tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 02 04:04:08 2004

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Re: tuj luSpetmey

Quvar ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 02.03.2004 03:26:06, schrieb "De'vID jonwI'" <[email protected]>:

>I had thought of this, but I wanted something that could be
>generalized to other exponents. 

you asked for squaring, not exponents.  ;-)

> For example, A^N might be

One thing I've learned on this list, is the following answer:

       We do not know it.

>multiplication, but of course I can't <-'egh> twice.  The other
>thing I didn't like about this idea is that <M> is repeated.

In Klingon, many words are repeated. It's not so bad as in english.

>and would be understood by a Klingon, given what we know of
>their mathematics.

it only works because it's nothing new. {M-logh boq'egh M} is just a standard multiplication, and 
mentions nothing about squaring and exponents.

>Now, would <N-logh M-logh boq'egh M> be understood as
><N x M x M> or would it be understood as <M^{N+1}> (i.e.

remember that this formula {B-logh boq'egh A} must be understood literally, "A allies with himself B 
times". you can't say {-logh} is "x" and go 
   {cha'logh vaghlogh Hutlogh boq'egh wa'} "2 x 5 x 9 x 1"

Well, perhaps we can, maybe not, I don't know.

>the <N-logh> applies to the <M-logh>)?  Or would it not be
>understood at all?

   {wejlogh cha'logh vIqIp}
   "I hit him twice three times" sounds strange

>problem is that I couldn't disambiguate between the surface
>area of a 3D object and its volume.

Ah! this "area" you mean... 
   {ghor mI'} "number of surface" might work for this, but then you certainly need to explain what it is 
supposed to mean, the literal meaning is nonsense.

Now a difficult task for all Klingonists and mathematicians out there:

    wa'logh boq'egh wa'; chen nuq??


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