tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 15 07:23:18 2004

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Re: headless {-bogh}?

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' SIvten:

>what is the {-bogh} in the following sentence referring to?
><Dajatlhbogh vIyajlaHbe'
>I find no match for what you just said. KCD

This crops up here from time to time, and it's a valid (and interesting) 

This is the only example of a possible truly headless relative clause that 
we have. Most believe that it refers to an elided {Doch}, an over-literal 
translation, or a combination of the two; I tend to think that an 
over-literal translation was the culprit here.

I sometimes wonder, though, whether an explicit pronoun can't itself be the 
head (and therefore the above is a usage of a normal agreement marker as a 
full pronoun, thus another elision). While I suspect that only nouns are 
possible, maybe someone more expert can clarify: Can explicit pronouns be 
the heads of relative clauses, or only true nouns?

However, this sentence wasn't even used in the final language lab, IIRC. In 
short, headless relatives are a rare beast in Klingon, if they do in fact 
exist at all. While they *appear* to be comprehensible to Standard-speakers, 
I steer well clear of them due to their rarity (as I said, this is the only 
example we have), and I'd generally advise others to do the same.


QeS lagh

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