tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 02 04:04:10 2004

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Re: MSN jabbI'ID labwI' lo'wI'pu'

Quvar ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 02.03.2004 06:05:20, schrieb "QeS lagh" <[email protected]>:

>tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHchu'be', 'ach tlhIngan Hol boghItlh boneHchugh 'ej 
>"Hotmail" bolo'chugh, jIHvaD jabbI'ID pelI'. 


*machtun* vIparmo' *QIntuj* vIpar 'ej 'oH vIlo'Qo'. *qanej* (ICQ) vIlo' jIH. tay'laH'a' mIwmeyvetlh?

><<wa'Hu' nIvnavwIjDaq mIl'oD vIbachpu'. 

You fired a bear into your pajamas?


The object of {bach} is the projectile:
   {pe'vIl mu'qaDmey tIbach}
   "curse well"
   lit. "shoot cureses forcefully" (TKW)

one "shoots AT a target" {DoSDaq bach}:
   {logh veQDaq bachchugh, yoH 'e' toblaHbe' SuvwI'.} 
   "Shooting space garbage is no test of a warrior's mettle"
   lit. "if he shoots a space-garbage" (ST5 or KGT)

Maybe it is, maybe not:
The cat-in-the-hat problem.

It's okay if you mean
   {wa'Hu' ; nIvnavwIjDaq ; mIl'oD vIleghpu'}
   in the pajamas, I saw the bear

but not if your read
   {wa'Hu' ; nIvnavwIjDaq mIl'oD ; vIleghpu'}
   I saw a "bear in pajamas"

So I'd say your whole sentence as 
  {wa'Hu' nIvnavwIj tuQbogh mIl'oDDaq jIbachpu'.}
  "yesterday I shot at a bear (who was) wearing my pajamas"

>chay' nIvnavwIj tuQ mIl'oD? 
>vISovbe'.>> - Groucho Marx

{jISovbe'} avoids any problems
[briefly: vI- only works using 'e', but that doesn't work with chay' - got it?]

>('ach vImughchu'be'; not mIl'oD legh Groucho Marx 'e' vISuDqu'. :D)

ghotvetlh vISovbe'. Hol vIbuS neH.

Maybe I've gone a bit into detail again, I just felt doing so this morning, so no offense. ;-)


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