tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 26 06:30:37 2004

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Re: tetlhvamDaq Hoch nuvpu' /everyone on this list

captain kalaa ([email protected])

I can understand what you mean when you say you want
to speak tlhingan-hol accurately.  After all, we
really don't want someone who speaks it to not
understand what we say to him or her.  However, since
none of us are "native" speakers, we are bound to have
a "non-Klingon" accent, lol.  Look at it this way: 
QonoS is an entire planet, a world populated with
different cultural groups, all with their own accents.
 I just assume that if one person's accent is quite
different from another's, then his instructor may or
may not have learned tlhingan-hol from a speaker with
a different accent.  

For instance, take three non-English speakers.  Place
each one in an English-speaking country, say, the US,
England, and Austrailia.  Each non-English speaker
would learn English in a different accent, with
different stresses and ways of putting things.  Does
any of this make sense?

-- q'ala HoD

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