tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 01 18:17:05 2004

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Re: law'/puS DIpvaD tam <'e'> je

QeS lagh ([email protected])

vIghItlhpu' jIH:

>??yuch wIb qaq law' HaQchor rurbogh yuch qaq puS 'e' vIHar
>"I think that pure chocolate is better than sweet chocolate"

jang Quvar:

>'e' refers to the previous sentence as a whole.
>So, your first sentence:
>    {yuch wIb qaq law' HaQchor rurbogh yuch qaq puS}
>and the second part:
>    {'e' vIHar}
>{yuch wIb qaq law' HaQchor rurbogh yuch qaq puS 'e' vIHar}
>It works.

qatlho'qu'. jIna'be'pu'. <<qIb lengwI' tlhIngan Hol>>Daq DeltaHvIS Okrand 
Qel, <<pabchu'be'>> jatlh.

I was not sure whether the comparative construction was technically a 
sentence, since Dr Okrand explicitly mentions it as "bending the rules" in 
his description in KGT.

ghItlhtaH Quvar:

>But you should think about {Har}, it means "believe", in the sense that 
>"you might believe it, but > I don't".

'e' vISov. <<X 'e' vIQub>>'e' ghoHpu' ghomvam. <<nIb'a' <<X 'e' vIQub>> 
DIvI' Hol "I think that X" je?>>'e' maja'chuq. ngugh maQoch, vaj lIw 'oHmeH 
<<'e' vIHar>> vIchup. DIvI' Hol lo'lu'chugh, nIbchu' "I think that X" "I 
believe that X" je. maQochlI' 'e' vIHar.

There was an argument on the list some time ago about whether <X 'e' vIQub> 
means the same as English "I think that X". No consensus was reached at that 
time, so I put forward the suggestion of substituting <'e' vIHar> instead. 
In English, "I think that X" is the same as "I believe that X" (hence the 
substitution), whereas I didn't see any agreement reached as to whether this 
was fine in Klingon.

qechmey vImugh 'e' vInID je. mu'mey vImugh not 'e' vInID. Qobqu' 'ej reH 
muQaghmoH. {{:)

In addition, I never try to translate English directly into Klingon. It's 
dangerous and has caused many mistakes for me in the past. :D

Savan, 'ej qatlho'qa', Quvar.

QeS lagh

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