tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 21 16:30:57 2003

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Re: In Re "Expansion"...

ghItlh [email protected]:

>A friend got me a CD called "DUJ TVOQ TAH" (Actual spelling from the CD), by a band 
>called Kosmic Horroer, who I think are either German or Swedish or something along 
>those lines (German would make sense as it was the CD was bought at a convention in 
>Germany). I'm guessing they spelt it wrong (Especially with the old style writing from the 
>original Orthograthy. I'm guessing they actually intended the song to be called /Duj 
>tIvoqtaH/ but unfortunately the song is mostly incomprehensible, and any lyrics, if the 
>title is anything to go by, would be incorrect.

Yes, indeed, they are from Germany.
They started this idea to make a klingon song many years ago, then they forgot about it, and now they found their texts back. They 
didn't remember who had translated it, but it sounded good. Besides of that, they had no clue about klingon grammar, spelling or 
When listening to the song, you really don't understand a word, just the chorus can be recognized if you've read the title before. But it 
sounds very klingon!!

I happened to be at that convention, where this group was going to have a live performance. They needed a few klingons to stand 
proudly in the background, and I was just the right man on the right place on the right time :-)
They were lucky to meet me, because when I saw the title of the CD, I could not keep my mouth shut. We stayed in contact and - I'll 
keep it short - about five new klingon songs have been made already.

And this ime, you'll certainly understand what they sing!


PS. they are recording at this moment, I'll tell you as soon as it's finished.

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