tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 02 04:04:08 2004

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Re: law'/puS DIpvaD tam <'e'> je

Quvar ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 02.03.2004 03:16:24, schrieb "QeS lagh" <[email protected]>:

>I was not sure whether the comparative construction was technically a 
>sentence, since Dr Okrand explicitly mentions it as "bending the rules" in 
>his description in KGT.

Hm. I don't remember that, and I don't have kgt handy right now.
What I do remember is that it's possible to replace tha standard law'/puS comparison formula by two 
other opposite words, but I think this is just considered slang:

   {tlhIngan yoH Daj verengan yoH qetlh}
   "The Klingon is braver than the Ferengi."
   lit. "Klingon brave interesting, Ferengi brave dull"

>In English, "I think that X" is the same as "I believe that X" (hence the 

that really is the problem. I am working on a wiki page for this topic.

>In addition, I never try to translate English directly into Klingon. It's 
>dangerous and has caused many mistakes for me in the past. :D

majQa'. That means you're on the right track! batlh yIghojchu'taH.

Hovmey Davan.

> 'ej qatlho'qa', Quvar.

qay'be'. jIQIj 'e' vItIv. ghojlu' 'e' tIvlu' 'e' vItIv je.

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