tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Mar 25 02:26:09 2004

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tetlhvamDaq Hoch nuvpu' /everyone on this list

Shamammd ([email protected])

 cha' jar tlhIngan Hol neH vIghoj 'ach vIghItlhlaH neH vIneHbe'. 
vIjatlhlaHchu' vIneHbejqu' je. mupotlhqu'! QIchDaj (his/intonnation/accent) *mark okrand* 
vIQoyDI', jIvuQchu'! Hoch jaj repmey law' vIHaD. vay' vIlaD  pagh vay' 
vIghItlhDI', vIjatlh 'e'  vInIDqu' je. tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaH vIneH 'ach  qar 
QIchwIj  vIneHchu' jIjatlhDI'. mupotlhqu' je. pIm QIchchaj vIQoypu'  'e' Hoch nuv 
tlhingan Hol jatlhvIs 'e' vItu'. QIchDaj *mark okrand* rur QIchDaj pagh. chay'? 
muqay' ghu'vam. qar jatlhlaHbogh latlh jatlhwI'pu' *we need them*! HIQeHQo'! 
vay' vImaw vIneHbej! jI'Ilqu'! tlhIngan Hol vIparHa'qu'! qar vIghoj neH vIneH. 
latlh *mark okrand* tapes wIghajnISbej! qar maghojlaHmeH, nuQaHlaHbogh latlh 
qechmey ghaj'a' vay'? maHvaD latlh tapes chenmoH 'e' tlhoblaH'a' *mark* Sovbogh 

I have been studying the klingon language for only 2 months but I don't want 
to only be able to write it. I certainly want to be able to speak it clearly 
too. This is very important to me. As soon as I heard Mark Okrand's 
intonnations/ accent it fascinated me. I study every day for many hours. As soon as I 
write something or read something, I also try to say it. I want to be able to 
speak it, but when I speak, I want my accent to be accurate. This is also very 
important to me.  I have discovered that while speaking in the klingon language, 
every person that I have heard, their accent is different. No one's accent 
sounds like Mark Okrand's accent. Why? This situation is a problem for me. We 
need more speakers which can speak correctly. Don't get mad at me. I certainly 
do not want to offend anyone. I am sincere. I really like tlhIngan Hol. I just 
want to learn it correctly. We certainly need more Mark Okrand tapes. In order 
that we can learn correctly does anyone have any ideas which can help us? Can 
someone who knows Mark ask him to create more tapes for us?

BTW mu'tlheghmeywIjDaq Qaghmey tu' lu' 'e' vISov.  Dabelchugh vay' , 

reH taHjaj tlhIngan Hol!

bIjatlhnISchugh, tlhIngan Hol yIjatlh!
HovpoH 701330.8
Stardate 4231.1

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