tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 08:24:13 2003

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Re: Is the language too bound for its own good?

> the KLI and other participants should get together with 
> Paramount, and  Okrand, throw up a pow-wow so-to-speak, and come up
with a full 
> length motion  picture completely in tlhIngan Hol. 

*drops comic book long enough to scream* SWEET.
 Wonderful idea. In fact, why even bother writing a new script to start
with? I say that if one could get the rights to do this more than once,
then a logical starting place would be Hamlet. It already works as a
movie in every other language, it's got everything modern movie-goers
would want (sex, violence, explosions...well, maybe not *too* many
explosions), and the dialogue of the script is already complete, thanks
to the glorious work of the KLI and her translators! All that remains are
the visuals. ;-) It would be an intellectual excercise, but the name
alone would surely draw in people who don't even like klingon, the
language, or trek in the least. If it succeeds, then perhaps the KLI
could acquire the requisite funds to do ghIlghameS, etc. (If the
translators could keep up, we could almost do a "KLI Movie of the Week"
 Barring that, a "modern" movie, set after the end of DS9 (with Martok a
more competent Qang than Gowron) could be undertaked from a completely
klingon perspective. You could treat it as sci-fi's answer to Crouching
Tiger, Hidden Dragon (also none in Cantonese as "Greatest Freakin' GungFu
Film of All Time" lol). I mean, it'd hafta have betleH fights, meqleH
skirmishes...spear warfare...some space battles...lotsa explosions, and
more collateral damage than Godzilla. I'd pay $7 to see it. More than
once, actually.

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