuj 'oH latlh DujwIj'e'}
"my other ship is bird of prey"

Klingon is always best when short :-)

Quvar 'utlh.

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