tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 17 19:58:02 2004

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Direct quote of written statement

Dar'Qang ([email protected])

Do we have a specified way for quoting a written statement? The object of 
{ghItlh} seems to be the item written upon (i.e., {nav}).  I'm not 
completely sure about the object of {qon}, but my sense is that {mu'tlhegh 
vIqon} would be a valid usage, but not a direct quote of the thing written.

For purposes of a message on this list I could probably get away with using 
punctuation (i.e.  <<....>> vIqon or jIghItlh: <<....>> or the 
like).  However, we have a formally specified (Klingon) way to do direct 
quotes of spoken text using the verbs of saying without such 
punctuation.  I'm asking if something like that for written text has ever 
been defined by MO or worked out on the list here.

One possibility is to go ahead and use the verbs of saying for writing:

nav vIghItlh. jIjatlh .....

But I feel that I would be inventing an idiomatic usage for jatlh in so 
doing.  Also, could be confusion over whether I was saying something in 
conjunction with writing.

Otherwise, I'm thinking of doeing something like:

nav vIghItlh. mu'tlhegh vIqon. mu'tlheghvam jatlhlu'DI' jatlhlu' ........

In order to specify the content of a sentence that I wrote on paper.

qo''a'lIj DachenmoHtaH 

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