tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 08:31:56 2003

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Re: Is the language too bound for its own good?

> What fun would it be to watch a movie of 
> significant  length and hear the true richness of the warrior tongue. 
> KLI could  look into the budget requirements and look to members,
friends, and 
> businesses  to invest and finance such a picture.  
 I'm sure much money could be saved if the talents of the members of the
KLI were tapped for this project. I know there are plenty of artists,
model-makers, poets, actors, etc, etc, etc, etc, who share a love of the
Warrior Tongue enough to be of some use. I, for one, can act, write,
build props, and do complete and full CGI sequences, all of which I'd be
willing to do for little, or nothing, in order to help a project of this
scope, and I know many more like me in that respect.
  To be brutally honest, if more than three people like this idea, then
the whole decision's up to Paramount. /If/ you could get the rights to
such a project, it *would* be done, and it *would* be done right.

> Who knows, it may even win an  academy  award for Best Foreign Film!
 This I do not doubt at all. }}}:-)
(p.s., look everybody! *closes one eye* Chang, *opens it and closes the
other* Martok...Chang...Martok...Chang...Marto--okay, that's my Wayne's
World reference of the day)

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